Really makes you think

really makes you think

Whats a Helpmann award?

A call for help

Awarded to the best help helpper in Straya

He looks really white

So I'm guessing he was so proud of being indigenous he married a white bitch lmao


does he actually call his dad indigenous?
>hey dad this is user, user I want you to meet my indigenous dad

>user this is my dad, indigenous.

where is he indigenous to?

These girls dont look very indigenous desu

What was the award for? Not sleeping on the road?

Ey! Don't sleep on the road!

Apparently even if your great-great grandmother was a half-abbo rape baby who's mother was anglo'd, you still get government support for being "indigenous"

Abos have an IQ around 70. You need 100 or so to graduate from an Australian university. Real Abos just can't do it.

there's a tickbox on every government form asking if you're an Aboriginal or Torres Strait islander and if you tick it you get free money

David Unaipon graduated from university and he's a pure Abo.

>Smartest Abo ever proves Abos are smart



Don't most white australians uncritically have abo heritage from the UK and their whitening

An abo famous for being a normal human

stop stroking so hard, most of you haven't even met an abo

>All this hate for Turku and turkulaiset