I hate Microjew, but why is pic related so godlike?

I hate Microjew, but why is pic related so godlike?

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>why is pic related so godlike?
It isn't.


>why is pic related so godlike?
It isn't.


What now?


What now?

>Worse java that only runs on Windows unless you use a very limited, not-specified subset
A dream to work with

>2016 blog post by a nu male vs bleeding edge Linux benchmark.

>I don't know Mono exists
>I like wasting hundreds of keystrokes on the simplest of tasks

hey let's make this language with a virtual machine that allows everyone to make their program run everywhere there's an instance of the JVM, which is available for every imaginable device and operating system!
Hey let's make this language with a virtual machine that allows everyone to make their program run everywhere there's an instance of the BotNet framework, which is available for every imaginable device that has Windows and for every operating system that, uhm, is Windows!

> A bunch of unaudited webshit numale cherry picked benchmarks vs the most comprehensive language benchmark to date

What is .NET Core

>I don't know Mono supports only a subset of .NET
>I don't know it's not even defined as they port "best-effort" functionalities

>What is botnet core
Neutered down botnet

>Keeps posting subsets of .NET that don't include any of the visual libraries and everything that's needed for a modern program

allegory 1195 days ago | parent | favorite | on: I found a bug in the .NET framework and fixed it b...

Not a great fan of c#. It always dissolves into generic programming and constraint hell. Most of it is satisfying the compiler and working around shit (like non-serializable dictionaries), piss poor frameworks like MVC etc which have dubious lifecycle management for filters/attributes and state problems galore. Oh and sealed classes. Thanks bastards, I'll never need to mock them will I - oh wait!

Yes deployment is a broken pile of crap. We inevitably did an NIH and wrote a massive push deployment framework for that. Cost a fortune. And I look after our integration environment as well (TeamCity). TC is nice but the .Net toolchain is horrific. Requires so much maintenance it's unbelievable. Also everything is stateful meaning repeatability is a PITA.

I'm the sweary guy too. Usually "we should have used Java - we don't have to invent new wheels every two mins".

The only bit of our infrastructure that is reliable is some memcache boxes on CentOS which have been online without a reboot for over two years!!!

>not C++

>I enjoy making my life harder to support a small fraction of the desktop market directly instead of taking the 99% chance that my program will work on loonix and applel anyway

C++ would be godlike if its code wasnt so fucking ugly.

boost::network::http::client client;
boost::network::http::client::request request("example.com");

>Doing compute intensive benchmarks of languages where AVX instructions win and language affects 0.00001% of the performance


entity framework is so comfy

50 levels deep inside templates

why don't you use this
namespace net = boost::network;
net::http::client client;
net::http::client::request request("example.com");

There is not one template specialization used in the snippet, brainlet. I'm not shilling C++ but you are embarrassing.

A tool for Stockholm syndrome.

Literally beat me to it. But yeah, just use namespace.

I unironically prefer Java

Yeah if you use boost/Qt you are not a c++ developer but a Java Native dev.

It isn't. It's a bloated Java.

Oh, and I can't wait for some code monkey to reply with m-muh production, or muh codesize and dev time.

J A V A - N A T I V E

But this was the first result when i googled how to get html from a webpage. Is there a better way?

How did you think it's going to be a coherent response to my post?

Yes, use cURL :^)

Go look at boost source you retard

How can you use a lib without fully understanding/reading its source code?

>knowing exactly what types you are using is bad

not unless you code a bunch of socket shit yourself which is why is a retard

If you are writing native code to download a website you shouldn't be programming.


LINQ is the best feature of any programming language in the history of ever.

like i said, a retard

It's ok, one day you will be as smart as me and be able to visualize entire program in ASM

See LinQ is for OOP code monkeys's watered down functional programming

>Go look at boost source
And? Boost internals may have done template specialization, not the boost user. Do you also bitch and moan about how publicAlphaWinAPIFactoryBean make up your babby tier hand held libraries?

At least in my hand held libs I don't need 3 monitors to read the compiler error message.

With ~3x performance cost, yeah

reminder that "real" functional languages are watered down bastardized brainlet interpretations of useful mathematics

There is ~ 15% perf hit if you use FCL, however using low level parts is on par \w native "production" libs

>~ 15%
Try ~300%

link to some benchmarks please.


Those are computation benchmarks where top results just use AVX compiler intrinsics and language doesn't matter.

Try again please.

Also none of them were compiled with Intel compiler which is at least 2x better than gcc/clan/msvc. Even for AMD cpus Intel compiler produces better code

>compiled with Intel compiler which is at least 2x better than gcc/clan/msvc.
>and language doesn't matter.

>not understanding namespaces

javafags everyone.

Java is easy to learn, is syntatically actually human readable, clean, and the performance difference from C is basically negligble on any modern computer.

Only retarded part of java is .graphics but at least you can say java even comes with graphics. Everything in C is a fuckin library of manual includes.

LINQ is huge time saver you dumbass. Honestly, I'm not even working with C# anymore but every time I see someone complaining about here it becomes immediately obvious that they are neet losers who have never worked in prod environments.

>.NEET cuck calling others NEET for calling a broken library broken

>mah startupzz
Fuck off, nu male

Like holy fuck, OP. You and your piece of shit Java remix is getting BTFO so thoroughly, even I'm getting a second hand embarrassment just reading it.

you can tell Sup Forums doesn't actually code because they shit on and refuse to use any useful language

Yeah so useful even your virtual machine (.NEET or something) is written in C++

>like holy faaaaahhhhck OP

you clearly missed the comment chains shitting on c++ in this same thread.

Hello sir do the useful

>shitting on c++
All I see is gangrape of c#

oh, so you're delusional

>.NET Only runs on Windows meme

C# is far superior to Java, .NET Core runs on Linux without problems and has 100% support of every .NET feature except Winforms, because cross-platform GUI is hard to implement.

Picrelated .NET Core project i'm coding using JetBrains Rider and .NET Core 2.0 runtime on Debian

How can Java pajeets ever recover?

Why do microcucks even try

Enjoy your half assed neutered down slow piece of shit botnet SDK

Every language has its place. I mostly use C++ at work but that's because we target Linux and need extremely high performance. On the other hand, .NET is fantastic for writing useful Windows applications quickly or at a high level. I use both C# and VB.NET and prefer the latter just because I started with VB6 back in the day. It also has the advantage of being easier for a layperson to read and understand, which is useful when trying to get the gf into basic programming.

Enjoy your half-assed Pajeet JVM which allocates simple types on heap and doesn't support value types, fucktard.

Enjoy 500mb RAM usage for hello world

>sperging over microseconds

i bet you inline everything brainlet

so it's a tool for tools?

Enjoy your half assed weak as shit virtual machine microcuk runtime, mouth breathing cuck, also enjoy your 40 second VM startup time and 750 MB hello world

>I have no argument
>let's say some baseless crap and pretend its true

Pajeet, please. CLR doesn't allocate everything on heap and C# programmers don't have MUH OOP attitude towards everything you fuck

>C# programmers don't have MUH OOP attitude
>public class main
Microcucks are the most sorry cucks in existence

Any language that isn't memory safe isn't god like

>C# programmers don't have MUH OOP attitude towards everything

>all code must be in a class
>no functions, only methods

at least int is not object. Also there are static functions

Is that supposed to be a justification?

But int is an object in C#.

ITT: If a implementation written in your language takes over 5ns to run compared to assembly, it's shit.

Try 30+ seconds

>Wow you saved months in development writting highly maintainable code but it runs 2 seconds slower than my convulted obscure codebase that breaks half the time tough luck kiddo

>100% support of every .NET feature except Winforms
I like .NET Core but lets be serious here, that's simply not true at all.

just from looking at that picture looks like a limited kiddie version of visual studio on windows. if you wanna do .NET stuff no matter if it's core or not, the original platform is still the best and will be while microsoft is in charge. they are not actually interested in linux, they are just in the "embrace" phase to kill it later on. how naive can you be?

Linux is a nothingburger anyway

Actually it's a good IDE just like every JetBrains IDE. VIsual Studio sucks balls.

I will say Visual Studio is good only after Microsoft makes 64 bit version

You're right. We need to throw away hot garbage like C and Python too. Electron is the only platform anyone should use for software development period, because it includes UI stuff and the UI is all that matters.

electron is unironically good though, look at vs code. we don't need super low level shit for simple GUIs anymore.

It's what Java could have been if it weren't first fucked over with Java Community Process (JCP) bureaucracy (where Sun and IBM execs effectively killed anything that they thought might take more than a few hundred thousand dollars of developer times to implement) and then later Oracle.

All it cost us was 200MB of ram for a text editor.

for a highly extensible text editor, in a world where people complaining about 200mb are either poorfags of the higher calibre or neets who actually think this matters in the real world.

Here I was thinking that the point of having more resources was to do more with them. I never would have thought that tech advanced so Rajesh could use a browser language in places it doesn't belong.


C# has a unified type system. All types inherit from Object. That's not (entirely) a bad thing though, because C# has value types and "primitive" types have no overhead over primitive types in other languages.