ITT: Sup Forums in 1980

ITT: Sup Forums in 1980

Other urls found in this thread:

I wrote a neat program to catalog your erotic fiction, it's GPL and free as in freedom.
Just send me $5 and a self addressed envelope and I'll send you a tape with the source code

Today I shaved and wore moms jewelry and clothes, I feel so good in them...

What is your problem?

son I am dissappoint

Who else here fell for the kit meme? What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?

You do soldering a 5 year old could master and then feel like you've accomplished something (protip: you didnt)





>oopsie typo
>starts from scratch


the more things change, the more they remain the same


Just admit it. You'd buy one if you could afford it.

Haha, shut up homo.

I hope for your sake you owned one of these bad boys:


Sup Forums comprehensively BTFO

>dem dick smiths electronics books
very comfy

>Sup Forums
>playing video games

Amber vs green


>missing key
No thanks, I could get one in prime condition for 20 bucks. Keep your shit.

C o m f y




found the underage


>Sup Forums in the 80's


*swims around in his dad's ballsack*


Unix is not Free

>hurrr your opinion makes you retarded
You know who would misinterpret it this badly? A retard.

Kek, modern freetards are this clueless.

are you really this clueless?