So what's the best android launcher that's lightweight and not full of fucking bloatware nowadays

So what's the best android launcher that's lightweight and not full of fucking bloatware nowadays

Microsoft launcher

Nova, as always.

Give the facebook profile, please!

>not full of bloatware

Hurr durr I'm microsoft fag and I think it's not full of bloatware and it's lightweight
xDDD muh games


OpenLaunch via F-droid.

Stay fossy OP.


Minimal, available on Google Play and Fdroid. Hands down my favourite

I find Nova the most enjoyable, but I won't lie and say there isn't some bloat. Just recently got the Pixel 2 XL and the native launcher is pretty great, and I've read there are ways to get this launcher on other phones. Investigate that.

Hayai launcher. It's also the objectively best launcher.

>get nova
>set animations "faster than light"
>go to dev settings, disable all animations
You're welcome lads.

bawww it has more features than I specifically want it to have so it's made wrong!

Pirated TSF Shell version 2.0.7

god i'd like to bloat her wares if you know what i mean

Wow, that actually feels really nice

Dave, that's your cousin. What the fuck is wrong with you?

That would be even hotter then.

You'd make her moo.

whoever came up with high-waisted jeans needs to be found and shot.

Right? It's like fucking steve urkle's ugly looking ass getup.

It easily turns 6/10s to 2/10s for me.

it is unironically the best launcher for poodroid though, it checks all of OP's boxes. remember he didn't say it had to be botnet-free

What the fuck am I reading? High waisted jeans are a godsend

you talking shorts or pants too? you like high waisted pants?

>t. steve urkle

