Ask a professional video game tester anything

ask a professional video game tester anything..

who is your daddy and what does he do?

How long will you be testing gtaiv?

how much do you hate video games

So your job is to jump into walls and corners and see if you clip?

>owns a blog about video games
>professional video game tester
you realize video game testers don't exist anymore like they used to? now companies just sell early access versions to cucks who waste their life playing a broken, half finished game, PAY TO TEST the games, and then do it all over again with the next early access--and then they take pride in the fact that they support this racket.

OP, you're a blogger, not a professional video game tester. pls go


>professional video game tester anything
Right like this job even exists anymore.
>pro game tester
>early access game sales

How many times have you attempted suicide?

Are you a blond japanese girl?

>now companies just sell early access versions
t. Someone who doesnt work in the industry but thinks they know all the inner workings of it.
You are partially correct than testers dont exist in anywhere near the capacity they used to.

>"the industry"
What's your youtube chanel fagit so I can send you a thumbs up, and visit your patreon.


Does your company cover the Doritos and Mountain Dew costs or do you have to buy them out of pocket?

Do your dick get to your belly button?

How many dicks can you sucks in one hour

>ask a professional video game tester anything..
do you know the executive souz chef that works in Wendy's?

How much are you paid? How many hours do you work per week?
Do you test multiple games per day/week/month? How many?
Anything special you tested recently? Are most of the games shit? Any AAA titles?

How severe is your depression?

they prolly get copies of the receipts and then reimburse them

Do you feel personally responsible for the shitty quality modern games tend to offer?