So how is the mac still better than the average computer again Sup Forums?

so how is the mac still better than the average computer again Sup Forums?

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It's not it's just prettier.

More dongles


The world's most user-friendly UNIX runs on it.

Now you can put regular M2 SSDs in macbooks so he can probably ditch the ext drive if he wanted to (he's probably stuck with 128GB or something)

How did they go from far right to everything else?

I mean just look at the fucking bezel
How the fuck does a bezel get WORSE over the years?

waow there's like two thousand dollars there! What a richfag!

that is what happens when you buy a computer without assessing your needs.

i use my usb c only mbp at work perfectly fine because I have usb c peripherals (aka I spent the few $ buying new cables where necessary so I don't need to have dongles hanging off my shit)

My mom made stew last night and additional carrots and celery.

OSX is not UNIX.

I use a MBP with USB-C paired with a USB-C monitor.

I get clean aesthetics (charging and display via USB-C) and a friendly UNIX platform.

XNU literally means XNU's Not Unix

Its not but some people like to cripple them self for no reason, its a symptom of our era, the most important thing is not the results of a certain tool but the tool it self. Everyone does it, windows user that shit on linux and linux users that cripple them self using shit distros.
For the actual one phrase post from op and low very well executed bait i would say that you shouldn't bother exploring the reasons for certain things, that's a postmodernism thinking and it will only hurt you not empower you. Instead you should take a constructive approach and show the rest of the world how your tool outperform memes.

please maintain some dignity and always use the same hand on every photo


Apple needs to make a new iBook. The aluminium look is old as hell

Yes, that looks very pretty

That's a lie but whatever

he stole that idea

I did that 2 years ago with an asus

X is not Unix
Not xnu is not Unix

it's modular.

It doesn't matter how many times you shit in the street, nothing will ever change the fact that fagOS will never be unix.

wow thats a nifty hack to keep all of your accessories organized while on the go

Every OS X version since Mac OS X 10.5 on Intel is UNIX.

It's not Unix, it's UNIX.

>"I literally have no idea what I'm talking about"


unix fags are the same as gnu/linux fags, I see

That is a good idea, but sorry to say ideas can't be stolen; they can only be shared.

Apple must have had the thought to integrate more features by now. I feel bad for this guy.

>will never be unix.
>GNU stands for GNU is NOT UNIX
>XNU stands for the same

It apears to me that nobody even wants to be unix.

It's not. But it's somewhat good PC which is used by the huge number of people(I'm talking about the exactly the same config), so chances are someone already have an answer for your hardware-specific question.

>caring about 1994 when Novell owned UNIX and not ATT.


If Steve jobs could see this he'd be furious. You didnt need all these dongles when he was in charge

Neetbux is awesome.


on the left : nothing can change
on the right: add 256TB of RAM and 768PB of HDD whenever.

Also be able to disable webcam and enjoy a faggottry-free keyboard and mouse.

Oh, and if anything breaks, no need to throw 2000 bucks down the shitter to get a new working one.



>unruly design
>exposed ssd card
iToddlers will defend this

>ssd card

>Hey, user. Welcome to the company :^) this is our new open office concept.

*does a 360 and walks away*

A 360 would just put you back inside, don’t you mean 180

Look up "meme" in Wikipedia.

does anyone ahve the picture of a thinkpad with all that stuff stuck to the back?

If you perform the 360 fast enough, you can manage a 540 in total.
If you do your 360's very, very slowly, they can definately be 180's as well.

Not any prettier than a Dell XPS desu

Blatantly flase

I guess you don't know what the XPS looks like

I've seen them shilled here enough to know all too well what they look like

It actually does, in a dystopian Mad Max kind of way.

Just stop with the faggot hand forced meme.
