Why is Ubuntu not considered safe here? im running a Bitcoin node there which I use as a wallet

Why is Ubuntu not considered safe here? im running a Bitcoin node there which I use as a wallet.

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Its because Canonical is behind it and better alternatives like Gentoo and Arch exist. Fedora is good as well though

>Its because Canonical is behind it

Whats wrong with that? And what OS do you recommend to run my btc node?

unironically gentoo


Can you guys give an explaination instead of just posting your favorite OS?



Ubuntu is considered safe here

idk man it fucked this girl up pretty hard

What is it about people opening threads with frog images and asking dumb questions?

What wood be "unsafe" about it? It's spyware was disabled a long time ago

spyware is what makes an OS safe, it is why Windows 10 is so safe.

Seeing the lack of real replies I'm guessing it's because it's too noob friendly for the taste of Sup Forums's elite hax00rs

>spyware is what makes an OS safe

It's safer when more people keep an eye on things. For example, I always use online "office" packages like google docs because they will block the document if I write anything obscene or racist. And these days it is difficult to know what is racist or not so it is a good service to have.

Fedora is good and so is OpenSuSE, but Ubuntu is okay in some circumstances. I don’t prefer it due to packages being slightly outdated, but for production, its good.

It's a Corporate OS that is rapidly morphing into other Corporate OSs like Windows and Apple. And the CEO worked for a CIA black ops company.

>taking advice from Sup Forums


Well thats fucking insane. What about Mint?

And can OpenBSD be installed with a GUI for non autists? will it be easy to install stuff and keep it updated? I remember using Ubuntu a couple years ago in a laptop and it was easy using the synaptic manager thing.
