Does anybody have an interactive and kidish oriented time limiter for Windows?

Does anybody have an interactive and kidish oriented time limiter for Windows?
I have a special needs brother who will use the computer for HOURS on end and loses his shit whenever you ask him to get off. (I've figured out how to minimize his outbursts by using certain words and structuring my sentences in a certain way) but I'd like to see how he'd do with a timer. I don't want one that will kick him off abruptly. But one that will suggest or remind him with text boxes (preferably ones that I can write myself) that it might be a good idea to take a rest and continue later before it initiates its lockdown feature. Anybody got a good programs for this?

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Why are you trying to stop someone from doing what they want to do? Go fuck yourself

He's going to lose his shit being told to get off by a computer. He may be special needs but he knows no computer can tell him what to do.

>*Asks for a program that might be beneficial.
>*Gets lectured on why he's an asshole.

Thanks fags.

Your bro is degenerate.
>In before autistic screeching

You falsely assume such program would be beneficial. If your brother is of special needs you should be trying to help him work on expanding his interests so he can do something of value with his life. This would lead him to be less dependant on people later. Instead you are working towards limiting his interests thus increasing his dependence on you. It is not only selfish but shortsighted as you will grow to hate him later for not being able to do shit for himself.

Is that a young Lennart Poettering?

Be independend, why do you care about your brother? Live your life, password lock.your pc, let your parents deal with special needs^san, ignore him. thats what I would do.

bumping for interest

you shouldn't try to stop him from using the computer. you should try to get him interested in productive things he could do with it like programming so he could freelance for some dosh.

This will btfo him every 3 hours. You must add the script to task scheduler.

$interval = 180;
$expiry = (Get-Date).AddMinutes($interval);

function JetztGehtLos()
(New-Object System.Threading.Thread([System.Threading.ThreadStart] { Endlosung })).Start();
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Sie haben eine Straftat begangen. Verlasse das Gelände oder du wirst erschossen.", "Achtung");

function Endlosung()
Stop-Computer -Force;


while ($true)
if ((Get-Date) -gt $expiry)

Start-Sleep -m 10e3;

>taking the computer off of an autist

Why do you hate your brother?

If this program doesnt exist I'de be down to make it, seems like a really cool idea.

my parents had one called enuff when we were kids. Not sure if it still exists since that was windows 95.


All of those time limiters I have seen ( ) are very strict. You might need to make one yourself.

Easiest is to learn a little C# and make one yourself


idiot, not everyone grows up with a shit family like you who are not brought up as a caring human being.

I'm searching for something. In the mean time, what does your brother have and what does he do on the computer?

Teach him to respect and obey the rules. You set a time and it must respect that.
If it doesn't cooperate, carry on the proper punishment.

Treat a human failure like a success, and it will soon start acting like one.

Have you checked remote administration softwares?

If he uses the internet, have you considered gradually limiting his bandwidth at the router when you want him to stop?

Have you considered scheduling some heavy task to when you want him to stop?

Those last two options would make it seem like the computer simply wasn't working. Would he be able to deal better with this?

A bat to the head helps with most special needs people.

Puritan fag gtfo.

This does not work on many people with special needs. Just like they don't understand why a car costs more than a piece of candy they might not understand why anything other people say should apply to them despite punishments. For them it's like people just randomly yelling at them and making them suffer. If someone randomly started giving you grief then you would not learn anything.

For example if someone is an autist they might be obviously very intelligent, but a lot of things that is simple for you is completely beyond them. They might not understand that you are angry or frustrated or if you day it as a joke and even if you punish them they might have no idea what you are punishing them for.

Don't call that puritan, there is nothing "pure" about being mindlessly callous to people.