Autocomplete for Vim

Which do you use user? All the ones I've tried so far are inefficient and heavy-weight, and not instant like Microsofts intellisence for Visual Studio. Does anyone know any autocomplete for vim that

1. Works well without overhead
2. Lists properties of objects and method's

`:h ins-completion`

`:h abbrev`

If you need more than that you might as well use an IDE.

I can't just Ctrl-X and Ctrl-O for omni completion beause I get this error message which I'm never able to figure out

-- Omni completion (^O^N^P) Pattern not found

also ctags

A complete joy to setup and install too!


also what is the best way to generate ctags?
im using this right now, it works pretty good
function! DelTagOfFile(file)
let fullpath = a:file
let cwd = getcwd()
let tagfilename = cwd . "/tags"
let f = substitute(fullpath, cwd . "/", "", "")
let f = escape(f, './')
let cmd = 'sed -i "/' . f . '/d" "' . tagfilename . '"'
let resp = system(cmd)

function! UpdateTags()
let f = expand("%:p")
let cwd = getcwd()
let tagfilename = cwd . "/tags"
let cmd = 'ctags -a -R -f ' . tagfilename . ' --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q ' . '"' . f . '"'
call DelTagOfFile(f)
let resp = system(cmd)

autocmd BufWritePost *.cpp,*.hpp,*.h,*.c call UpdateTags()

Deoplete with Deoplete-jedi for python
Omnicomplete for everything else

speaking of VIM

>try to open 10GB .txt file
>stops responding

The right answer is completor, with vim8 so it's async. Everyone else can fuck off the thread is over.


currently using mucomplete but open to suggestions

then use vs, jesus christ what a fag your op

I have a job actually making money programming so I can afford such luxuries like "a C2D" which will run VS fine. I recommend you get your head out of your ass and upgrade your fucking pentium III

Grow up kid and use a real IDE.

Don't use autocomplete or syntax highlighting.

We learn basic math with crayons and construction paper but do meaningful work with black on white.

These things are a crutch preventing you from better understanding of your code and what you are writing, as you write it.

t. too stupid to set up syntax highlighting and autocomplete

>Implying being able to insert the word you want to insert by using a keyboard shortcut isn't faster than having to type each letter.
Go back to making your shitty programming language, Rob.

Speed doesn't matter, quality does, an that quality can only come from complete understanding of every keystroke.

Luxuries don't make us better programmers.

simply pressing ^N in vim does an ok job...

Speed does matter, the less time you spend typing the more time you can spend on thinking about the design of what you're writing.

Autocomplete has nothing to do with psuedo-intelligence, it has to do with eliminating mistakes. You'd know this if you had objects with more than 5 properties on it. Do you really think you'll be able to perfectly type the name, six months later, in an object with 100+ properties or functions?

Of course not but you don't have this problem because you don't do anything with programming. I've seen "hardcore vim shits" have this blowup in their face as they spend hours trying to find why their shit won't compile, and it ended up the thing they were trying to reference had an underscore into it.

When you're this into software politics, the only reason is ever because you're a loser trying too hard to compensate. There's a reason why we don't listen to neo-luddite hipsters insisting we have to stick in the 80s because we would have been stuck there.

I don't agree with you but I respect your opinion. Lets all continue to write quality code in our own ways, friend.

>Object with 100+ properties or functions
There's something very wrong with your design or development process if something like that can happen.

I didn't expect the conversation to take such a nice turn. Have a nice day user.

I never understood why they write "Ctrl + n" as ^N. The "n" isn't uppercase.

1) Open a shell
2) Type Ctrl+v then Ctrl+n
3) ???
4) Profit!

yes I know more shitty software politics

"software should be shit so I can understand it"

"muh fake hotkeys to overcomplicate muh hello world so I can feel important"

>"software should be shit so I can understand it"
I don't even understand the point you're trying to make. Are you implying that having objects with hundreds of attributes and functions is a great way to design an application?

nvim-completion-manager is the only one that doesn't suck major dick.

What "sucks major dick" about deoplete?