/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
&& /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


first for busybox>gnu coreutils

windows is a gnu

Install GuixSD

Are you posting on this thread with busybox right now?


Ah, I fucked up the code.

ctrl_interface=DIR=var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

# The following I added:
pairwise=CCMP TKIP

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet dhcp

allow-hotplug wlan0
auto wlan0

iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid "Your Network SSID"
wpa-psk "Your Password"

And to reiterate for readibility:
The usb wifi seems to work, but it can't connect to my homework. At the desktop, it recognizes my home network, but says it can't connect because the network is encrypted, and that I must enter the encryption key. I assume this is just the password, but when I type that in, nothing happens. What do?

Delete your other post.

Well, people have been long known to connect totalitarian regimes, full of state, capital and classes, with communism.
So, the simple answer is because people have absolutely no idea what the word communism means. We can thank the relentless propaganda done by the United States during the cold war for that.

Posts like illustrate well this point.

$ awk 'BEGIN { printf "%d\n", 10240000000000/1024 }'

$ busybox awk 'BEGIN { printf "%d\n", 10240000000000/1024 }'

The fact that you're even indulging in this Sup Forums-tier conversation and giving it dignity of a response is more disturbing.



Why does this happen?

Integer overflow.

How do I configure the fingerprint sensor on my Thinkpad? I am using OpenSUSE LEAP 42, I followed this guide:


And it appeared to make the fingerprint sensor activate the light but it doesn't actually authenticate YaST or unlock the system

nevermind I got it


What are some cool terminal commands?

terminal commands are to increase work productive. They're not parlor tricks. Anyways learn bash scripting and impress your friends by starting your coffeemaker using terminal

fortune | cowsay



from the app-portage/pfl package allows you to find packages containing even if they're not installed on your system

how do I interface my computer with the coffee maker?

>family guy
just tie the noose already

how do I learn more about UNIX??

Downloading OpenSUSE hasn't taught me fuck all about UNIX systems.

install OpenBSD

UNIX is not a system, it's a trademark.

Anti-GNU shitposters confirmed for liking Family Guy.

rube goldberg it

Read some O'Rielly books, check your stats to see if you've advanced to gentoomancer status; if not, rinse and repeat.


install slackware

>GnU pLuS LiNuX

Who here also uses the GNU Operating System?

What does this image convey?


GNU OS is best OS.

>spongie buble

Is Hurd finished yet?

I know, right? Hilarious!

Nope. Try checking tomorrow.

I'm thinking of finally using linux full time for programming/development in general but don't like the idea of dual booting. You probably get dummies asking questions like this all the time but can I have linux act almost like a second desktop on windows with things like virtualbox? I just want a fullscreen, aside from the bottom bar, window without borders that I can switch to at will.

>can I have linux act almost like a second desktop on windows with things like virtualbox
yes, but you should do it the other way around
have gnu/linux run on bare metal and keep wangblows contained in a virtual machine (if you even need it at all)

I would, but all the ones that are GNU/BSD are dead and those are the only GNU OSes I really like.

One step at a time. I still use photoshop, play games and like to use my hardware without tinkering with device drivers all day. I've definitely found myself needing windows specific things less and less though but that doesn't give me a reason to switch my entire OS just yet.

Why would you like that as an end user? Those are really academic projects and would have never been appealing even if the did leave the ground.

I don't think you can run just a kernel in virtualbox.

So use a VM?

why not?

Is there any way to resize my partitions without repartitioning a drive

my windows partition is like 70 gb and I don"t use windows anymore

It mocks people who correct others all the time when they say "Linux" instead of "GNU plus Linux" or "GNU/Linux".
Everyone knows what one is referring to when "Linux" is said. It gets annoying and shows off your autism level.

But what if I'm referring to Linux? You're making a lot of assumptions.

So you repost a meme image with meme text from black twitter in every general you're in in order to counter annoying autistic shitposting? Sound logic.

You can grow lvm and I think gpt partitions arbitrarily and old msdos style partitions if the free space is physically directly behind.

Assumptions are an integral part of language and most people are capable of making them.
As someone who has worked in jobs where we worked on the linux kernel while using linux distros I can assure you no-one was every confused about whether we were discussing a distro or not.

I assume that you don't know what you're talking about, because you're a black twitter shitposter.

The idea of it was fun to entertain: Using a FreeBSD kernel with a GNU/Debian userland gave you all the benefits of Debian and apt with the sensation that you're using the kernel of a true Unix descendant.

Deepin vs. ElementaryOS vs. Solus

That sounds incredibly stupid.

No. To all. But use whatever you want.

So this thread is only specifically for GNU/Linux? What if I wanted to discuss Busybox/Linux?

Busybox is not an operating system.

You check the catalog for a Busybox/Linux thread, in case there is none, you create one.
Welcome to Sup Forums.

But the fact remains that there are Linux distros without GNU that use BusyBox as an alternative to the GNU coreutils.

>use Mate with Linux MInt / Ubuntu Mate / Debian
>shit performance, despite compositing being turned off
>use Mate with Arch
>silky smooth OpenGL acceleration
why are the Debian distros completely shit for graphical programs?

So create a thread and stop annoying this one.

I thought this thread was supposed to be friendly. You are not being friendly. All I did was ask a question and you started sperging like an autist.

Stop blaming software for your retardation.

You really think that an entirely separate thread should be created for the discussion of Linux distros such as Alpine Linux, Devil Linux, ttylinux, etc...? They are compatible with the same applications that run on GNU/Linux systems. Does the fact that they are missing GNU have some relevance that should cause them to be excluded from conversation in this thread? Do people really come here to discuss the GNU coreutils specifically?

An entirely separate thread should be created for shitposters like you; regular free software users are warmly welcome.

You are right, regular free software users do not use busy boxes.

So it's shitposting to want to discuss distros other than ones that come with the GNU coreutils installed? What the fuck is wrong with you? It seems like you are displaying symptoms of cognitive dissonance related to this topic.

>implying busybox isn't free software

Okay, fine. What kind of busybox distros do you want to talk about right now, pray tell? Alpine? Are posting from Alpine right now? Discussion.

Stop replying, retards.

You fucking know fully well that all of us would be happy to discuss any so-called busybox distribution just as much as any other free operating system, UNIX or otherwise, but you didn't post that, did you? No, you had to post bait. You could have had a nice, normal conversation like the rest of us, because you're more interested in flaming than anything else. Because you're more fascinated with the idea of discussing about discussion than just discussion itself. You got what you wanted, so you can't be mad.

Sorry. I'm a dum dum ._.

Which programming language is the best for small cli utilities?

No, I really did want to have a conversation. I asked a question and you went full autist on me. As a result I followed the advice to open a separate thread where I am now having a conversation about Alpine Linux.

That's a lie. You're just a prick.

shell script -> Perl -> C



>That's a lie. You're just a prick.
No it isn't. You can find my thread about Alpine Linux in the catalog. I think it's humorous that you are calling me a prick when all I did was ask a simple question. You are the one who become defensive and started sperging.

thoughts on systemd?

What if the user doesn't know about computers? Stupid pic

You're still an asshole.

fortune | cowsay | lolcat

Okay buddy. You win. I'm an asshole. Have fun being an ass burger.

No thoughts, only Tanasinn.

That's what Ubuntu's for. Alternatively: install Gentoo.

>not real communism
Please stop

Have anyone here tried clear linux distro by intel? I just want to know if that worth it (if it really works much better than all other distros with intel cpu)
I know that solus distro is based on ot, but i want to know bout rly clear linix distro.
Sry for missclick tgat fkin tremor, lol.


Do I need to manually add a repository to get the latest packages on Ubuntu, or is there a command for this? New to Linux

The green "updates" check sign (pic related) is missing from the Dropbox icon. Anyone else having this error?
I'm having this problem for days now I thoght maybe there's a fix for this problem - any ideas?


poke a && sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=a

what rank hypocrisy

Wow, you sure showed him!