Is he white?

Is he white?

Why wouldn't he be? I know Germans who look like that.

>inb4 he has brown eyes and hair hes not white
If thats the case then 60 percent of europe isnt white.

Sure, looks like a mix between me and my brother

I have blue eyes and brown hair and people on here and Sup Forums tell me I'm not white.

>inb4 t. Alberto Barbosa
I'm an American on vacation.


Without memes, I wouldn't consider him white. He has black hair and brown eyes. Black hair. I don't consider that white. I don't consider Hummels white either and he's fully German.

what even matters when you're that good looking?

I dont know dude, look at the lignaments. Look at the nose. Does he look more like a white or a negro?

His hair is dark brown, not black.

What a retard, honestly the world is better off without the likes of you.

And I know who you are, you're an Arabic diaspora faggot who knows he's not white so he wants to try and drag every white person who isn't blonde hair and blue eyed to his patheitc level

He looks in between. Look at those hairy brows.
Why are you so mad? Let me guess, you're from the South of Italy? You have some of the Middle-Eastern temperament, getting mad at nothing.

The only Europeans I've known with truly black hair have been Irish, British, and slav.


Slav have Mongol influence

Irish/Brits I don't know. Some Iberians have black hair. Xavi for example. I don't really consider him white. He wouldn't be out of place as far as Iran.

He and Ronaldo are about as dark as people get here. Most Iberians have light skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. Though blue/green eyes aren't rare at all.

what an albino white looks like?



Is she white ?

%10000 greek look

he look like turk


do you like my turk disguise?


Despite having brown eyes and hairs, how do you explain ?

She does not look like a hairy turk, kaka does

is she white?

is he white?


what made him not white?

yes, but more importantly, he is handsome