Why do Westerners buy chinese phones? do you know that you are contributing to your countries demise?

Why do Westerners buy chinese phones? do you know that you are contributing to your countries demise?

My country only makes nokia phones and those are shit.
But they might have closed this factory too because how bad nokia is

If my country made good phones I would buy them. Since they don't, I don't. It's just how it is.

all phones are made in china so it doesn't fucking matter

My country doesn't make phones. Idiot

buy literally any other phone that isnt chink brand. When the Chinese are start knocking on your door you cant say "well its not my fault"
manufacturing or assembling doesn't give that much

It's not my fault every phone company in the US is garbage. Besides, even if I did buy from a US phone company the only thing they're doing is sending it directly to China to pay for manufacturing the phone. Everything is foxconn.


>buy literally any other phone that isnt chink brand. When the Chinese are start knocking on your door you cant say "well its not my fault"
Even if you do that they're all made in China anyway. If you want us to buy western phones get out there and start manufacturing phones in the west.

The only phones I've bought in the last couple years have been designed and manufactured in North America.

Two underrated features: Chinese import phones don't have the audible photo click out of the box, have a real DGAF DND/blocklist ringout mode out of the box.

I think these are both illegal in my cucked-up country, certainly the first one is and haven't seen other on a domestically sold phone

What sort of shithole enforces a shutter sound by law

I know Japan has

All phones are Chinese-born tho

Last phone I had made in my country was an Ericsson (not Sony Ericsson, Ericsson)

Las phone I had made in the EU was a Nokia with a now dead OS

My country doesn't produce anything of value besides webshit.
Hope China annexes us.

Countries are just lines on a map.

Demise? Why, China is a relatively fair and reliable trade partner.

"Everyone in the west is American" - OP

>Why do Westerners buy chinese phones?
It's either that or go without a phone.

You can just remove that kinda crap by installing a custom ROM. That kinda shit only works on turbonormies.

>buying wiko shit.

What non-Chinese phones exists besides some low-end ones made in India?

Wouldn't it be cool then if the west stopped their corporate greed, and try to make decent consumer wares? China reigns supreme, because Western companies using Chinese factories are the backbone of these phonemakers' economy, thus they can make certain shit like phones that are exactly as good the western ones, except often better with the addition of veing cheaper. I wouldn't mind buying expensive western phones though, it's just they are all shit.

Well everyone who matters, so he's not exactly wrong.

My country makes phones of a worse quality than Chinks. Chinks have Xiaomi, OnePlus and Huawei, and all 3 are decent brands.

I'm not a burger, so I don't care about apple. And chinks make good stuff these days at reasonable prices (plus we have a trades agreement with them so import taxes are laughably low if they even exist).
My country only produces high-end specialized medical devices, power distribution hardware and electrical rail vehicles so why not leave the basic shit to chinese?

wouldn't it be cool if western consumers actually bought superior-quality products when they're on offer? There's a reason why for a lot of products theres no longer anything on sale but crap, because anything that wasn't crap didn't sell.

>good specs
>custom ROMs
Stay mad polfag

unless you live in a 4th world country