It is Google a real enemy??

i'm just thinking about everyone saying google its botnet and shit but it is actually an enemy? i mean... google helps with maps, contacts, android, photos and a lot of things... they track every move and shit u do online but it really matters? i mean i don't think they would get in your stuff unless ur into politics i guess... because they say that ur privacy its fine with them... or anyone knows a specific case that google did something against their user privacy? i'm curious about why people are so scared about google knowing ur shit

Google is like the dog that fetches your newspaper for you only to bite you in the end

Google is botnet end of discussion now fuck off pajeet

You can get someone in legal trouble just by google searching illegal shit on their computer. Let that sink in.

All the "convenient" services they provide are only there to steal your data. The day Google can harvest all this data without these services is the day they bin them all. Well, except for the services they use for actual advertizing because that's were the money is made.

The whole point of Google was to get into peoples heads and manipulate their perception of reality. Look for instance how they tried to influence the election in Hillary's favor

I don't think Google did or she'd won by a landslide.

OP i want full access to your computer, only thing i'll do is look and nothing else.

OP will probably do this is you give him some retarded service in return.

They did but clearly it did not work well enough

there is absolutely merit to WHAT google does,but not necessarily with HOW they do it. Sup Forums is just full of autistic fucks who have no real perception of life and have an elitist attitude because they read K&R once, and then settled for a a life of jerking off stalljew and shit posting on 4chin

There's no way the people can choose another candidate than Google. Trump won because Google was okay with it. And why shouldn't it? More power to corporations.

Oh hi corporate shill! Ridiculing people being skeptic about corporate ethics and valuing privacy and freedom again?

You are insane

I just changed my default search engine to Yahoo, how is G00gle going to tell me who to vote for now?

Oh I'm sorry! I'll take that back then. Disregard anything I said. apparently I'm insane and therefore all I said loses credibility.

It's an insane world user.

I don't think you can read very well, reread and try again. The point was HOW they do what they're doing is questionable, That wasn't ridiculing anyone for >being skeptic about corporate ethics
if anything you reiterated what i was saying. My point is that most of/g/ has never actually worked a real job in the software industry and their perception of whats ethical/nonethical is completely skewed towards the regurgitated stallman >muh actually what you are referring to as linux is actually GNU/linux
shit they read here on 4chin and it fosters this attitude of elitism without any tangible basis to uphold their opinions. Stallman is just cool to these faggots. Google is a botnet sure, but what are you doing to drive progress today faggot, pushing updates to your "open source" projects? Get outside and smell the roses shitlord.

>also for what its worth I'm posting from a shitop running gentoo and my machine at home is running openBSD, corporate shill my 12 foot cock

You were implying that Google is god, its more like the devil

google? more like godgle? am i RIGHT guys?

They are a botnet. When you go to sign up, they demand both an alternate email and a phone number. If you log in from somewhere else, they demand your phone number and various details about yourself, and then they "might" let you have access to your account. They collect all sorts of information about you and sell it to advertisers. But they make the best web browser so it's all good tho.

Yandex do, not google.
