Attention all koders: how the fuck do you answer this question

Attention all koders: how the fuck do you answer this question
>So what do you do for a living, user?

Programmer? Developer? Software engineer? "I work with computers"?

No matter what i call myself normies always say shit like
>ooooh so you're IT right?
God fucking damn
My official title is "Software engineer" and yours probably too, but let's be frank here, programming isn't ((theoretically)) engineering, even though my team is hardware and firmware too. I would just tell people I'm an engineer but there's always the chance of an actual engineer being the one asking, and then I'd just feel like a fake faggot.

Am I the only one autistic enough to be bothered being called IT?

Is that a boy or a girl (male)?

>actual engineer
If it makes you feel any better, ninety nine our of ninety nine engineers are actually fucking idiots.

What kind of backwards flyover town do you live in where people call software devs "IT"? If you moved to a city that has more than 3 tech jobs this wouldn't be an issue.

I like that shirt. where do I get it?

also yes, stop being autistic. just feel smug that you are superior to them

t. signed,

If it's that big of an issue, just tell them what you do, not your job title. Assuming it isn't confidential, that would at least help dispel the 'Computer-something=IT guy' problem. This is what I do, personally.

it does, thank you

>where do I get it?
the brand is called Hero Buff

>he is one of those faggots that wants to be called "engineer"
Kill yourself.

I just tell them that I'm a software engineer. I don't care.

I just tell them that I'm an electrical engineer

never thought about that, unfortunately it's confidential, what i work on might even piss people off

I don't want to, but if that's what it takes for people to stop calling me IT

Hey can anyone ID that laptop tho?

software engineer are literally engineer though dude. if you're out there making widgets, gadgets, apps, and other shit then being then you're a software engineer. you're not a theorist or math but instead creating stuff. computer science also includes pure theoretical stuff for people who don't want to make some gayme or website and those are the people who aren't engineer

is this some new meme? anybody can pull out a name out their ass because it looks just like any other laptop, what would you do with the id anyway? buy one?

Either Developer if they have any knowledge of computers, or Computer Programmer if I think they are retarded

Software developer would be the neutral term.

Calling yourself an Engineer without an engineering degree is lame.

Programming is engineering.

who is this fine piece of man?

Designing programs is engineering.
Programming is just a craft.

I always answer software engineer, is what I am.

my thoughts exactly, but then why do so many big name companies call their programmers engineers?
i even noticed a lot of them have roles both in software development and software engineering so they are differentiated

How can you program without designing programs? Unless you're doing the most absolute simple stuff, I mean.

>How can you program without designing programs?
It's what pajeets are used for.

I just tell them I'm an information wizard.

>drag and drop CAD components in a program made by programmers to design stuff
>lol programmers aren't engineer

fits better than 'scientist' though

you guys have esteem issues. if you're an actual programmer then you're an engineer. it's like thinking you're not an engineer unless you build the entire building yourself. also, a piece of paper that barely can be used to wipe your own ass isn't what's required to be engineers. they existed before any garbage like the current status of degrees existed

>2011 was six years ago

Who cares, if you don't wanna take a break from the crusty ketchup build up pussy of fucking normie bitches and ensure that qt can just drop a shit on your chest the next day without pushing then you're the biggest fucking faggot ever.

I never fucking realised that technically we're scientists

No, engineers are not scientists, and scientists are not engineers. Engineers apply science, scientists discover new science.

What's with all the hate against Sup Forums? It's cool to play videogames, the people who do it are unique and intelligent

>a piece of paper that barely can be used to wipe your own ass isn't what's required to be engineers.

It's a reference to the name of the degree, retard.

>ooooh so you're IT right?
no, I make things instead of fix things

Bill Nye the bachelor degree guy isn't even a scientist

Do you even read the posts you're replying to? Hope you're trolling, otherwise, my condolences for your mental handicap

So have you gotten to my ticket yet?

I just say that I do computer stuff. I barely got to write code in the last month. Those golden days as an intern with nothing to do but work on a fresh solo project are long gone.

I live in bay area.

If you say any of those we just assume you're a techie and make increasingly obscure references to gauge ur geek chic.

But really though 50% of the people here work in tech so its not really a issue.

Now I am a finance guy but, do I call myself a data analyst a data scientist, fintech? I use python so ...

What's your title and what do you do thats taking your time away from programming, user? I really don't want that to happen to me

If that's your title why not

>Now I am a finance guy but, do I call myself a data analyst a data scientist, fintech? I use python so ...
for finance data analysis most of the work is done on python or is javascript a thing too?

Sauce on QT?

Computer Science is a field of Engineering that is one part theory and one part practice.

The theoretical part formulated the algorithms needed to accomplish a task, the practical part is implementing said algorithms.

When normies ask what you are, just say you are a Computer Scientist, and if they say IT just correc them by saying that IT are the plumbers of hydraulic engineering, to put it analagously, as they solve minor issues, while the Computer Scientists create those issues :^)

And to anyone that says CS is not really a science, fuck off. Computer science uses more pragmatic fields of mathematics than you would in your sorry excuse for a life, and even software engineers (who are worth their salt) have at the minimum a principal understanding of discrete mathematics.

application consultant. mostly support work for existing systems. anything new that's non trivial requires spending 2x the "dev" work on documentation and email. but any established non-IT company already has software they don't want to pay to change, so supporting the old stuff is mostly what happens.

basically my new holy trinity is Microsoft Outlook, Word, and Excel instead of Visual Studio, SQL Server Management Studio, and a web browser.

Data Engineer

I tell my friends/family I pretty much move data from one area to another, make it easier for people to find and use.

SE course has about the same amount of math than the CS course in my uni.
Ironically it has less EE.

I do Dev/Ops and Systems Engineering which is so much harder to explain to normies than software engineering

After I tell them my job title they ask if Im a programmer or something, and I'm always like "uhh sorta..."

Its pretty lame desu

"I get paid to solve problems" will make her {male) wet.

javascript is not used in finance
and if you wanna do data analysis just bite the bullet and learn python, it'll give you so much more use than JS

I have a physics PhD, and I hate when people assume I'm and engineer just because I make a living developing software. :^{ )

ok man, thanks for the info
do you recommend any books for starting out?

>computational "mathematician"
>source code "linguist"
>artificial intelligence "psychologist"
>computer network "sociologist"
>electronic "physician"
>non carbon "biologist"
>silicon "philosopher"
>data tree "horticulturist"
>system soul "theologian"
>non human logic systems of ambiguous gender "womens studies major"

It's also sometimes illegal.

I feel you bra
Feels weird explaining systems engineering

That's because EE uses more calculus than SE does.

>Designing programs is engineering.
>Programming is just a craft.
half the shit out there is unplanned shit just hacked together continuously piling on to itself with little to no 'engineering' done
>ie javascript
>ie linux's 15 million lines of code
>ie agile development

pretty much this, for me

The CS electronics courses in my uni barely use any math.

How do you started developing software?

Depending on your school's program, or the country you take it, a CS degree can sometimes have more math than EE.


idk man, I've never used a book to learn a language

but if you already know another language you might as well start developing some stuff and google whenever you encounter a problem, python is pretty close to pseudo code

>half the shit out there is unplanned shit just hacked together continuously piling on to itself with little to no 'engineering' done
because there are a lot of code monkeys who know how to speak high-level languages and type them out to do things, but don't know what a Boolean matrix is, a cluster of morons who know how to walk the walk, but not how to talk the talk. Useful idiots.
That and business managers who have no idea how programming works push for impossible deadlines so even the good ones are forced to use the ugliest, messiest, and most error-prone method possible in order to meet the deadlines of the jack-ass higher-ups.

When you see good code that does something really well, know that it was put together by a well educated CS major who had manageable deadlines.

who is that semen demon OP?

p51 or p71 if the dgpu is a must have

I don't have a degree, but I go with "software developer" because I develop software. No need to dress it up

for me at least CS was in the College of Engineering. True that I didn't have to take the FE though

people don't really get how much of a science computer science is cause they're retards who just do php webdev shit or want to be a gaymer. they don't understand cs is pushing the theoretical limits of understanding even more than stuff like stuff physics. it's an honor to engineers actual competent computer scientist to be called engineer.

>I would just tell people I'm an engineer but there's always the chance of an actual engineer being the one asking

I know this feel.
The same goes for Computer "Scientist" like Software "Engineer"
I'm also studying EE so maybe one day I'll feel as If I earned the title.

What do you work on?

My official job title is "Computer Scientist"
But I have a Masters degree and work in research.

But you work in in research to improve computers, whether it be software or hardware, so 'scientist' is the right term.
'Engineer' isn't a protected title like 'doctor', so literally every trade likes to slap the word 'engineer' to sound better/smarter. No engineer gives a shit about the title at this point except crusty old fucks.

>literally every trade likes to slap the word 'engineer' to sound better/smarter

If you look at new job postings, "analyst" is another term they beat to death.
Programmer? Programmer Analyst.
Sysadmin? Systems/Network Analyst.
Mop floors? Facilities Analyst.

Most states will fine you for saying that you're an engineer without having a license

yo who is dis. do they wanna join a discord with other ""''programmers"""" : 3

IT guy= mousemonkey
Engineer= Technician
They are the same

>is just a craft
>witch craft

Code Sorcerer -> Code Wizard -> Bit God.

>99.999% of software engineers
>doing engineering
Sure. Except for formal verification, there is nothing you do that resembles engineering. It's a disgrace to call it engineering.

>muh prestigious engineering!1111
Please tell me what you consider engineering, because these days all """engineers""" do is move shit around in AutoCAD and mash shit together in Solidworks until it fits. If you're not a fucking retard that tries to shit out buggy software, you're going to be doing more """"""""""engineering"""""""""" work than the average mechanical/chemical/sanitation/transparent wall engineer. Hell, electrical """engineers""" used to put fucking relays into boxes and run wires between them, they've been replaced with controls """engineers""". 99% of those dumb fucks don't know what a fucking deadlock is or how to resolve one. Engineering is a fucking joke so stop talking about it like you have a clue about what these fucking monkeys do in the industry.

what's with the obvious guy dressed up as a girl?

You sound like you are 15. What do you write? PHP?

>Except for formal verification,
>engineers builds a bridge
>"formally verifies it"
>it collapses later and lots of people die
wow, is this the power of verification? there's countless engineers making absolute garbage out there. in fact, being a competent computer scientist is a lot more challenging than being a mediocre engineer. like the other user said it's the software engineers making the programs the "engineers" use to build shit. ai can easily build houses better than "engineers" but it takes a software engineer to make the ai

You don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about

Is this a new term for traps?

"I work as an warehouse clerk"
>inb4 you know komputars? Mine is acting weired, could you have a look?

I love you

Just say Software Engineer. Jesus, it's not that hard and if people automatically think you mean IT then who gives a shit? Technically software development all falls under the umbrella of 'IT' which would mean they're correct anyway.

What am I if I develop automatic tests?

A tester?
A developer?

LinkedIn if full of test managers, test analysts, test whatever.

The sanest definition I stumbled upon is SDET.

A developer of automated testing software

The difference is in how they model things they're working with. While true engineers use mathematically sound methods and can say "this component will work under these circumstances and up to this load", software engineers draw bubbles and boxes on whiteboard and handwave their systems into production. In the better case. Most of the software people work with lacks even this child-level "specification", they can say absolutely nothing about the system with certainity except "it will fail".
Formal verification bring SE up to the engineering standard but it's too hard so no one does it.

Nothing wrong with playing videogames.
But there's a lot wrong with Sup Forums. Namely the average age.

>I would just tell people I'm an engineer but there's always the chance of an actual engineer being the one asking,

Legit concern in Europe

In the USA "Engineer" is just a title anyone can assume
>Interaction engineer
>Social justice engineer


In Europe it more strictly refers to people who have an engineering degree

Somehow my title is "Software engineer" (probably because it should translate well), but I'm the only one with a CS degree in a team of actual engineers, so I just say "programmer"

Have never felt any need to impress the person asking

I call myself a Rustacean.

Just say your'e an artist.A performance artist.

>"I work with computers"
I just tell people that I'm unemployed. Nobody demands free tech support of me when they don't know I work with computers. I don't have to deal with explaining to people that I rather not spend 1-3 hours on their shitbox for free. That their offer of one free dinner invite (spaghetti) is not good enough.

I just avoid talking to people in general.

you can at least say 'programmer', try explaining what a sysadmin does to casual normies..... I just tell them I work with computers so they can leave me alone and stop asking dumb questions