Brand new antergos install on my x220, what browser should I install and why?

brand new antergos install on my x220, what browser should I install and why?

antenegros seems tite, but kDE is shite, this rhyme seems dynomite

ecks dee


firefox beta
respects your freedom (unless you're a full blown freetard in which case select gnu icecat) and is now as fast as chrome

>KDE plasma

meme machine

I want to put my peepee in pepe's poopoo hole

Uninstall it and install Openbox/Fluxbox or I3-gaps. DE's are fucking useless and a resource hog compared to a good WM.

Forgot "lainon"

Chromium. Just works, besides Firefox requires pulseaudio for sound



Also, install qutebrowser, mpd, ncmpcpp, ranger and learn how to use them.

This is pretty much my answer exactly. And I'm using Antergos as well

Microsoft Edgy™

no seriously, just install the one that's available and you're most used to. No need to reinvent the wheel there.

is this the new memes thread

>using terminal file browser that isn't just the terminal
for what purpose?

>autistic virgins telling me not to use a DE

Antergos is comfy. COMFY!

>calling someone an autistic virgin
>uses antergos+thinkpad
wew my lad

vimb for those slick vim bindings

Firefox because it's the most stable, most secure and it's not too heavy on resources. Before doing that, you should change DE and switch to XFCE.

Can confirm, Antergos shits all over Manjaro, it's just comfy as fuck. But KDE is a way too heavy DE for a laptop. Use Xfce or a WM, this will probably double your battery life.