Cozy commiblock thread for friends

Roll in, my fellow eastern european brat'ya.

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, sadly i live in house now


Dobrý deň

Post your previous place, comrade lyah.

vsem privet

O, pan litva, den' dobryj.

neighbour block ladt christmas in Poland


pic related is basically the exactly same commieblock I live in right now


>christmas in Poland
Rozhdestvo in Russia. (Novyj god actually as we don't celebrate christmas due to atheism).

>grey concrete box
>plastic windows
Looks like home. Do local bydlo hand out near the pod'ezd?

>due to atheism
B-but Russian Christmas is a major religious event in Russia, you could say it has even more religious connection than catholic Christmas

Technically yes, but due to 70 years of atheism as the general ideology we on't tend to believe in anything religious.

Bydlo busy gutting fish in Norway. Only babushkas now.

Is that the entrance to the commieblock, where the bench is? Sounds similar to Czech ujezd. In my commieblock they used to, but now they are all in UK or Norway or wherever else (thank g*d)... But yeah it would be the place to be for them.

How do you say commieblock in Russian? If I write 'daugiabutis' in Google Images, 90% I get renovated blocks because a lot of them are being renovated, even in my city. The typical grim Soviet image is becoming extinct here.

Just pray that someone from Košice doesn't come into this thread

>Russian Christmas is a major religious event in Russia

Yes, it used to be, but no one celebrates it now.

Desolated landscapes everywhere you go, it's something of which you can't get rid of. Imagine a late November day. It had snowed throughout the night, but the temperatures has hit now 2 degrees. There is but clay on the ground since it still pours sleet from the sky. The tiny sockets from the asphalt make the town seem like an enormous mire. And in this landscape you should try to add 30 meter tall buildings, with abraded and grey aspect and maybe sad, bare people gazing into the horizon from a window from the eighth floor.

But hey, where are you hurrying? Do you want to find anything out about the countryside? I guess not, because the houses are aligned in a surly way, the houses all look the same. The village's main street has houses on both sides, with a wall line starting at the beginning of the village and ending at the... end of the village. The houses are long and narrow usually here in eastern and north-eastern Romania, with a small porch at the entrance and a backyard or a garden. The only happy thing is a rooster which crows. Speaking of birds, you may also hear a crane moaning distantly, trying desperately to go to a better, warmer land and leaving the land which soon will host temperatures as low as -20. But, let us return, shall we? The villager is but a simple person, doing small things in the yard in that cloudy November day, waiting for the winter - which is a blight for the average peasant. He may chop some woods and storage them in an abraded barn which is about to fall. He then opens the TV watching the news, eating some eggs and some stale bread whilst watching the sleet falling over his house. Some water infiltrates in a corner of his house through the rusty roof.

Do you have it the same?

>/rus/ thread
>all posts are in english

How do you palatalize "t" then? It should be with cedilla like latvians have ( Ļ for example)

Dima, it's not /rus/. Go do пaхмeл.

>Is that the entrance to the commieblock, where the bench is?

>How do you say commieblock in Russian?
Panel'ka (shortening from panel'nyj dom). MEaning block house. Although it concerns brick houses as well.

>How do you say commieblock in Russian?

We have no word for "commieblock" in Russian, it's called "пaнeльный/киpпичный мнoгoэтaжный дoм" (panel/brick multi-storey house) or just "мнoгoэтaжкa".



We have no panel block houses in my town, only ones made of brick, so no panelkas here.


хpyщeвкa или cтaлинкa - in Russian

lol. October instead of November, -10 instead of whatever it is in Romania in November and dirt instead of clay.

You mean in Lithuanian language? I don't think we palatalize t, we use i sound to soften our letters and I think it's only used or at least mainly used when making words diminutive, like pėlytė (diminutive of female mouse, pėlė) - pėliukas (male version of the former word). In the latter case, you have L sound same as Latvian because there is i in front of it, which is silent by itself. If you take away that i you will have pėlukas (won't mean anything now), and the second part of the word (lukas) will sound same as name Lukas.

Actually I made this overly complicated now, I should have just used that name as the only example. If you write Liukas (it means hatch, as in entrance), you will have it sound same as Latvian Ļukas.

That's cool, in my language it's daugiabutis which is made up of two words - daug (many) and butas (flat) so it means manyflat.

Hrushevkas are slightly different. At least here when we use that word it's usually a 4 or 5 story brick building, with an inclined roof.


Muscovite detected.

I just can't understand why they build them in these orders. Here it looks like a fuckinf wall. Couldn't they build them randomly?

Do they call it differentely in Russia? In Moscow it is common word.

It's probably an urban legend, but I've heard that they were built overlapping in a way that they would provide cover in an event of urban warfare.

These ones were built during 2000's. Why the fyck would they care about warfare?


We don't have them in Russia.

>war... war never changes...
No idea then.

I forgot to post this.

Peterburg has them for sure.

>Why the fyck would they care about warfare?

Because the war is soon, fellow Russian.

You're just idiot or profound mukhosransk. Stalinka is the same commiblock but with high ceilings (4m or smt).
t. not moscow

I'm talking about Russia, not St.Petersburg.

Looks like Petersburg. Just poorer.

go back there

How's this one?


sorry for the rotation



hi r9 my commieblocks

>dirt at -10
Isn't the ground supposed to be frozen. In eastern Romania we have -2 in November mornings and 8 during the day.


looks comfy

Comfy old commiblock

good place to drink beer and shit, I bet police dont even go there

In that place people sit on benches with their neighbors, communicate, children running around. Someone dries clothes near the front door.
That's really comfy and cozy place.

They have similar places in Hong Kong, due to the lack of space.

guys help me
i used to have a wallpaper of a building similar to these (commieblocks) but with only 1 of the apartment with lights turned on, it was a nice wallpaper but i lost it :(

im such a russia boo
there is something fascinating about russia



rent will go up and you will lose your job :^) recession soon





this is the fault of stupid jewish communists who ruined russia


Lol what is construction logistics? Easier to build close to each other right?