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>centralized Vivaldi networking
You chose this path

t. Cuck goy

I mean, it's important to stop the FCC, faggot.

If you are against Trump's policies you're a cuck

Trump has a policy on Net Neutrality that he is pushing? Funny I haven't heard any mention of it, I doubt he understands or will try to understand, and the FCC's policies have been detrimental to telecommunications innovation for as long as I've been paying attention.

Big companies like Comcast, ATT, etc have MASSIVE influence through financial contributions over the FCC, and are obviously going to try and get the rules re-written in a way that benefits them, regardless of how it affects everyone else.

Keep going libcuck. The FCC will win over your media funded bullshit

more regulation does not mean more freedom.

>ITT retards that will shill for policy that is clearly against every single consumer including them and invented just to line big corps pockets, just because Trump supports it
>calling others cucks

According to you ancap retards stopping factories from dumping waste into our rivers is the government interefering with the free market

webbrowsers should not be political. they should only be a tool for viewing websites

>anime poster is right

you retards should be ashamed of yourselves

Yeah why would a web browser support free internet usage for all, it's pretty pathetic. It's like they're using their popularity to further their dirty jew agenda.

Anime website, anime posters are always right

I'm so glad I'm not a brain-dead Burger, please support the FCC, I don't want to see you stupid fucks on the internet anymore either.

Good goy

Fuck off back to Sup Forums
Also Vivaldi is shite.

Sure I'll support treating ISPs as a utility when the policy is also tied to treating Facebook, google, twitter ext as utilities

it's just like water. You don't expect the government to have a warranty on the hose you bought to use the water, right?

By this analogy my computer is the hose and facebook is poison in the watershed

No. The internet is the water, and the websites are the spigot + hose combination. You can have water but without that hose and spigot you can't do anything with it. And I don't expect the government to regulate what spigot and hose combination I can use or if they will repair it. I do expect the water company to repair my water pipes if they burst, though.

why do you get to vote

>if you think for yourself, you're a cuck

>license: proprietary freeware
EXPLAIN THIS Sup Forums!!!!

"Vivaldi End User License Agreement". Vivaldi Technologies. 18 November 2016. "Subject to the terms and conditions herein, Vivaldi hereby grants You a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to install and use the Software and Services for its intended purpose. [...] Without limiting the foregoing, you are neither allowed to (a) adapt, alter, translate, embed into any other product or otherwise create derivative works of, or otherwise modify the Software ; (b) separate the component programs of the Software for use on different computers; (c) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Software, except as permitted by applicable law; or (d) remove, alter or obscure any proprietary notices on the Software or the applicable documentation therein."

>inb4 newfag links the "vivaldi source" Which isn't the full source and also a availible source isn't FOSS meaning to redistribute with changes.

Children will be children.

And here we see the typical leftist false flag of a trump supporter trying to make them look like the biggest cultists on the planet

Blah blah blah blah

That really doesn't have anything to do with the OP, although that's completely true and I find it obnoxious how Vivaldi users try to trick you into thinking it's free software just because it's open sores.

It unironically is. That alone doesn't make it good or bad, though.

>everything's a conspiracy!

Yes user, an extremely retarded opinion like how you're a cuck for disagreeing with trump isn't a false flag to make trump voters look bad.

lol wtf

>trump has literally done nothing good yet

You fucking idiot, look at what companies own the liberal media. THEY'RE FUCKING TELECOMS

I hope you get shot by a nigger. Not in the head, though. You'd probably survive with no brain damage.

>any criticism of Trump results in you getting extremely defensive and calling the other person a cuck
>but some guy openly saying that you're a cuck for disagreeing with Trump is a false flag

What's the difference? It's not a false flag if it's what you actually believe.

you should bait smarter, not harder

Trump is a kike faggot just like his daughter, now fuck off autist and go back to /r/the_donald

yeah it just doesn't make much sense.

why would the liberal media simultaneously support net neutrality while obviously benefiting from the removal of net neutrality?

What exactly is the benefit of removing current neutrality rules?

Quit saying everything retarded Trump supporters and neo Nazis do is a false flag.

that's like saying if a bill was being passed to limit the kinds shows that you can on TV, a popular television channel shouldn't support the effort against it and only show you TV shows

That's right americucks, let the FCC kill NN. Then all of your precious online services will begin migrating north and creating a new tech haven in glorious Canada

its so obvious how badly the left wants to censor the internet because they're losing the online sphere. I'm so thankful hillary didn't win because I wouldn't be able to post this right now. Sup Forums would be dead due to hate speech or cyber bullying laws.

Not the full source newfag.
Also read the TOS.


you realize it's Trump that wants to pass this, right?

Brain dead trump tards literally support P. Ajit.

>why would the liberal media simultaneously support net neutrality

The big ones don't, though. MSNBC has been caught misrepresenting net neutrality, even though the hosts were fully aware of the issue. MSNBC is owned by Comcast.

Pass the bill to nullify "Network Neutrality". Yes, I know.

Net neutrality has literally nothing to do with censorship of any kind. In fact, removing net neutrality could potentially lead to censorship, since companies could throttle or restrict access to websites they don't like.

Go back to until you're smart enough to join a tech discussion on Sup Forums.

Is Pajeet Ajit an Indian-Australian?

>hur durr go back to Sup Forums

Is that the only argument you tards can ever come up with? I've been on Sup Forums since 08.

wheeler is a cable guy
pai is a mobile guy

the world is gonna suck when the only infrastructure improvements are on wireless and they have already established pay for bandwidth and priority services/anti-neutrality practices.

Libtards have done this with their non-stop media barrage of anti-Trump shit. This sort of shit is leaking into everything, its depressing.

I was more Bernie leaning, but we really can't have effective socialism where 3rd world savages can pour in for gibs.

ib4 "buh buh buh some one on Fox News said something bad about Obama, so thats the equivalent of ever late night show being an Anti-Trump campaign add for 4 years.."

It's not guys. No one is able to enjoy and relax after a hard day of work, some kind of shabbos goy trying to rile you up before bed.

It sucks.

You're a false flag

Implying whatever dumfuckastan country you're in isn't 10x as bad, had to ben that butter knife lately lad?


Why would you be on their front page if you already have the browser installed?

why do they have to fuck with something that just works

>Is that the only argument you tards can ever come up with?

You don't actually understand what net neutrality is, and you keep spouting shit about "the left" censoring the internet. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and considering the FCC has been actively recruiting anti-net neutrality shills, yes, you do have to go back to Sup Forums. You haven't been on Sup Forums since 2008, you lying sack of shit.

I'm just telling you...

The guys who saved you last time are now crypting so much they don't have to care.

so they can have the regulatory framework laid to restrict internet with additional laws. Government is the one notorious for internet censorship online. Very rarely is it private business independently doing it.

you probably think its actually about being neutral like the patriot act. Or you know its not and intentionally mislead people so you can ram through your agenda to censor online.

Wrong board shit stain. All hero worship of president baby hands is taking place on Sup Forums


2005 - Madison River Communications was blocking VOIP services. The FCC put a stop to it.

2005 - Comcast was denying access to p2p services without notifying customers.

2007-2009 - AT&T was having Skype and other VOIPs blocked because they didn't like there was competition for their cellphones.

2011 - MetroPCS tried to block all streaming except youtube. (edit: they actually sued the FCC over this)

2011-2013, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon were blocking access to Google Wallet because it competed with their bullshit. edit: this one happened literally months after the trio were busted collaborating with Google to block apps from the android marketplace

2012, Verizon was demanding google block tethering apps on android because it let owners avoid their $20 tethering fee. This was despite guaranteeing they wouldn't do that as part of a winning bid on an airwaves auction. (edit: they were fined $1.25million over this)

2012, AT&T - tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money.

2013, Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place.

I said rarely not never. You want to go through the list of government internet censorship throughout the world? its not pretty

Net neutrality simply means ISPs must treat data the same. When I visit Sup Forums and you visit reddit, ISPs are not allowed to throttle my bandwidth because they don't like Sup Forums.

That's what the fuck it is, you stupid cunt.

>2012, AT&T - tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money.
was facetime using so much bandwidth that they had to do that?

Removing net neutrality doesn't stop the government from censoring the internet.

Brain dead republitards will defend this.

Why are you so angry? Thats not what it is. It's about changing the classification of ISP so they can regulate it more and you can get your ilk to remove toxic "hate speech" because you can't compete in the free market of ideas. What you talk about is the rhetoric.

good thing I live in america then

You're love of trying to frame people who disagree with you as someone engaged in "hero worship of president baby hand" needs to get the fuck out of life

like seriously man, eat a bullet

no one cares about your crusade to save beaners

that is EXACTLY what it is
and im not even user

Nothing will ever stop goverment censorship you brainlet. The purpose of net neutrality is to prevent corporate backed censorship. If you had an IQ higher than the outside temperature you wouldn't need this explained to you.

>Implying whatever dumfuckastan country you're in isn't 10x as bad, had to ben that butter knife lately lad?
None of that made any sense

all the NSA companies back NN they want to create a safe space for you snowflakes.

Thats how they pass Internet Censorship in America they get you ignorant leftist to vote your rights away under the guise of good intentions.

If you have a problem with the waste being dumped there you should speak up and convince people to stop supporting that company. Regulation is only needed to coddle the weak.

you really did go full retard
where you even paying attention when wheeler was running the FCC?

I've been following NN for a long time so yes. I've commented on the proposals after reading them.

>wanting the internet to NOT be censored by jews is a bad thing

>ITT retards that will shill for policy that is clearly against every single consumer including them and invented just to line big corps pockets, because ancap retards exist
there, fixed it for you.

If you think the FCC should exist, or that limiting what sites users are allowed to go on, you are a genuine internet cuck. Probably the kind of person who thinks its reasonable for the NSA to watch everything you do because "muh orwell won't never happen, durr"

>NN thread about how corporations are literally using the FCC to enforce their communist policies and stop any policy that promotes freedom
>m-muh spics

It wasn't, however it was eating their own VoIP and videoconference products

I bet they were shitty

As I fucking said, net neutrality does fuck all for government censorship. You idiot. If there was no net neutrality, please tell me how it would stop the NSA mass surveillance program. Fucking tell me. You really are a shill, aren't you?

This is literally what thinks
If it's Trump then it's right, and the Jews have always been good and the greatest allies
Literally can't make this shit up

Net neutralita came out like 3 years ago snd what has changed exactly? Last time i checked i am still getting cucked hard by every big tech company like i was before net neutrality. Its a shit law and obama is a nigger so we may as well get rid of it to give him a big fuck you from a white man

NN never went into effect dumb americuck
It was about to go into effect, but Comcast Pajeet got info the FCC and hurried to kill it

>It's about changing the classification of ISP so

... so they have to treat all data the same. I'm angry because you're misrepresenting net neutrality entirely, and you're coming across as a stupid cunt.

first of all we have guns so the orwellian dystopia wont happen thats what it means to be an american. secondly the fcc should exist and if companies like fb and google shouldnt be allowed to use isp lines to shill their agenda but block other agendas. you're the cuck for bending over backwards to (((zuckerburg)))

>Jews have always been good and the greatest allies
you serious?

>republitard talking about someone voting their rights away


What amazes me about this is how stupid the Sup Forumslacks really are. Net neutrality isn't about censorship. It's about forcing ISPs to ignore the content of what they're sending. Someone already explained it. We have evidence that it does stop companies from trying to fuck us over. By the way, Sup Forumslocks, Hillary would be trying to kill net neutrality too.

Oh good, then shutting it down wont be a big deal

>replying to (((jew)))

>convince people to stop supporting that company

That only works if the company is located only in that area, otherwise they don't give a fuck

>first of all we have guns
hey, notice all the shootings in areas with no cun restrictions? that were totally not rigged? lets censor guns, no guns allowed , for your safety ofc :^)

i will admit i don't know what the fcc is, mind telling me since i refuse to use jewgle and look it up?

tbf obongo did nothing right. every single bill that he wanted to pass or did pass only took away power from us and gave it to (((them))) and the minorities. if trump is undoing things that obama did then thats fine by me.

You just want to debate the rhetoric not the actual regulation.

You shills are so obvious with how hostile you always and accusing of shilling first. projection. NSA capturing of data is something else entirely thats not censorship its invasion of privacy and NN does nothing to stop it.

This. Worship God Emperor or die like the rest of SJW shitskins.