The Cyrillic alphabet will always be known as the ,,Russian alphabet"

The Cyrillic alphabet will always be known as the ,,Russian alphabet"

>English will be known as american
>Portugese will be called brasilian
>Spanish will be mexican
Зэт шyдн'т pилли кoнcёpн ю тy би oнэcт.

It wouldn't be known at all if not us.

It should be known as Moravian alphabet

This is some stupid western shit. In Russia it's called Cyrillic only.

The connection between those countries above is that USA, Brazil and Mexico actually are products of English, Portuguese and Spanish colonisation while the Cyrillic alphabet was adopted by Russians.

I know the feel Bulgarbro.

All my friends just call it "Russian alphabet".

Aй тинк ит щyд, opиджинc энд тpaдиcщeн мacт oлвeйз кoм фэpcт.

Shouldn't you be proud? We introduced your invention to the world and made it famous and recognizable.

>Czechs won't even use it

Alphabet /= script

>Calling moravians czech

only if you are a dumb burger

Of course I am proud of my country that it invented
Cyrillic and that a huge country like Russia uses it
but when uneducated Westerners call it the Russian alphabet it tingles my neurons kinda.

>Slovaks won't even use it


It's all Greek to me!

Even though it has a strong connection to the Byzantine Empire it was developed in Bulgaria.

Well, I can't say we use bulgarian alphabet though. We use russian one. Yes, this alphabet is cyrillic that was invented in Bulgaria, though it is still russian and on 90% of cases if foreigner sees cyrillic letters he sees russian alphabet so calling it like that is technically right.

Your problem for being the literally who country

It's based both on the Greek alphabet and early,lineal Slavic writing .