Will AMD and Nvidia have drivers ready for fushia when it launches? How about games at launch...

Will AMD and Nvidia have drivers ready for fushia when it launches? How about games at launch? Can we expect a port of steam?

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Hope you ain't serious, this shit is for phones.
Expect fucking phone games but I doubt it will ever be a thing on x86

Didnt they just release Oreo or whatever its called?

>this shit is for phones.
no it's for everything

>using intel/amd hardware

where did I mention intel?

Best situation for this thing is that people can take it and make a debotneted fork like they do with Chromium.

Yes they did and android is going to stay with us for a year atleast.
Fucksia isn't ready to replace it yet.

google wants to kill android asap

It can be for anything, but will it ever reach real popularity outside of phones? I doubt it, it might make it's way into what ever Google decides will be a successor to chomebooks.
I just don't see it as a Windows/Linux replacement especially for games anywhere in the near future and not at launch.

It'll be interesting to see if it turns into anything. In theory it could replace Windows (in the very long term). Vulkan is cross-platform so devs wouldn't have that hard of a time switching.

The biggest priority isn't android. It's chrome os. They have invested so much energy in android, it wouldn't make sense to kill it right now. Maybe a year or 2 later.

[spoiler]I wish they killed android asap because it's so fucking inefficient that iToys with lesser specs outperform android phones[/spoiler]

if it's a real time os it will probably be good for music production

>iToys with lesser specs
You do realize that the iPhone 8 / iPhone X has the most advanced SoC in a phone, right? Optimization meme for iOS is bullshit, Apple makes the best ARM SoCs.


whew lad

Amd lack SoC mobile, nVidia only care if fuchsia is use on robotics.

If it fixes one of the main issues with Linux/android in that it actually has a sane driver model and it's modern it'll be neat to see what people can do with it.
Android has issues where the kernel is stuck on ancient versions because drivers are so entangled into that specific kernel version, Windows on the other hand as long as you make good drivers doesn't have to be tied to one windows version 10+ year old machines can run the latest Windows 10/NT kernel. can't say the same for android

>Damage control
Stop for a second.
So let's look at multitasking. Iphones have what, like 3 or 4 gig rams and you say that's not less than 8 what android phones have nowadays ?
>Apple makes the best ARM SoCs
No wonder as the snapdragon 835 what it's competing against was released like a fucking year earlier.

>less cores , less ram , less frequency
>still outperforms snapdragon

Yee totally not optimization



>C++ instead of C
>no supported hardware

>fucks ya

Why? Lubuntu already runs better for games than whatever bloat Google can come up with.

Less than 5% are on oreo. Don't hold your breath

>using RTOS on desktop
Old meme faggot. It's a shitty research project and they haven't finished the dart shit, so no kiddo, no gaymes or gayming drivers.

>card based UI
>for everything

no, no and no.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums

It'll take another 15 years for this to have success in the market that people want it to have success in.

This operating system will be simplistic. It won't cover the needs of many people who want really specific applications with specific purposes. macOS is still going to be quite more usable than this even if it has an app store because of the legacy support it has. There's no concept of "legacy" on this unless it just runs Android application in which case there's not that many applications worth a shit anyways.

Like let's say, some faggot wants Photoshop. No, not some mobile version, not some simplified garbage, he wants Photoshop and perhaps more than 60% of its features. He's not gonna find it here. Not in a long time, unless many, many companies work towards that and these companies also rely on having worked on a product for really long to just give it up and start again.


Android is the worst OS I have ever used, don't think fucksya will be better.
I think a real gnu/linux OS might be better.
Application support is a big deal, but I don't see an anbox is not the solution to this.

I desperately hope you're right, but given the direction everyone seems to be going in, I wouldn't be surprised if desktop OSes get killed off in favor of a mobile ecosystem with companies saying "get used to it lol" and releasing a half baked wine clone to tide us over.

Throwing GNU CRAP at things only make them worse.

WINE exists
Google need to make into a one button click normie-friendly application.

The only reason linux desktop never came is because it never had a normie-friendly enviroment.

I tried using wine, it required some complicated user input i had no time to do the research and set it up.
If google do it for me and all i would have to was to click a "just work" button I will gladly ise their OS.

The other way for them os to throw a truck of money at Adobe to make them port their shit.

Or to develop a VM sandbox that runs windows shit.

The problem with Linux is that it is an IT nerd's community DIY project, coders do shit for themselves a non-IT person cant enter without profound knowledge.

This shouldn't be an issue for a project developed by a company for customers given sufficent funding, and Google pretty much have all the money in the world

meme os 2.0

The main question should be; How do you write apps for this thing?
Are they going to use Java again, or is this just another attempt at pushing their furry abortion language that no one wants to use?

Or did they perhaps finally realize that neither yiffy nor curry languages are a sane choice and went for something else.

I think it really will take quite some time for that. Computers still last for quite some time, many people have baby duck syndrome or get used to the same thing and don't want new to replace everything they have, just a little. If you take someone completely out of their own place they will want to go back really hard.

For instance, Windows 10 isn't that much of a change in comparison to Windows 7 and it already suffers from it. The few changes are making people get stuck in an older version already. "Get used to it" takes quite some time.

So you don't have a system where Timmy can play Assassin's Creed Origins at 100% CPU and silky smooth 24fps or someone can't do much else than what they would do with a chromebook, it's really hard to get used to it. Some linux distros today provide easy to use desktop environments and "software centers" and, while stability is also a factor, one of the main reasons they don't want to switch is because they don't have their favorite application, only an OSS knockoff.

Google took control of many things already, they surely are ambitious and perhaps want everything to be their own product but I don't really think that even in 5 years people will consider using google products full time, and not just on the side like with smartphones.


It is distributed as free and open-source software under a mix of software licenses, including BSD 3 clause, MIT, and Apache 2.0.

Finally someone with the right license.

They'll push their own shitty language

Right now arch linux is more stable than android.
GNU is the only salvation.
10 years ago, wine requires a lot of fiddling.
It basically required you to know a lot about how windows worked and how to write software in order to get things running.
This is not true anymore.
playonlinux is the "just work" solution you are talking about.
It takes care of the winetricks needed for a ton of popular applications.
Somethings just work with wine and that is fine, but playonlinux makes it so much easier.

>They'll push their own shitty language
An OS that runs compiled binaries makes no distinction whatever the language was used to write the source.


It's Google's problem if they won't make driver API compatible with Linux. They have a shitload of money to port drivers on their own for whatever they want.

It will be never launched outside papers

there's people already using chromebooks and nothing else besides maybe a smartphone

In the sense that the slatebook is a laptop running Android so Android is for everything, yes. You've seen the technical mockups haven't you? It's just more material design crap made for tablets and phones.

user, it's 2017. It's a very real possibility.

Open source ≠ free software

Who jams a butt plug into their cat?
Just wtf?

install plan 9. we have doom.


Are you retarded? It's around the tail, the gem hangs down to cover the cat's arse.

>The only reason linux desktop never came is because it never had a normie-friendly enviroment.
Gnome, KDE, Cinnamon, (and even for that matter) Unity... There are a ton of normie-friendly DEs.

It's pronounced fiu-sha in english.

>How about games at launch?

more likely fucks ya

It was the opposite before their new SoC. And like said, 835 is already a year old.

That's one shit name. And thing doesn't even use Linux

Pick one and only one

I meant "ECO SYSTEM" like they say Apple ecosystem ie bunch of software that covers most user''s needs.

To attract the upper double digit IQ users that make up the absolute bulk of the market you have to offer an entire ecosystem completely free of any terminal fiddling or even complicated settings, they can remain in the system as a tool for the power user but they must be by no means mandatory.


>doesnt know google literally forked littlekernel without the extra platforms support
stay pleb google shill