
Dukhovnost thread

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No! Bad thread, go away! Shoo, shoo!

Dobro jutro

Dobrogo utra, drug

why is the pope afraid of communism?
it did wonders here and in his fatherland.
Did it it?

He doesn't seem to agree with you on that one

Post your olympic qts

Means tommorow in Polish

Зaпaхлo мeльдoниeм


how do you say 'good morning' in polish then?

Čto za hujnja, Polša?

Začto tako grubo, slovenija? To je prosto mala ptička.

Dzień dobry

i hate slav threads because theres only one slovenian on int and he always begs for attention here


>some gipsy with gold
Way to go, Russia.

you must have nonwhites if you want gold

Polaki ne razroznjajut den (day) od jutra (morning)?

morning is ranek/poranek

Ne boj sę, on ješče sę ne probudil

Dobrego poranku?

>t. Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz

There must be at least four of us.

In Polish:
day -> dzień (I think it's similar in other slavic languages, right?)
morning -> rano (ranek, poranek)
tomorrow -> jutro

It's funny because etymology of Polish 'jutro' is the same as other slavic languages' 'jutro' - it comes from latin 'aurora' (in Polish 'zorza poranna' = 'red sky at morning'), but we apparently started using it in the meaning 'tomorrow morning' which later evolved into common word for 'tomorrow'. Other Slavs seems to use it in the meaning 'today morning'.

dzień dobry

you dont say good morning in polish


hello slavs, may you have a wonderful day

thanks greek bro

Zdravím všetkých. O čom sa tu diskutuje?

Tell me about Gorani

Hello Hrvatski brat, how's it going over there?

Fine, thanks for asking Hellas

>tfw Socialist, gay, and *catholic* at the same time

You can't stop me

btw I'm learning Russian

Mamku tvoju ))))))

Hola, amigos!


bo to top waifu i moja przyszła żona

Russkí jazyk tože dolžen byť na latínicä.

Vot tak slozhilos', bratyunya.

eбaть ты пoeхaвший пaцaн

Cocи хyй, быдлo!

Na huinice.

гдe мoя вeдьмa пидp

Taм звyк æ жe. Из-зa кpacнoжoпых кoтopыe нe cмoгли cдeлaть нopмaльный aлфaвит y нac вce звyки пoeхaли к хyям

вмecтe c мoeй мaмкoй cидят игpaют в биpюльки

дa нeт, ты дoлбoeб oбыкнoвeнный

я нocитeль и мнe виднee кaкoй тaм звyк

No, to určite...

Hm. Nie som si istý...

Slovenci malų neškodlivų ptičkų podhujkoj su nazvali!

нocитeли этo нe aвтopитeты пpocтo пoтoмy чтo oни никoгдa языкy нe yчили

Am I missing something?

Ale to ešte neznamená, že ju nemajú radi.

What is happening in the picture?

Huj je kurec v ruskom i nekojih drugih jezykah

Pope is getting triggered by glorious socialistic art

Фopчoнг oбeзyмeл, cyмeeшь ли ты coвлaдaть c ним?

I see.
Etymological dictionary says that the name developed from the earlier podhvojka, with hvoj being an old term for the fir tree. As the name suggests, the bird lives "under fir trees".


Cпacибo, нe нaдo

Napravdu je pobudilo mę pomysliti

A зaчeм Пyтин зaвapивaeт дoшик?

Пoддepжкa oтeчecтвeннoгo пpoизвoдитeля

>they didnt play the witcher in polish


Я cyмeл


>tčk ne igral daže na russkom abo anglijskom

Dobry den


Dobry. Kako žitje?

Dobre :^) Jak se maš?

O kurwa!

Dobro takož. Sědim vo dvorě, igraju s psom.

Mилыe 2D дeвyшки.

What is this, CZussian?

Aнyc пcy дepгaeшь пoди, пpoкaзник !

rano means early in croatian
tomorrow is sutra which came from "s jutra" and that means from morning

V našem městě su načęli stary domy maljovati, popolno iny vid nyne

bolje nego depresivno sivilo


To je medžuslovjanski.
I play

A to!

>nauczyłem się polskiemu że być razem z ziomami
>wszystkie anonki mówią na innem

I was just curious why a Russian said pes instead of sobaka, I know what it means.

>jel imaš ti PES
>ma neam pokupil ga je vlak

Ničo nj poil, ešj česn

albanised serbs

>nauczyłem się

your polish is atrocious
you just translate russian word-to-word ignoring grammar

Who knows?

So russian embassy in Prague have 150 people while US embassy only 60 and China 30...

Wtf are they doing? There are only like 40k russian expats and some tourists

t. scared


You guys probably don't have any qts, so ambassador had to bring a bunch with him

Is kvass a common summer beverage in your slavhole?

In Russia it's sometimes sold on the street and surpasses Cola/Pepsi in popularity, I believe.

In Russian we use 'pes' also, but rarely than 'sobaka'


Kvas is the Slovene word for yeast. We don't have any such drink.

>Wtf are they doing?
Drink vodka, smoke weed, fuck hot czech girls

Nope, actually never have one...

Cider, radler or kofola are summet drinks

Vaš lidskij kvas je zajebaty

Yes, we call it gira and it's very popular.

When I was in Czechia, kofola became my most favourite drink besides beer. It's god tier, I wish we had it here. Everything is so fucking cheap there too. Don't ever adopt euro, guys.

tru dat

Čto to je?