Why do most C.S/I.T college professors prefer Mac over PC? I am a C...

Why do most C.S/I.T college professors prefer Mac over PC? I am a C.S college senior and literally every single professor I ever had in both my programming and I.T classes said that they preferred Mac. Usually they are just comparing it to PCs but a few of them also said that they prefer it over Linux. I also took a few online courses on Udemy and the instructors there were all using a Mac as their operating system.

What gives? Pic unrelated.

Mac has a terminal and isnt all ugly like linux

Because professors are powerless faggots, and Macs are no-maintenance computers.

'He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches'

You get a certified and fully-hardware supported Unix OS out of the box, with lots of commercial support for STEM software. They also have good battery life, and the hardware is usually high quality--you might not like the design choices, but they are executed well.

Although there's been a lot of regression in the last 5-10 years depending on how old school your tastes run. I cannot stand the new keyboards and losing ports every generation.

>that pic

professors don't order the equipment, they use what is shilled to them, like students with the chromebooks a couple of years ago

>racist white father
>marries a chink

What did he mean by this?

what about a man who does both?
you realize what a professor is right

also this
most schools just throw a macbook at the professor and most professors dont really give enough of a shit to go full autism on something they only use to store lecture notes and tests

though I do still have some professors running Linux on a laptop and dont use a mac at all

They lost their job before the first intel based imacs.

>Because professors are powerless faggots
So they need power pc.

>you realize what a professor is right

Spiteful niggers charging 200% for 1% knowledge.

Macs are stupid, but all my programming professors had Macs as well.

Because Macs are overall the best laptop. There are things other laptops do better but for a work PC, Mac is the best.

Mine don't.


I studied engineering. I had a physics professor that I think used Linux, every other professor used Windows except the people who taught any kind of programming.

>using linux in public
>shit that never happened

>why people who couldn't find a real work and had to settle down in teaching position prefer fashion accessory over functional machine
They are working with people not computers so they have no need for good PC.

You gotta understand that colleges and such get these things on discounts. When I was at college, there were Apple booths signing up people into plans. I laughed then at the ridiculous prices even on discount.

>Usually they are just comparing it to PCs but a few of them also said that they prefer it over Linux
PC != Windows

PC == MacOS

Looks like Elliot rogel, use Elliot rogel as example avoid interracial marriage.

It's POSIX-compliant, its UI is miles ahead of the normie desktop environments, and people with jobs and families don't have to rice their Arch and Gentoo installs.

It doesn't respect your freedoms, but constantly worrying about and losing sleep over your freedoms gets old after a while.

>don't have to rice
don't have time to rice

The guy in the pic has several self-esteem issues, he has these weird comics in which he is depicted having a 30 kilometer cock bulging detailedly in his paints and he then is shown dating "white" girls.

Ask Sup Forums and prepare to lol. He's some celebrity of /r/asianmasculinity or some shit like that in which chinks hate whites and claim white women desire said chinks and that chink males are superior and more masculine.

>Better make up some bullshit so i can still live in denial!

He runs r/hapa or some kind anti race mixing white men + Asian women doxxxing race mixing families.

Die ugly mutt.

>Why do most C.S/I.T college professors prefer Mac over PC
Because their Sun Boxes weren't portable. Apple fixed that by putting Unix on a laptop.

>professors don't order the equipment
This is bullshit. We had a Professor bitterly hang on to his Sun Ultra years for years. When he was given the option between a Dell and an Imac he chose an imac.

But isn't he a fucking race mixer wanting white women?

My algo prof used Ubuntu on a beat up thinkpad. One of the best I've ever had. Most of the rest used Macs, and they were also shit professors.
