Date this picture

Date this picture, and tell me why you think that.

gonna go with 2017

>the yellowish creme of that keyboard
yeah 2017 for sure. when it was new? probably 1999, it has a Windows key.

What is a photo compression app that renames the file?

image quality is pretty good for the poor lighting
also mu-males collect old deprecated shit nowadays

Fucking hell ya'll are too good.

Keyboard was new in '98. Shoulda used my dell quiet key, still white as paper

got em



The specs incase anyone cares

So, what could I do to trick people into thinking its from like '98-'03?

That yellowish tint is a gigantic give-out.

by a new chair desu

Use a camera from the time period you're trying to replicate as well. Or simply a DSi/3DS camera might even work. Also change the file name. The numbers represented October 31st at 16:55.

its still comfy

I have a Sony CyberShot. Hopefully that will work

Hows this?

I can see your blue SATA cables too.

The resolution and even the file size is much greater than anything from that time period (some of those images are larger than a floppy disk.) Old digital cameras are complete garbage and few people had them until the mid 00s.
If you want to remove the yellow tint of old plastic it's actually pretty easy with hydrogen peroxide. Look up "retrobrite".
Old tech can be cool/nostalgic but most of that looks boring to me. Why VHS?

Cause I can record anything really fast, and data storage. (I bought a card on ebay to put data onto VHS tapes.)

How much data can a VHS tape hold?

2-15GB depending on what quality you want and size of tape. Normal you'll get like 3.5-4 gigs. 2 gigs for best possible data. 15gb if you slow the head of the vcr and make some modifications to the writing software, but it has a ~70% fail rate. But 2-5gigs is typical.

October 2017
ghetto battlestation xDDD