Emacs or Vim?

$(EMACS) || $(VIM) ? post() : return nil;

#STUDIO.IO hahahahahaha

do we need to ask this five times a day

Asking for a friend also
>text editor newbie who needs best tools

fucking vim, 100%.

Also, terminator for terminal -> vim at full capacity

Vim is good, emacs not so much....

What about this? Great project that will one day be mature and just werk or doomed to fail by not being able to manage the complexity of it all?

Vim, I don't need my text editor to make me coffee

stallman uses emacs for everything.

i want to get into programming and recently installed gnu/linux. i've got a lot of terminal stuff going and vim was the first couple things i installed. if vim decent for programming or should i look into something else? i'm thinking lisp since it's recommended in a lot of places and useful for what i want to program

emacs replaces your OS
Vim enhances it

Pic related when you set up vim keybindings for your other programs

how is the state of autocomplete of these? i use vscode for C, C#, PHP, and Javascript. can it do obvious autocompletes? will it need too much tinkering?

You may not like it but this is what peak performance is.

My fucking nigga!

desu vim is more entry level and has a lower functionality ceiling than emacs. not that that's saying a lot, emacs has _no_ ceiling of use. i understand that sort of freedom scares some people. for the rest of us, nirvana waits

I love spacemacs. I got to using it when I needed ensime for Scala. I got a few people in or sides of my office to switch to spacemacs

Used to use emacs all the time, now I'm really liking vim. There's also vi which is on everything while emacs isn't always on unix boxes. So knowing vi at least is worth while.

Redpill me, Sup Forums


Trust me

>if vim decent for programming or should i look into something else? i'm thinking lisp
Ask better questions

Possibly placebo but it seems to execute macros faster.

Aside from that, you have to put up with things being a bit different from vim for not much benefit other than knowing that it'll be better One Day(tm)

You shouldn't need many plugins for Vim anyway, a more sensible workflow uses external programs instead.

>is vim decent for programming or should i look into something else?
stallman and other people actually recommend you use lisp to write some programs for emacs as you're learning it. i've been using vim but see a lot of talk about emacs


> lines wider that 80 characters
you're gonna have a bad time

Lisp is a meme language and if you need to actually write out plugins for your editor instead of just adding plugins, you're using your text editor wrong

>I should just rely on other people for everything!
Stay on vim

redpill me on emacs

Is it an 80s relic, or is it actually relevant in the current year?

I learned emacs first so that's what I use. I don't want to relearn keybindings.

this are my emacs packages

what am I missing for the ultimate carpal tunnel experience?

Needs a lot of configuration, but it has everything you need or want; plus more

if you're autistic enough to configure it properly you'll end up using it for EVERYTHING

>he doesn't use st
come on, user, seriously?

Didn't see magit there, also multiple-cursors and expand-regions are fun

I keep hearing about magit, is it worth using it over the terminal? What makes it so good?

After watching some video on emacs and how ecstatic RMS was about it I quickly told my package manager to fetch and install it, upon seeing required space of megabytes of three digits and gtk as a dependency I killed the process. It's just a bloated GUI IDE, I don't understand how it's comparable to vim.

I like eyebrowse, but it won't fit the workflow of everyone

Bloat is a Sup Forums meme that needs to be killed. Of course it's warranted in electron and its ilk's case.

Use emacs-nox

I really like the integration within emacs, but what sold me was the diff mode

Disregarded it entirely when I saw someone tout its benefits as being "faster" than vim in regards to response time. The neovim demographic is illiterates who're too stupid to read the documentation and set timeout in their vimrc.

if its good enough for an apex autist like Stallman its good enough for me

I like vim as well, but if you're all day on the computer and program you might as well learn EMACS for the extras

Does RMS even program anything anymore, hell, he can't even install a distro on his own.

just fucking build it from source without x

I seriously doubt he was being serious when he said that, just a slip of tongue due to his lack of social awareness. Don't know what RMS has been up to, last I heard he was still working on HURD?

I like vim. I learned emacs briefly, but the key binds make me feel like I need to be an octopus. It's not a bad text editor, but it's not for me

I like spacemacs

spacemacs is shit

It doesn't have a gui yet and I'm mostly using Gvim, so staying with vim 8

Why do you need a gui though?


Too fucking slow and impossible to debug.

I just started using vim before,

Its absolutely OK, certainly doesn't measure up the hype. I'm sure there's a lot to improve as you get use to the shortcuts but you can say that about anything.

The syntax checker everyone wanks on about really isn't that great. Working on a Linux kernel driver, either it or GCC crashes trying to locate headers, why can't it just ignore headers it can't resolve and throw a warning?

But I'll keep at it, any recommended plugins for C/C++?

You'll fall for it more and more though. It's slower to get working at first, but you'll find a lot of utility out of it.
>you can say things improve with shortcuts about anything
not like vim though it's not just shortcuts, it's (as cliche as it sounds) a language. It's very verbose and customizable in ways simple shortcuts are not

>using st over urxvt

Emacs is cool because of the Lisp underneath, but I find the key bindings lengthy.

I enjoy Vim very much, it's brilliant if you can float above your text. Soon you come to point when you have to use something like Word and think "OK, in Vim this would only be three key strokes.."

But Vim is just a (amazingly powerful) text editor. It's not an IDE. Also VimScript is not great and Lua (NeoVim) isn't either.

So I think I will look into Spacemacs (or what is it called?) which has vim keybindings but also the advanced features of Emacs.

Same here

How do I get a genuine IDE experience in linux without using emacs/vim?

And with emacs/vim, what's the quickest/fastest way to get a working IDE, especially for a noob

I feel like there's a huge gap in linux where something like visual studio should exist but doesn't.

I see, some years ago special snowflakes were using unknown distros, today it's about unknown multiplexers..

H-hey, can I be hip, too?
I use *uhm* *google* Byobu, can I also join your cool club? P-please?


You don't always need an IDE, especially in Linux. The Linux philosophy is about components, small programs that have one (and only one) purpose and do this thing well.

Also Eclipse, NetBeans or IntelliJ_IDEA work just fine with Linux.

If you just "want to get cracking" I'd use Netbeans, it works pretty well out of the box. Eclipse is the most common on the market but has a bugzillion features and plugins, IntelliJ if you are a macfag or code artisan that needs a visual pleasing experience when coding.

But seriously, Vim will will carry you a long way, even for professionals..


Post your .vimrc / init.vim

Guess what I'm currently coding in?

(Just noticed I think I forgot Emmet here:)

" colorthemes
Plug 'sickill/vim-monokai' " monokai
Plug 'tomasr/molokai' " molokai

" others
Plug 'ervandew/supertab' " supertab
Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-user' " ruby text blocks dependency
Plug 'nelstrom/vim-textobj-rubyblock' " ruby text blocks
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree' " NERDTree
Plug 'slim-template/vim-slim' " slim
Plug 'Townk/vim-autoclose' " autoclose
Plug 'tpope/vim-endwise' " endwise
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' " fugitive
Plug 'tpope/vim-haml' " haml
Plug 'tpope/vim-rails' " rails
Plug 'tpope/vim-surround' " surround
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline' " airline
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes' " airline
Plug 'vim-syntastic/syntastic' " syntastic

I don't get why everyone loves coding with super bright pink in their faces.

Magit is great for being an easy interface to less used git features like incremental commits. Smartparens is nice. I prefer ivy/counsel over helm but that's just a preference. Not sure what you will use icicles for though.

I don't know, I've tried a lot but somehow I always and up with monokai.
It's just a good mix overall, I guess.

But if you have a good theme, shoot.

This, I use vim but I know since the first time I touch Emacs that is so powerful you can't confine it to a simple text editor.

What's the best way to combine the text editing power of vim with the everything in one power of emacs?

Spacemacs runs slow as fuck for me.

Wasn't there a major mode called evil or viper?

emacs -nw the gui is an abomination. I also sometimes use vi to edit configs, previously when i was into vim i was using neovim.

On a side note someone should port dolan doc or w.e the fuck terry uses

multithreaded emacs when?

just tone down the pink

it's not like it's hard to make adjustments like that

I'm new to vim.

How should I start ricing it? Can you recommend me some kind of guide, tutorial, any tips or anything like that?

Pic unrelated

soalrize the terminal. It might fit the codertard style if youre one of those.



teach me senpai