If i lived in USA instead of Colombia, a literal 3rd world narcoguerrilla wasteland, i would

If i lived in USA instead of Colombia, a literal 3rd world narcoguerrilla wasteland, i would
>spend 17 times more in healthcare
>3 times more likely to be in prison
>20% more likely to have AIDS
And they have the nerve to call themselves "first world"?

yeah but at least you wouldnt be mexican anymore


You'd be 3 times more likely to be in prison because the USA actually lock their criminals up rather than just doing nothing and letting them run free

Doesn't matter because you brown motherfuckers will try to move here anyway

then stay there

>at least you wouldnt be mexican anymore
user, acerca de eso...

You're right, we're a shithole.

Everyone should stay out.

>user, tacos de tacos...

this is why we need trump

Our Healthcare system is shit

Our prison system is shit

Our sex education is shit

Any more questions?

are we bottom of first world?


construir muro xDxD

Why is it like that?

I hope he was shot by a firing squad for this crime.

How is Colombia? I just started watching Narcos and it looks pretty based actually.

>spend 17 times more in healthcare
Your healthcare is cheap and shitty. Ours is good but expensive. I'm sure they spend less on healthcare in Sierra Leone or Papua New Guinea too.
times more likely to be in prison
Yes, we actually lock up criminals and drug traffickers instead of them running our country for 20 years, Pablo.
% more likely to have AIDS
This is true, but an American with AIDS probably still has a higher life expectancy than the average Colombian coke farmer.

Can you mail me a brick of yayo?

I wouldn't want to go to the US but it's the only place where I would find guaranteed subjobs

And everyone would like you once they realize your not just another Mexican.


Your prison system is ridiculous though.
Stupidly harsh sentences, usually 2 or 3 times what it would be in the UK and usually with less chance of parole or early release.
"Felonies' for basically everything.which has contributed to the highest incarceration rate in the world.
3rd world tier prisons with gangs
Your freedom is very fragile.

Comfy country actually desu.

>Your healthcare is cheap and shitty.
Only the public healthcare, you can always opt in for private and get a good service.

>Yes, we actually lock up criminals and drug traffickers instead of them running our country for 20 years, Pablo.
>implying criminals don't run and won't run your country.

>This is true, but an American with AIDS probably still has a higher life expectancy than the average Colombian coke farmer.
Coke farmers no longer get their fields gassed with poison, so they probably have a comfortable life atm.

el chicANO

The judges often do a quick visual test to determine whether you really need such a harsh sentence.