Why is Spain in such a severe crisis? How bad is it actually?

Why is Spain in such a severe crisis? How bad is it actually?

To be honest, not having a government is probably better than having a bad one. Spaniards are just enjoying the tourist season now that the middle east is off limits, and there is no real need for a united government.
Also, Spain really does have a terrible voting system that leads to these problems

>Why is Spain in such a severe crisis?
ask your government or europe union, i prefer alianza del pacifico ,mercosur or NAFTA than europe union

>alianza del pacifico

future super power right here

Because of the evil germans. Stay safe, m8.

Yessss, come back to your colonies Spain, you belong here, with uussssss

Forcing you into austerity was a questionable decision, but otherwise, you made your economy by yourselves.

Not every Spaniard benefits from tourism, sadly. There are also landlocked regions.

Speaking of which, how is life like in Guatemala?
B-but why? ;__; I liek Spian. (And Griece)

Reconquista of Spain when?

because all spanish youth wants to be a Jewtuber/internet celebrity instead of doing actual jobs,

Are you greek?

They can move to Mexico for jobs

They could learn a thing from you

I can't complain, but it is proper 3rd world, if you get my meaning. The top 10% can live decently enough (imagine a lower-middle class american family, punctuated by genuine rich people ), but half of the country is practically dirt floor shacks and hunger. There is no real unity or united culture, and lots of racism is still around, even amongst minorities.
Beautiful country though!!

no room for them,we're full

all the spots are already taken by Chinese and Japanese.

What else could I be?
>I can't complain
>dirt floor shacks and hunger

Do you mean you are used to it, or are you one of the upper class?

>Yessss, come back to your colonies Spain, you belong here, with uussssss
i want too, but we are fucked by germans, but spanish america is growing fast, now is your time son,not us.

>They can move to Mexico for jobs
we are doing

Corruption and EU (Germany)

It has already begun.
This is just the beginning.

It's not that bad actually. Signs of recovery are already there.

t. Greek that will go study for a masters degree in Cataluña with a grant next semester.

Arent we simply scapegoats?

You created a housing bubble and unsustainable spending; we didnt.

Well yeah, I am basically a white south african. I am embarrassed of my heritage, but I am also proud. It is weird. But I would not live anywhere else!

What about the whole euro deal? That fucked the spanish people more than any bubble could do. In fact, it's what made the bubble so bad.

>But I would not live anywhere else!

How comes? Living in dirt must be depressing. Maybe we Central Europeans have other priorities.

Explain how. Whether your bubble happens in Euro or in Peseta or in Bitcoin, it fuctions the same way.

But we would take you back with open arms! Most of your colonies are still proud of their heritage. Mejor ser cabeza de raton, que cola de leon!

You mean the province of Mexico.

I hope you have a nice stay here, Papadopoulos. What uni? I suppose you'll be in Barcelona?

too far away, before a mex set foot on España there will be millions of muslims waiting on the beaches

Interesting how the demographic shift is almost entirely coming from Hispanics

How come blacks don't have a particularly high birthrate? Usually poorfags shit out babies like nobody's business

No because with Peseta Spain goes to shit (way worst than what we've seen) with massive inflation for a small time and then economy stabilizes again. With the euro this cannot happen.

we created a fucking housing bubble because europe union (germany) kicked out spanish industry when spain joined in europe union.

you kicked out your competitors and now spain has a structural unemployment

i work for spanish government and we know about this.

Blacks have massive murder rates and also there's almost no black immigration in the USA.

shhhiiiiieeet manolo, no, go away we're full

Well, I am one of the lucky ones I guess. I make American Minimum wage, and am in the top 2% of the country because of it. I have an apartment, a car, and I can travel. My family has been here since the 1700s, so I guess I belong here. Also, Central Europe is one of the most beautiful places on earth! Your priorities are fine.

The eternal german

it seems so, thus far both Sup Forums and Sup Forums euros (the southern ones though) blame you for what is curently going on in their countries (and that you ruined europe 4 times in a row).

Come to America, Padre, your destiny lies beyond the sea!

>ship crashes
>blame the captain
>muh scapegoat!

I'm only interested in Mexico and Perú and they're too dangerous.

Also Cuba but it's a poor place.

Yeah, but you would be the only hot chick in a sea of uglies. Big fish, small pond etc.

She's qt, would roleplay as a conquistador with

Perú is not really dangerous, well not dangerous by latin american standards since Spain is one of the safest countries in the world, I believe. They are just poor.

we emigrated to mexico when franco era. is the fact

spaniards are jews and modern spain is about which jews can steal the most

thank god I was born in god's garden, Durango

I insist that Uruguay could pass as a boring Spanish province with bad teeth. For Latin America, that is as good as it gets.

How can an industry be "kicked out"?

>i work for spanish government and we know about this.
Then why are there no recommendations to leave the European Union?

I guess that would
a.) further lower your credit ratings
b.) weaken your currency to a high extent, lowering your buying power
c.) make you lose all the non-economic benefits of the European Union

Yeah, it is not the best time to be a German on the internet. But then, that is truly a First World problem, whilst the youth of Spain has worse problems.

>go to Perú because mexican says it's not dangerous
>get killed, raped and mutilated by Sendero Luminoso

I'll pass thanks, even though I know I would enjoy the part of the trip before the mortal abduction by maoist guerrillas.

>Arent we simply scapegoats?

Not as much as you think. The German banks (and German invesotrs as a general fact) invested insane amounts of monies in Spain and massively fed the bubble, so they're a significant part of the problem too.

Plus try to force austerity at all costs is an insane politic, especially coming from a country that entirely geared its economy towards exportation. Trying to destroy those who buy your stuff just makes no sense.

And that 43% will mostly be old people.

But that's what makes it boring. Uruguay is lame, uruguayans here are just spaniards with funny accents... so basically spaniards from another region.

Literally the only reason I would move to Uruguay is food.

At least three of my great grandfathers and their families came from there when they were kids, or right about when they were going to be born.

CHI, honestly we have jew sephardic blood, not bad .

here in castile lived jews and catholics

>Trying to destroy those who buy your stuff just makes no sense.
it makes sense if they buy your stuff instead of producing their own

but then, that reaches conspiracy theory levels. i guess it was simply an unfortunate turn of events for everyone.

about austerity, it is widely debated in economic theory whether that is the right policy ... most countries that went through this bitter medicine recovered - greece is the only one that fails to do so.

But Spaniard food is one of the best foods in the world... pretty much every country here shares several dishes with you, and for that I'm eternally grateful.

And Uruguayan food is just blander Argentine fare.
How can Uruguay be the most successful Latin country, and still be so boring?

>The German banks (and German invesotrs as a general fact) invested insane amounts of monies in Spain and massively fed the bubble,

We also invested a lot in Greece, so did your banks, and so did Britain. And?

>(and that you ruined europe 4 times in a row).

That true must be hurtful for a german

I have only seen one Guatamalan irl. What do Guatemalans think of us?

Was the independence from Spain worth?

the more boring a country is, the more successful it is.

prove me wrong.

True, but you only appreciate it when you travel to bland european countries. Latin americans in general have good or at least interesting cuisine so it's ok, you can live without some dishes for quite a while.

>Then why are there no recommendations to leave the European Union?
check spanish debt, is technically impossible although is the best choice for spain.

It's true

Pretty much Reggaeton, black people, and dancing sexy ladies. I have only met one Dominican, and besides saying "chico" every 3 words, and speaking faster than any human I have ever met, he was a cool dude. What do Dominicans think of us?

Why? Would you be forced to repay the debt in jewros, whilst having a weak-ass own currency?

No, not even a little. La patria del Criollo be damned, la Candida Erendira needed a pimp

Answers for Spain here:


given all the shit we've had to cope with over the years and the imbecils we've got as "representatives", i realize it was a mistake, i'd personally choke to death those fucking criollos if i could, those bastards were like: mUH influence, fucking peninsulares, they think we not worthy n shiiieett and chimped out, fucking pricks they should have tried to make nueva españa even greater (frogs were messing with you at that time, sigh* ).

>Plus try to force austerity at all costs is an insane politic, especially coming from a country that entirely geared its economy towards exportation. Trying to destroy those who buy your stuff just makes no sense.
Germany wants spanish engineers(obviously they want) and they try to force spanish immigration to there.
i wish they don't go to there , maybe USA,Mexico,Argentina,France etc.

Would you agree that the mentality and short-mindedness of your people prevent economic prosperity in countries like yours?

Or is it the fault of its leaders and how the global markets work?


Great factions of the independentists fought in the name of Ferdinand VII and against the French. We even offered him the crown of Mexico after everything was over. That, or a commonwealth. But he decided to nullify the cadiz costitution and restore the agressive Bourbon reforms to then reconquer us by force.

Do you have any proof for these claims? Because we have more than enough of our own engineers.
It means that Southern Europeans prefer our goods and they cost less and/or are objectively better. It is not like we are robbing them.

Like cowards they acted, and so their countries ended.

>Ferdinand VII
Literally the worst king Spain ever had.


And as I said, you can hardly play the victim as if you're the one with the moral high ground when you're a part of the problem, even if you're not the only culprit (and yeah, the main culprits are still the Spanish banks - in which foreign banks invested a lot too).

Both. We were founded with a deep, structural need to be exploited by an external power. We are barely a country. We have been Balkanizing for the past 200 hundred years, and will probably continue to do so until CA has more countries than SA. Honestly, if Mexico would annex us, it would be for the best.
That is just my opinion, though

I've heard they're starting to recover

Ferdinand was a fucking retard. I hope he died realizing how fucking stupid he was.

it's a bit of both actually, in our countries socialist bullshit spread like wildfire (in some it reaches levels of insanity like in venezuela).

Because memes are just memes.

Our murder rate is like 4.5 (iirc) per 100,000. Even if that was 100% black on black, it would be a tint fraction of the black population dying off. And we actually are starting to see a bit of immigration from Africa.

>Because we have more than enough of our own engineers.
you need more mate,literally you are industrial country and Germany needs them. germans recruiters come to spanish universities for example .

fucking kek

The increase is high, but I doubt the absolute numbers are that impressive

Spanish banks borrowed money from german and french banks to fuel the bubble and they bet on Spain because they knew the existence of the eurozone would prevent a spanish bankruptcy. It was a win/win situation for them while spanish people borrowed that money to buy houses like there was no tomorrow. The funny thing is that during that period the spanish central bank was more concerned about the high salaries and pensions than about the spanish banks going full retard.

>Explain how. Whether your bubble happens in Euro or in Peseta or in Bitcoin, it fuctions the same way.
He probably means that the euro is too god damn high for Spain's economy and he's perfectly right about it. Since it's germans that control it we can't devaluate it because it would hurt the german economy, that needs a strong currency.

Basically a strong euro benefits Germany and the gibsmedats countries such a Poland while dragging Spain, France, Italy and Portugal down. France and Italy are paying biggest tribute though, we're paying for both germans foolishness and for eastern crapsuckers.

Absolutely, but it's enough that I've met a fair amount of Africans from Africa at college.

>Since it's germans that control it we can't devaluate it because it would hurt the german economy, that needs a strong currency.

It is the exact opposite. The weakening of the Euro is the best thing to happen to Germany, as it has far less trouble competing with Asia now.

>The weakening of the Euro is the best thing to happen to Germany, as it has far less trouble competing with Asia now.
pic related
your exports are going to euro zone

i forgot

If they go to other Euro countries, it makes no difference whether the Euro is weak or strong, right?

Whenever exports go to non-Euro countries like Great Britain, we make more profits with a weak Euro. If a Pound is worth less Euros, we get more Euros for each Pound the Brits spend.

Every export nation in the World tries to keep its currency as weak as possible for these causes.

Lets assume the scenario where a Dollar is worth 50.000 Euro. Then we could let an engineer with a yearly salary 50,000 Euro make a product for an American client that costs him only 1 Dollar. That would make every American forsake his own products and buy ours.

Get it now?

Its all your fault, nice bait btw

because before the evil germs came, your country was a paradise of peace and prosperity. and it could be to this day. but we absolutely had to come and do ... our evil things and stuff.

You helped Franco, you nazi piece of shit.

Hey guys I'm in Albacete right now, where do I get some weed?

ask to the local gypsies, if you are a tourist be careful

Ask locals not 4chiners autists


Would rather not deal with gitanos if possible, as I'm super white and look like a total tourist
