So... is 1070ti a good buy?

so... is 1070ti a good buy?


>so... is 1070ti a good buy?
No, because new generation of gpus are coming soon.

No because Vega still has the advantage of free-sync

>so... is 1070ti a g o o d b o y?

since vega 56 is now at msrp, fuck no get vega 56

>Get Vega 56 and flash it to 64

Getting a vega 56 now instead of waiting a few months. Toppest of all keks.

Just wait™

Not really. They're pointless.

Vega 56, 1070/ti, and Vega 64 are pointless.

If you want 1080p60, you just need a 1060/580.

If you want 1440p60, or 1080p144, you need at least a 1080.

If you want 2160p60, you need a 1080ti. (Or a 1080 with no AA).

I just don't see the point of the mid range when entry level 1060 is so good. You'd be paying $100 extra for nothing (maybe bumbing a slider from High to Ultra).

Also, people keep comparing the 1070ti with the 1080 which is like comparing a K model CPU with a locked version.

At stock, the locked one almost catches up to the K model. However, after OC, you'd be getting +15-20% performance. Nobody would ask for a locked model if it was $50 cheaper than the K.

Especially since in this instance, the upgrade to 1070ti is useless. It doesn't hit any milestones. The 1080 at stock does fall short of 2160p60, but hits it reliably at OC.

Also, as a preemptive >implying:


The cheapest you can get is $480.

>If you want 1440p60, or 1080p144, you need at least a 1080.
Vega 56 when flashed and 1070ti when OC'd is right with or surpassing a 1080, the 1080 is dead

>(Or a 1080 with no AA).
nice leddit spacing
but at 4k you don't need AA at all. it's one of the main selling points of the resolution..

Vega 56 = 1070ti in all I care about
magic drivers will just be a plus

>Just wait™
Yea just wait for a few months for the next gen gpus. It's too late in the game to buy anything now, and it's still a better idea than buying a vega 56 now, or anything else now.

....but you can also OC a 1080.

Except it really doesn't get much faster and certainly isn't worth the potential $100+ from Vega 56 at least

I want 1080p102 though so i think the 1070 is perfect for me

>At stock, the locked one almost catches up to the K model. However, after OC, you'd be getting +15-20% performance. Nobody would ask for a locked model if it was $50 cheaper than the K.
holy shit you're retarded. they're the exact same cpu, just rebranded with a psuedo bump in freq speed so as to avoid anti consumer lawsuits.
P.S at best you're looking at 5% perf increase via overclock. you'll never see 15-25%, hell their new cpu releases aren't even 1-3% better than the previous models.

RX Vega 64 (Or 56 on 64 BIOS which is cheaper than the 1070Ti) EASILY beats a 1070Ti .
You should not be leaving a 56/64 at stock settings either if you have any level of sense/knowledge.

Tech enthusiasts know where the real value lies.

Dumbass gamers who don't have a clue will leave everything at stock and believe the 1070Ti is somehow the faster GPU.

>Tech enthusiasts know where the real value lies.
Let me guess. Tech enthusiats are choosing the vega 56/64 instead of waiting a few months from now? Keep in mind that most tech enthusiasts have already bought their hardware a long time ago.

>A few months

>He believes leather jacket man is gonna drop a midrange Volta GPU in the second quarter

>He believes leather jacket man is gonna drop a midrange Volta GPU in the second quarter
How often does nvidia "drop" a gpu?
It's almost like they try to have products to sell every year.


To be honest, though, the MSI Titanium edition looks amazing. Wish we have that heatsink/fan combo again next gen.

>waiting a few months from now
But I've been waiting for a few years tho

Yeah it's pretty good. 1440p 144Hz in a lot of titles for the lowest price yet.

The 1070Ti isn't locked retard.

>But I've been waiting for a few years tho
That's your own fault. Now wait a few more months, and get a next gen gpu, or current gen at lower prices.

Only in tiny monitors maybe.

Whenever sales dry up. Nvidia is only competing with itself at this point.

Wew that is nice. Fuck the red/black cards.

If you haven't got Pascal yet wait for volta

I wish reviewers benchmarked on High setting instead of Ultra. There is little visual difference but usually a massive drop in framerate.

Destiny 2 is coming bundled with some cards. If you were going to buy it anyways there's a $60 saving right there. $380 for close to 1080 performance may just be equal to what you will get out of Volta.

always something in max that tanks it

>Destiny 2
Sounds like a loss of $60 to me.

Ok sorry. I won't play games you don't like.

magic vega drivers or volta in a couple of months might make prices drop, so I would be hesitant to buy it right now

What's for 720p60? Is 1050Ti good enough?

comming from a r290 that runs at 94c under load (30c room temp) I rather have a few less fps than have another fucking space heather. i’m so sick of the r9290 that i might just buy a 1070ti

wait for the new Titan XD collectors edition
make sure you get the green led one for speed, the red leds just heat it up more

its even worse than locked
less cuda cores, less bandwidth
overclock it all you like, it will forever be a twink card.

Although i admit it's funny manufacturers finally learned not to release the exact same product binned into 4-6 clock-and-price tiers. Well. Most manufacturers *cough Ryzen 7 1700 cough*