KC has been 522 for several hours. Are there any Bernds who took refuge here? Did someone anger the Russians again?

KC has been 522 for several hours. Are there any Bernds who took refuge here? Did someone anger the Russians again?

kanker I just returned home stoned and can't shitpost like I intended to

who else /antiLinux/ here?

>Are there any Bernds who took refuge here?


Let's post ebin menes

>want to post webms
>no sound allowed

Bernd here, I need my daily dose of irrelevant Finnish news.

> Are there any Bernds who took refuge here?
>Did someone anger the Russians again?
after kaycey went down I posted babushka pics on sosach if this counts



This place isn't caseytyre enough

Zitto animale

I'm starting to think the germ government finally killed it.

it's hosted in chicago


ew, these KC posters reek of stagnant memes.

Doesn't matter they can shut it down.

fucking shit, what was the IRC address of kc again?

I need to know what is going on

t. paranoidbernd

they don't know shit

well shit

maybe a problem with the hosting ?

maybe this mene was too much

Where should I go now? ylilauta? ernstchan? neuschwabenland? something else?


What's this?

"Trollforum Krautchan das erste Opfer der großen Internet-Säuberungskampagne #NoHateSpeech? Admin gilt als verschollen. Wurde er verhaftet?"

I just got home from work and now I'm stuck here

hurry up hotpockets and get these shit threads out of this board