Are Finns European?

Are Finns European?

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Are Greeks?

yes of course they have a goddamn nation in Europe

They're Siberian

Are you stupid?


Greeks are Siberian?

Finns are.

Greeks laid foundations for Europe.

But are Greeks(modern day) European or not?
I mean, they are pretty much identical with Turks and Arabs as you can see from the OP.
Polish pie in OP is actually edited Poles have 4% of our Mongolian DNA marker.

who gives a shit
Hungarians may come from turkic steppe people, and you might come from finno-ugric sibero-steppe people, but you are European by all means, your government, people, nation, institutions are in Europe

They are more european than retards think.

WHG doesn't make you European

WHG were original Europeans.


Finns are creatures from fairy tales that came to life.

and they had swarthy skin

So you're saying Poles aren't European but Armenians are because Poles have WHG?
That's some next level Polish intellectualism

Poles come mainly from Proto Indo Europeans, which brought fair skin to the European continent.

>unironically believing this

>Ethnic Fiction: Polska Edycja

Proto-Indo-Europeans were like 40% ANE. Poles are 17%.

It has both archaeological and genetic background. It's not my fault you don't understand either.

are you more disappointed because of not being Europen or because we laid the foundations of Europe?

It has neither. You're a loon.

or both?

Insults don't change facts and reality,

According to an American court case, yes.
>On January 4, 1908, a trial was held in Minnesota about whether John Svan and several other Finnish immigrants would become naturalized United States citizens or not, as the process only was for "whites" and "blacks" in general, and district prosecutor John Sweet was of the opinion that Finnish immigrants were Mongols.
>The judge, William A. Cant, later concluded that the Finnish people may have been Mongolian from the beginning, but that the climate they lived in for a long time, and historical Finnish immigration and assimilation of Germanic tribes (Teutons)—which he considered modern "pure Finns" indistinguishable from—had made the Finnish population one of the whitest (fairest) people in Europe.
>the whitest people in Europe.
>If the Finns had Mongol ancestry, it was distant and diluted. John Svan and the others were made naturalized US citizens, and from that day on, the law forbade treating Finnish immigrants and Americans of Finnish descent as not white.[14][15]

Kinda weird that there had to be court deliberation over something so silly.

Haplogroups are irrelevant. Autosomally we are almost 1/2 WHG. This is facts and reality.

Hungarians have a non Indo-European language, but I do not think anyone doubts that they are White or Europids. In the case of Finland / Estonia I have my doubts, but culturally they are totally Europeans.

no. but we have superior genes