Sup Forums can't agree on a secure, FOSS chat protocol

>Sup Forums can't agree on a secure, FOSS chat protocol
>Sup Forums doesn't even have a 24/7 chat of its own.

Why don't we agree on a chat protocol and why don't we have a chat room, Sup Forums?

IRC is not secure.

Other urls found in this thread:

we've all moved to discord, you didn't get the memo?

>Sup Forums approved

Because there isn't one. It's either
>a dead meme
>unheard of, so naturally untrustworthy

This falls under the dead meme category

use Tox

>IRC is not secure.
Neither is Sup Forums

>>Sup Forums can't agree on a secure, FOSS chat protocol
Matrix, once e2e crypto gets fixed. Open, federated, clients for desktop, web, and mobile.

how is IRC not "FOSS"

Well... There is matrix, but all clients are cumbersome pain in the ass to use.

their clients have a shit privacy policy

IRC over SSL is secure

I'm sure you can run your own riot instance

>He doesn't know.

Why would you want to chat with a room filled with the posters of the above

Why not?

Your right we wouldn't want to chat with a looser like you


I do

>IRC is not secure.

Nothing is secure anymore, hasn't been for 10+ years now.

Pay attention, Stephen, and you're late on your power bill again.

>not using XMPP + OMEMO

FOSS != secure.

B-but they use IRC in Mr. Robot!

What? It is secure.


Every general and their mom has one

The clients? Source?

It's really not

a Sup Forums or any other forum chat is public by its very nature making security mostly irrelevant anyway

the (unfinished) saviour of mankind

discord sucked all the retards out of most popular irc channels

the only problem is irc is/was populated by retards

I'm writing an IRC server as an exercise, Sup Forums will be free to use it but implementing encryption is on the bottom of my list

How does that even work? Can you create chat rooms? Can different clients communicate with each other?

Its pretty much an XMPP update including VoIP and video chat


The guys there are morons.

#lovefort @

FOSS means free and open source software. There are FOSS clients and servers for IRC, and the protocol is defined by RFCs so anybody can implement it.

In what conceivable way is IRC not a FOSS solution?

Why would anybody use your IRCd instead of any other IRCd?

I wrote an IRCd in university as a homework assignment once. Nobody has ever used it, including me, because why would they?

I told you, its an exercise for me. I'll try hosting the server for a while, I don't expect anyone else to use the software but it would be neat if someone joined


>proprietary botnet
>Sup Forums approved

>implying anyone worth a damn has these generals unfiltered. only one that's non cancer is dpt, and it's not a general.

Stop being contrarian, everybody else uses it

>everyone else enjoy suck cooks so must I

I came here to call you all cia niggers and to lower the quality of this board even more.

fuck you all

>cocksucking analogy
You know the best

Reminder that Sup Forums has a BBS running:

telnet 1234

Pretty sure there are some options. Generally, matrix looks like the underpinning of the best system and perhaps most modern. Riot is the best full features matrix client. This may be really what is needed.

Alternately? Signal is great, but it does need non fucking chrome app PC client, and ideally federated servers . XMPP is the old standard but it depends most on what clients and servers are being used along with what enabled features.

Urbit motherfuckers

>>goto Sup Forums
>ask about the Sup Forums IRC
>check it out
>say hey
>1 guy replies to me
>calls me a faggot/nigger
>stays in for a week
>no one chats for shit

>>Goto Sup Forums discord
>everyone is having a good time
>get into the voice chat
>"Dude please turn your volume down"
>Guy plays music annoyingly loud
>puts a bot on it
>Talks in the normal chat
>nothing about tech
>everyone is posting memes
>goto the NSFW section
>not even really porn but porn memes

>>goto Sup Forums
>ask then what I should talk to on
>No one is on TOX
>tells me they want a secure place to chat
>why does it matter?
>No one gives me a straight answer about what to use and trash talks, facebook, twitter, discord, IRC, TOX whatever because nothing is "secure"

>>Sup Forums is secretly a woman who can't make their mind up at all

discord is a shitapp for underage twats.
go back to Sup Forums

Why? Cause you can't socialize? What is it about discord you actually hate user? Give me a good reason as to why it sucks? Come on. No one can say anything to it honestly.
Yeah it is, and what are you talking about hacking? drugs? something illegal? No you're not
You weren't even going to do anything to it anyways.
If you want to fuck with the code, open the console if you know how to. It was stupidly easy to get the video chat up and running if you didn't originally have it when it was first given out to a few people.
you can customize and group a bunch of chats together and make it easier to organize. Why can't Sup Forums embrace new shit? In 5 more years, it will be like owning a twitter/facebook acc. No one will give a shit.

>IRC is not secure.
who gives a fuck? its to talk about meaningless shit.

discord shill pls fuck off

No user, I keep up with the times and know whatever is going to use. Atleast I'm not using fuckin email or some shit that's dead. Why don't you go get on your myspace and tell us what everyone is up to in 2007

>Why? Cause you can't socialize? What is it about discord you actually hate user? Give me a good reason as to why it sucks? Come on. No one can say anything to it honestly.
Discords business model is: datamining.
Did you think it was some sort of charity, you retard?

No, but at the same time I don't care cause I'm not doing anything terrible. Why do I care?
Data mining is logically a good thing. They need to know what goods to sell and how to advert them better. So you expect people to just go out of their way and want to volunteer their time to make something better? Likely not.

Oh know, they know you're in Nebraska, you like Pocky, you're a furry and goto Comic con every year, what will ever come of you!


>I like getting cucked in order to chat with people


>all those discord shills here


I'm scared it's a honeypot, so I don't connect

I don't have the thing rn, y'know

>caring if something is Sup Forums approved
>handicapping yourself with shitty software because some samefag told you

That's the way Sup Forums works.

me likey

We all use Discord now.

Uh... #Sup Forumstech ?

>Company only makes money by selling the contents of your messages

Oy vey excellent idea fellow goyim

Go back to Sup Forums you bigot.

>I want every possible corporate cock in my ass because its good for me
I'd rather not make these cunts any morekney, thanks. Discord is shit anyway, they can shut you down for whatever arbitrary reason they decide on this morning because they cansee whatever you type. I'd rather use fucking Facebook.

This looks like a fucking dump

>botnet v10
nice mem user

Kikebook is even worse.

It only collects certain keywords by default, Discord just saves everything you ever type. And at least Facebook has (dubious) encryption. Facebook admins also won't actively read your messages to terminate your account without some sort of subpoena.
Itst shit and I dont use it, but itst better than Discord.

You don't get it do you? If you think you can go and make a new one, something better, go right ahead. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. you're going to use everything else like everyone else does too.

>be on facebook
>tells me it's all about freedom
>start up a secret group
>make it a porn group
>no one is allowed in without me or one of my admins knowing
>add some cool people
>add a normie in it
>she flips out and gets me kicked off facebook
well there's that too

>let in a girl to your porn group.

>You don't get it do you? If you think you can go and make a new one, something better, go right ahead. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. you're going to use everything else like everyone else does too.
Yeah, I'll run my own IRC server, faggot.

We already had 2 other girls who were into BDSM And it worked out fine.

We were all good friends. About 10 of us. Most of us were either couples or a good group of friends.
We had to kick 1 guy out who was a literal pedo and kept trying to talk us into dump CP into the group till we had to kick him out.

The problem was that we wanted some other people in the group and we made a deal that we'd get to know them. BUT low and behold, normies don't look at anything remotely we do. (go figure)

No, I'm not going to use everything else because I'm not a faggot who likes eating dicks. I don't use Messenger. I don't use Discord. And I won't.

kek nice one, fucking btfo

Enjoy being bored off your ass then. IRC is dead as shit dude. Only people who use IRC are Sup Forumstards who can't get out of 2005

God, do you also wear a trilby and a black jacket and cringe when you walk past every normal fast food chain or coffee shop if it's not hipster enough?

Does the back of your laptop have a fedora sticker on it?

>not voluntarily contributing to the botnet means you're a bad person
How many rupees does Facebook pay you to shill here? Because you're definitely not from here.

The only people who left any IRC I've been since 2006 are special butthuet babies that need a sekrit club, basically you. It's better off without them. Or you. Go circlejerk some memes on your favorite youtubers Discord.

Oh? Sorry I just respect it enough to talk about it. It's like trying to tell people back when the first car was created to not use it and then 5 years later everyone is getting a car over a horse and buggy.

Then they'd tell me I'm shilling for them cause I'm saying "They are great!"

But I do agree, facebook lacks in decent features and they do a lot of stupid things. I found a browser plugin called "FB Purity" to hide all their shitty stuff no one likes and it cleaned it up nicely. I don't get ads, or group updates, or friend requests, all that annoying shit is turned off

>youtuber discord
Those are the worse. You might as well elect him as high king or something.I don't have a "secret" club, I have a group of friends that we all wanted to make it easier and discord did. And like Sup Forums doesn't fuckin do it.

I go check out the torrent thread and you can't get into anything without an invite and you basically have to beg them to get in and when you do? There's nothing good there at all, it's a bunch of dead shit no one cares about.

I'm sorry your friends are so shit they can't give a fuck about you unless you use Facebook, Rajesh.

If your serious, then your a fucking idiot.

No? It's just easier to use it. How the fuck are we supposed to communicate?
IRC? sorry, I'm not a basement dweller.
FB is just convenient to use.
>clearly he's from India cause he uses facebook
>not almost 1/2 of the world basically uses facebook
face it dipshit, you're in the lower class of the world, sitting behind a shitty build PC trying to look cool on Sup Forums when even Sup Forums will admit uses twitter, Tumblr, and facebook.

I'm not saying they are AMAZING but I'm saying at this point, it's easier than calling them up and talking for 20 minutes when you can type a paragraph and go about your day. Or leave a 1-minute message. But if you want to use a dead system, by all means, user, your friends are clearly lying to you and I bet the use everything else.

>you're somehow missing something by not shoving cocks down your ass
Nice try, Kunal, now go circlejerk to tour Discord sekrit club while messaging women to show bob and vagene

wow really? This is honestly pathetic user.

500 rupees have been deposited to your account

Dude, that won't even buy me a sub.

Do a better job next time

Gosh darn it user.

irc is normie kryptonite
prove me wrong fagbookers

I do agree with this, but I also like being able to multitask. The reason normies don't like it is because it's just old and outdated

We all moved to this one, user