Look what i found

Look what i found

>he's not white

>He care's

Did you find it on the shitting street?


>those fingers

Give it back Pajeet


Had no idea people cared about skin colour so much on tech board

First day on Sup Forums, redditor? Poojeets are terrible with technology

Been here for 3 years

Then you must have never actually clicked on a thread

Found something else

Browsing r/Sup Forums doesn't mean that you've "been" here, fuckboi.

I regularly browse /g and /pol..the only subreddit that interests me is /r/me_irl

o god please leave

Yes, you certainly haven't been here. Fuck off.
Fucking Sup Forums bringing in all of the fucking redditor fucktards.

Global rule #2

out out out out out out out

ram it up your poo pajeet

good for web browsing and light work
nothing else

Report and hide shitskin threads.

hi rajesh, have you pooped out all your norman khans for the day?