Deny the Holocaust or you're a pussy

>Australia (only non-Euro country to bother with laws like this)
>Bosnia and Herzegovina
>Czech Republic

You are all called into this thread to deny the Holocaust and prove your country isn't populated by pussies.

"The Holocaust never happened"- there, you can copy&paste that if you're scared of gov keyloggers.

Other urls found in this thread:

What are you even talking about? Holo.. what?

>Kto verejne popiera, spochybňuje, schvaľuje, alebo sa snaží ospravedlniť holokaust, zločiny režimu založeného na fašistickej ideológii, zločiny režimu založeného na komunistickej ideológii alebo zločiny iného podobného hnutia, ktoré násilím, hrozbou násilia alebo hrozbou inej ťažkej ujmy smeruje k potlačeniu základných práv a slobôd osôb, potrestá sa odňatím slobody na šesť mesiacov až tri roky

Almost did, by reflex, then realized it is the Holocaust you are talking about. Not denying that.


Sorry but my great-grandfather died in a concentration camp along with all his jewish neighbors.

I had family members in camps. Some died, some survived.

Why deny the truth? To be edgy?

What's the actual reasoning behind these laws? What would you have to do/say to actually be charged for this?

The WW2 happened and it was bad enough, fuck germany and fuck russia.

I think Jewish lobbying pays an important part.
>Proposal would criminalise activities such as banning the burqa, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and Holocaust denial

Irish famine never happened

oh fuck we have the sames :D

This happened by the hands of simple Germans, not a nazis mind you but simple germans that after the war went back to their jobs and families, none of them was punished. Whenever you see german think twice, he might slaughter people whenever you look different direction.

Where were you when Free speech ded?

What for? There's nothing wrong with Holocaust or exterminating the jewish vermin in general.

Potato famine never happened

>It's literally illegal to say certain words in a particular order in his country

Like trying to pass laws against stupid is going to stop anyone...


What words?



You may only post itt if your country was not allied with britain during ww2