Is there a glut of Cisgender Straight White Men in IT jobs?

If so, why?

This is so disgusting. I support LGBTQ issues but thing that including/excluding people based on their sex in nonsense.

How is this even legal?

>this is a normal thing that happens in america
how did you guys let it get this bad?
>tfw like everything america does it will spread to the rest of the world
>tfw america essentially fucked up the world

It's the Democratic National Convention, what do you guys expect? Of course they're going to pander to SJW's: thats a big portion of their voter base.


Sauce? The "Data services manager" is hiring the CSO... oooook... is this just some random douchebag trying to earn a starbucks card for forwarding a resume? Is it even real?

I guess just about anything triggers alt-right whiners these days but I'm gonna need to know that this is something real before I give a shit.

How can you assume anybodies kin, gender, or sexual preference? This shit is fucking triggering me

That list does pretty closely match the current hiring postings on the DNC web site.

it's not

Literal discrimination. Not systemic """discrimination""". The actual real thing. And this is "triggering alt-right whiners". Kys yourself. The west deserves to fall because of fucks like you.

This. Encourage minorities to participate and encourage majority to accept them, but exclude any group, even if it's in majority, and you're just as bad as any sexist, racist, homophobe or similar scum.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

people act in their self-interest even if theyre some down-trodden minority
all the bitching and whining about discrimination is just a guilt-trip. they will take advantage of your sympathy.

>blaming the USA
>the Pope is the antichrist and is in charge

How bad does it have to get until you see the truth?

>((( they ))) will take advantage of your sympathy.

>Literal discrimination.

No, it's literally just an image on Sup Forums.

It's fine to get pissed off ****if it is real and was actually written by someone with meaningful influence over their hiring practices.**** But 98% of the shit that makes alt-right whiners throw tantrums doesn't exist outside of their gullible overreacting minds.

Use this helpful sequence:
1: Get the whole story from a source with proven journalistic integrity. Ask yourself "is this bullshit?" "Is this out of context?" "Do I understand the basic facts of the story?"
2: Get all butthurt about it if the story warrants it

I am tired of this minority gender blah blah politics meme.
I want everything to go back to before tumblr broke its banks and poured into real life.

Is this too much to ask for?

Do you mean normal people? Typically normal people are common.

Worked so well when DWS hired the Mateens

Feels good to be a white male.