What's the best WM and why is it i3?

What's the best WM and why is it i3?

You spelled Quartz Compositor wrong.

Don't ask for the best WM only to claim you have the only (wrong) answer. Best WM is Fluxbox, no contest.

I only ever used i3. Can you describe what is better about fluxbox?

>describe what is better about fluxbox?

You misspelled everything.

What's a good WM to use on a 1366*768 screen

Right now my workflow consists of like 8 xfce workspaces, each with approximately one full-screen window. I wonder if there's a better way

Yeah, pick ANY tiling window manager.

That's a pretty comfy workflow you can adopt 1:1 to GNU/screen. Good for you.

I thought tiling window managers were best on large screens. I'm not exactly going to be splitting my tiny screen into many tiles. Would they still improve my "workspace-based" workflow?

Actually you bring up a good point, several of my workspaces are for terminal windows. I should really use tmux more and merge those into one.

>Would they still improve my "workspace-based" workflow?
Actually, probably not. Seems like makes a really good point I hadn't considered.

but legitimately without memes. i3 is easy to configure and I never had a problem with it but i would switch to a different wm if it were better. so what does fluxbox do better

I configured some XFCE keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+super+numpad) to help me easily place windows on one workspace. Works perfect without having to use an autistic twm

bspwm + yabar > i3

I ended up switching to i3 because this laptop's 1024x768 screen doesn't give a whole lot of space with modern UI design.

the world of WMs is more fucked than DEs
i3 without gaps is thebest


Guys, how do I get those pretty compton-esque things like window fading, transpacency, blur etc. on Wayland?

Sway works really well but I really wanna have a pretty desktop and it's the only thing that's keeping me from switching to Wayland completely

workspace_layout tabbed
that's why


this and bindsym $mod+tab move right so you can switch around with just one hand

sway will not regret

I don't want windows, I want tabs on the left.

You can do that easily with i3, the shortcuts are right there in the default config. Super+# goes to new workspace, Super+Shift+# moves current window to that workspace, and creates it automatically, right out of the box.
Xfce doesn't automatically create workspaces out of the box. If you have limited screen space, definitely go for i3.

Dynamic workspaces without having to add/delete them manually does sound nice. Thanks for the advice, I'll have to try it out.