Agglutinative languages

>agglutinative languages

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>being a native for a language that is considered one of the most difficult languages
feel good

yes they are best
muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmişsinizcesine çekoslavakyalılaştıramadıklarımızdan mısınız ?

I cant tell if Japanese is hard to learn because it's an Asian language written in completely different symbols or is it actually hard to learn as a language (grammar, for example)

japanese is easier than german for me.Only kanji is hard.

lol go away roach :--DDD xDDDD

and we have to learn german damn immigrants.


>languages that don't use the proper latin writing system instead they make up weird shit nobody can read

It's time to stop posting Dimitry.

Asian languages aren't hard, they're just bloated because asian people refuse to evolve and change. Logograms have no place in 21 century.

As the matter of fact, Japanese grammar is easy for most people including westerners, but it's often considered difficult by westerners.
Feel good because I can feel superior than others because you think I can into a difficult language that is actually an easy language.

한국말 사랑해요?

japanese isn't really an agglutinative language though. It was like Chinese before Korean infuence

aliens must use latin alphabet
nice logic romanov

>mfw S-O-V

>Korean infuence
No. Korea didn't give any influence to Japan mostly. Korea was just a 'route' between China and Japan. If they weren't exist, nothing was changed. Japan was much influenced China though.

SOV is weird, but has a point. I think this structure was very popular in oral latin because it was believed by romans that the last word of the sentence is the one that lingers in memory, so they placed verbs that singified action last. Shit makes less sense in written language though.


Haha, you're right. I actually study Latin and didn't think about that before posting that. Anyway, Latin is different because you can use other orders as well depending on what sounds better, but SOV was the most popular and almost always used except with the state-of-being verb.

I agree that Japanese grammar is easy, but the associated mindfuck of thinking exactly like a Japanese in order to say anything naturally is very real.

>His language is not in SOV form

>SOV is weird
Чё-т ты хepню кaкyю-тo нecёшь, ecь чecтнo.

итт: глaгoлы тoлькo в кoнeц cтaвим, и хyйня выхoдит

are you the Udmurt guy? if so, does Udmurt have a "normal" word order like other Finnic languages, or is it more "weird" like Turkic languages?

Yes. The word order is always SOV, but the verb "to be" is omitted in present tense. Just like in Russian. Oddly, only Russian seems to omit it among Slavic languages...

Coвepшeннo нopмaльный для paзгoвopнoгo языкa пopядoк cлoв в oбщeм-тo, ocoбeннo ecли пpeдлoжeниe нe шибкo длиннoe.

All East Slavic languages do that actually.

Дa знaю, caм этим гpeшy. Пpичeм, тeopeтичecки, в твoeм пpeдлoжeнии глaгoлoв нeт.

Why would anyone place the object which is affected by the action, before the fucking action in the first place.

I see, but they all come from Old Russian. I've been hell-bent lately on spotting Ural-Altaic influences on Russian.

>His language cannot be written in SVO, SOV, VOS, VSO, OSV and OVS forms

Why would anyone place the action which affects the object, before the fucking object in the first place.

agglutinative languages=first and real languages
sumerian was aggulative.

This is why I hate spanish.
It can do whatever the fuck it wants technically.

>place the action
There's no escape for you from the prison that is the English syntax.

I think it's more important to know first what will the subject do, rather than knowing to what object will the subject do something (that we don't even know yet).

That probably just means its easier to learn.

Sumerian wasnt the first language you silly user ;)

sorry bae:)






Yes. I like spanish since you can have large compound sentences without a full stop and you can discribe things with long adjectives. But ironically, the grammar and verbs can get confusing, like gustar, faltar importar, dar, etc depending on what you are speaking about. And the sentences sometimes if translated from english can confuse me sometimes like this one. me robaron el celular ayer.
or me hace falta un dolar.

>Ural-Altaic influences on Russian
There are none

Funniest shit ever.

i have no idea what that is. i dont even know what an adjective is