Jesus Christ Sup Forums. It's been 5 years since the infamous FUCK NVIDIA rant by Linus Torvalds...

Jesus Christ Sup Forums. It's been 5 years since the infamous FUCK NVIDIA rant by Linus Torvalds, and at this point I think he only made them angry.

I can't get shit to work on any rolling distro with Nvidia proprietary drivers because even the smallest of update to kernel will cause the system to go black screen after reboot, after which it's pretty much fucked. And their open source drivers are so much garbage at this point, I think ATI had better Linux drivers in 2003.

How do we fix this shit? Should we ask Linus to apologize?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nvidia doesn't support rolling releases.

The most stable Nvidia experience I have is with OpenSuse and their (Suse-official)Nvidia Proprietary Driver Repo, i've never seen breakage.

But then again since you're a rollingfag you probably can't stomach running a slightly older kernel even if it has a shit load of stuff backported.

>How do we fix this shit? Should we ask Linus to apologize?

boycott nvidia products until they open source their shit

>Rolling release
>Bitching about driver stability.

well, it's not about running slightly older kernel. i'm kinda used to update the entire system every now and then, kernel included. frankly, it's incredible how far the whole rolling concept have come in the past decade. i haven't seen anything breaking for years and i use a lot of stuff on all of my machines

doesn't break with amd open source drivers, arch, gentoo and manjaro are stable as fuck and have been for years now

That's because the open source drivers are in-kernel and account for breakage, while Nvidia's drivers ARE NOT IN-KERNEL


We need gaymur fags to stop feeding nvidia cash so they stop being fuckheads.

I'm using ubuntu LTS and the nvidia drivers works just fine.

GTX 660 here running linux mint

I think the solution is to use outdated nvidia hardware that's in common usage by enough linux autists that it actually gets a modicum of effort put into supporting it

Anyways I'm moving to AMD as soon as possible. Fuck nvidia

>I can't get shit to work on any rolling distro with Nvidia proprietary drivers because even the smallest of update to kernel will cause the system to go black screen after reboot
You have to install the package that compiles the binaries for whatever version the kernal is that you installed
Forgot what package that was desu


Use a nvidia-dkms package retard. The nvidia module needs to be rebuilt every time you update the kernel.

user I don't think you understand the context of his "fuck NVidia". I suggest you go watch the talk and pay attention.(hint it had NOTHING to do with desktop drivers)

>hint it had NOTHING to do with desktop drivers

>boycott nvidia products until they open source their shit
But then I would have to buy amd gpus.

what's wrong with that?

Are you one of those people who actually gives a shit about 10% differences in performance between brands? I could see where people like that come from if it was something significant, but considering AMD works on linux and nvidia just flat out doesn't, AND amd is cheaper for virtually the same performance, AND you don't get all the geforce experience bullshit with AMD, why on earth would you get nvidia?

It's just a laundry list of problems with nvidia. I'll stick with AMD even if it means I get 5fps less in whatever videogame.

or if you're anyone looking for stable and fast virtualization on ryzen/tr. In that case you need the latest kernel.

>t. Amdfag running using xen

>Are you one of those people who actually gives a shit about 10% differences in performance between brands?
Even if that arbitrary number was correct 10% still makes a huge difference in gpus.
>nvidia just flat out doesn't
I must be one of the lucky ones who has a working nvidia card in linux.
>amd is cheaper for virtually the same performance
If this was true than there would be no point in buying an nvidia card.
>you don't get all the geforce experience bullshit with AMD
I don't even get the "geforce experience bullshit" with nvidia though
>why on earth would you get nvidia
Price, performance, compatibility with software including my OS which is in fact linux.
>It's just a laundry list of problems with nvidia
Really, but I haven't encountered even the ones that you have listed.

I don't knwo what kind of game that you're playing here, so I'm just going to leave.

Works on my machine.

Arch user btw.

Turns out my 280x is a cursed card. I'll be going with Nvidia next time around. I don't have to spend extra money just because AMD can't manage steady performance with their GPUs.

Fresh new hardware always takes a bit to be supported, that can't be helped.

Fuck off J*nsen.

the absolute state of nu/g/


Fuck off J*nsen.

>Rolling release
On Arch Linux I use the nvidia-dkms package and don't have this problem.

>not using the lts kernel
what did you expect?

>Fuck off J*nsen.
lel typical.

>but considering AMD works on linux and nvidia just flat out doesn't

Isn't it vice versa?


This. Linux team does not care about compatibility at all in that regard.

>haven't seen anything breaking for years
I realised the last few weeks that the rolling release users here are simple point & click internet browsing hobbyists who probably use windows when they are working.
I was in a research group where we were accelerating en/decoding mpeg for some s.d.r. systems, along with wifi and so on, on gpus using cuda.
Our cuda machine was tumbleweed and except from the fact that the daily upgrade was several gigs, the cuda configuration broke one every 2 weeks depending due to kernel upgrade.
Everything had to be reconfigured and drivers built from ground up for the new kernel that broke the X or the driver.
Why we used a rolling release as a test bed is not of your concern, but the fact that you claim years of stability on rolling releases when in fact something breaks almost everyday is preposterous.
Even debian testing had a problem last weeks when moving from the stretch kernel 4.9 to the sid one 4.13, and novidia's dependancies just stripped machines from xserver and every mesa library.
The years of stability is valid _only_ for the mainlined drivers, tnx amd.

Solus just werx on 4.13 kernel


used DKMS for years and never, ever ran into issue

>even the smallest of update to kernel will cause the system to go black screen after reboot

>using a server OS on your desktop

servers don't need display

loonux fags btfo

suicide watch

properity nvidia is only working stable and well sadly only on ubuntu / debian.
Every single time i try other it shit itselfs.
Free drivers in nvidia sucks ass, when i had 7970 i even played in MESA. With floss nvidia i can't sometimes boot

Linus needs to finish his compiler.

Yeah I always read that Nvidia was gold on Linux, I haven't had any problem with mine, and also I always saw people complaining about some catalyst bullshit.