Will Vecotr monitors ever make a comeback? Seems like a lot of unused potential to be dropped as quick as it was

Will Vecotr monitors ever make a comeback? Seems like a lot of unused potential to be dropped as quick as it was.

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literally blasting charged electrons into eyes

No vectors have pretty hard limits on what you what you can actually display with them... if you want to see the limits of that complexity being broken watch this


Its a beautiful display. Shame more cant be done with it. Is there no viable alternative to bitmap then?

why the fuck would it ever?

Because raster sucks dick

And vectors suck for displaying anything slightly complex.

What could possibly go wrong?

Will CRTs?

You do realize they where de facto for oscilloscopes for decades. Just like CRT TVs where for entertainment.

The future sucks. Everything is awful.

Super powers

>into eyes
No, onto a phosphor coated glass surface.
No electrons into your eyes, only photons emitted from the electron excited phosphor.

CRT's aren't much better in that regard.

Just low level x rays

Is that what kids these days believe?
The amount of radiation CRTs delivered when they where still in use, was so miniscule, it wasn't even the biggest source of manmade radiation in a average home.

Microwave by far. Also oddly enough scotch tape

those little clocks with phosphor!

What more? I'm curious now.

I can barely detect a fraction of a uSv above background with my counter pressed against a white screen.

Granite countertops. Alpha and beta decay from trace amounts of radioactive elements.

Bricks too. Depending on the source can be slightly radioactive

Granite makes a counter scream.

Basements. i.e. radon

sleep well :^)

I live in a basement...



You'll die in one too. You should be buried there too for maximum convenience you fucking fat autistic smelly ugly stupid dumb fat hideous smelly stinky fucking neckbeard mongoloid.

wow that escalated quickly


I hope so.
I'll rig up some explosives that will detonate whenever my heart stops for a prolonged period.
Thanks for the good idea.

the world is raster

PS, I'm not a mongoloid...

Basically build a tree house in a cypress in the swamp if you want to escape cancer beams. Have fun.

>tree house
Now you're actually higher up and will get more cosmic radiation

Not if the swamp is below sea level. Then youre golden

Waves arent dots user. Particles can go fuck themselves

Then you're probably drowning also

>Particles can go fuck themselves
Don't even joke about that user. There would be no survivors.

is that a bob marley quote?

Only during hurricane season

could you shield yourself from all radiation?
is there a material that does not radiate itself and blocks it well also?

you said fat twice

I think there's a case to be made that all graphics, be that text or video games or anything else, should be stored as vector graphics, then displayed on a matrix type display. This would allow the assets to scale indefinitely as the resolution increases, but the analog electronics needed for vector graphics on CRTs are too inaccurate for high resolution use these days.

he said smelly twice too and then referred to smelly again with the word stinky

From all? No because you internally release a minuscule amount of high frequency electromagnetic radiation. From external? For all intents and purposes yea. Rap yourself in lead, gold, or anyother dense metal. But it will begin to radiate too after awhile. Think of it like this. Those sense materials are like sponges but that energy doesnt go away.

Fuck I want one of those stereos now

you can do it with any XY oscilloscope though
you can even modify any CRT to do that

Read an article on that. Bitmap storage requirements is getting exponentially greater as resolution increases. The problem if I remember was mantainng accuracy after conversion from vector to bitmap.

Laser projectors are basically vector displays
Have some weeb RVB laser animation
Those machines are fucking expensive thought, because it's not a beam moved by some electromagnetic tricks but physical mirror on step motors movings at a gigorillions step per second

I NEED a vector waify...NOW

BTW, this guy's tumblr have some interesting stuff (he's a light engineer and a maker): thisislaser.tumblr.com/

he's a light maker?

that's interesting. I'm fairly sure that text is already stored as vector maps then converted to bit maps. I wonder if the shortcomings could be improved, because it seems for stuff like 3d graphics vectors graphics make more sense at every stage other than the final output.

Have you seen this?

Its old but they've actually made great progess since then


Today 3D rendering already is using vectors, we call the outcome polygons.
The video you posted is basically raster 3D.

maybe only as a meme for numales like the edison bulb did.

>mfw there's literally no radon where I live

I believe the difference lies in how the monitor receives the data, raster monitor simply receives information on what colour certain pixels are whereas a vector monitor receives information of the start and endpoints of lines for example, raster monitors were not feasible early on due to memory constraints, the memory requirement being X*Y*(amount of colours per pixel) which grows quite fast and is something you can't manage with magnetic core memory, compare to ASCII in which a single character only takes 8 bits

Radon makes you strong


Radeon hasnt been strong in over half a decade

The blue glow when tearing adhesives in the dark is always pretty


Wasn't that pretty much exaggerated, or even a scam?
Voxel clouds like that take up an enormous amount of processing power.

nopers, CRT tubes blast soft xrays into your face. The electron beam slamming into the tube face does this. It is why CRT tubes are so heavy, the front glass is super thick to keep the radiation down.

If you want to get pissed, consider that CRT TV's or monitors would never have existed as a product if they did not predate safety regulations. What other products / technology could never be introduced today if not for those regulations?

Semi. The technology works decent with still 3d images fairly well. Basically useless for real time rendering.

>saftey regulations


>he's a light maker?

A SORCERER OF LIGHT. I bet he also knows Magic Missile.