All graphical user interfaces stop existing and now you can only use command line interfaces. How fucked are you?

All graphical user interfaces stop existing and now you can only use command line interfaces. How fucked are you?

Eh, I would be alright if it's on Linux.
If you mean Windows CLI, I'd be fruuuaarkd

With all gay stuff involved, I could handle.

>command line
>not a graphical interface
what this idiot mean by this?

He means the command line and not a graphical interface

I would be fine.

continue as I do now with little inconvenience.

>All graphical user interfaces stop existing and now you can only use command line interfaces. How fucked are you?
I could probably adjust.

Not at all. In fact I welcome the great normie exodus.

Command line is graphical
We are returned to punch cards and paper tape
How screwed are you

Kinda fucked because vidya

>terminal emulator
That is a GUI program. OP means being stuck with a tty

I for one welcome our new 80x25 overlords.

Not fucked, but I like lookin at cute anime butts...

I could still easily use computers, but like everyone who doing actual work, I'd be less efficient in most tasks.

>He doesn't play ascii Doom.

I know how to type

Now's the time to take up NetHack clones and interactive fiction.

Dwarf fortress is the only game you need. You'll probably need to upgrade your PC first though.

All seriousness, how powerful of a PC would you need for DF? I've got a T60 that I use for console stuff, would that be enough?

Can't watch animu, fug.
Other than that i'm okay i guess

i do all my embedded software dev in a cli, so I'd survive. GUIs suck anyway

only normies use guis

The game is single threaded so being a corelet won't hurt you.
The main issue is pathfinding. The game can grind to a crawl when you have large open maps with tons of entities. There are some recommendations on the wiki to keep frame rates up. Mainly by keeping populations down and making forts that are linear and easy to path find through.
Only game I'm familiar with where players change how they play to get higher frame rates. Also the only game where performance isn't graphics related. And it's completely worth it.

DF always strikes me as like Stalker in that it's total senselessness is part of the charm.

I can certainly agree with that, they're the only two games I enjoy.

STALKER's random bullshit is amazing because half of the "story" takes place in your mind. Like when I was squatting around with some guys around a fire, when in the distance a guy started shooting and screaming. A few seconds later one of the guys around the fire starts strumming on his guitar, like he was trying to distract himself from it or cover up the sound.

My favorite DF bug was when all the cats started throwing up everywhere and dying.