Why is it that a decent chunk of small companies seem to be perfectly complacent with hiring absolutely useless bimbos...

Why is it that a decent chunk of small companies seem to be perfectly complacent with hiring absolutely useless bimbos? I could understand with things like in-person care, but when girls like this get hired and they can't even code their way out of a paper bag, why should we just not kill ourselves?

I give you 5 minutes to tell me how YOU would code your way out of a paper bag

The reason is simple quotas they have to hire a minimum about of non whites and woman. So heres the women

how did we end up with something so inequal as quotas?
it's literally the opposite of equal opportunity

touch paperbag.py
echo "from idioms import paperbag\npaperbag.x_out_of()" >> paperbag.py
python3 paperbag.py

Sup Forums - "technology"
"technology discussion"

SJWs and Cali, everyones trying to be socially acceptable and having just mostly whites and some Asians and Black's is unacceptable in today's standards. There still is companies s that hire based off skill alone but its rare to find or its a field that has both skilled males and females like medicine. In engineering and other math related fields it seems that they don't have x amount of women so they make up quotas that must be filled.
PS don't go to Cali to become a programmer unless you are not white.

you pay too much attention to SJW news, this sort of shit doesn't really happen

You haven't worked enough if you think this doesn't happen.

why am I here again

most of my coworkers are white. I would say about half of them are white. There are a good amount of mexicans (myself included) but that's just because I live in LA county so there are a lot of us here.

this isn't really a technology thread, it belongs on /r9k/

It's just for the looks. Same way why Hooters was considered to be a controversial place to go 20 years ago. But everyone knows now that the image of chicks in tight white t-shirts bringing you your beer and fried wings is just a facade to get you into the door. Then when you realize these women are more interested in their looks, their text messages, and into the younger men sitting 3 tables down, they won't give you the time of day. Then this place that your dad told you never speak to your mom about is closed in less then 6 years after opening. Why? Because when you hire anyone based on aesthetics, business turns ugly.

>say I'm hispanic
>get liberal Cali cucks ready to massage my balls with their tongues
>don't even speak Spanish
Game the system, my dudes. You can be both hispanic and white

talked about coding in OP. This is a thread about whamen programmers

you sound like you run a lot of very successful businesses

>hispanic that can't speak spanish
>not accepted by the whites (unless you count pity)
>seen as a disgrace to his own race
>"pls guys can I be honorary white boy"
kek, you try to be white and hispanic and end up not being either

took 13 min

>seen as a disgrace to his own race
So any white who can't speak Spanish is a disgrace?

people do not typically respect someone who is hispanic that can't speak spanish and claims to be hispanic while also trying to be white

Only actual Hispanics throw a hissy fit and they won't be doing the hiring.

hispanics are usually hired because they can speak spanish. as long as you don't lie about it then I guess no harm is done. doesn't mean you aren't a fuckboy though

>implying Hispanic women aren't in charge of HR
Come on, goy. It's 2017. White men don't work in HR anymore. To do so would be racist, sexist, and microaggressive!

I'm obviously not applying to places where I actually need to speak Spanish, just to places where they want to meet an arbitrary diversity quota.

if you have to hire someone that has to go around with some papers and coffee at least let her be beautiful and so everyone will end much more motivated

I had to finish a phone interview in spanish before because the guy was going through my resume and saw that I put that I spoke spanish so he just started talking in spanish. so basically what I am saying is you're wrong lad.

every big corporation will value your knowledge of languages you dum dum, if Joe goes to retirement and some faggots 100000km away are fucking up their job they will send Rachel and Pepe that know Spanish (even do he is a loser) to solve the mess. They make those calculations bro.


the real test would be if they can code their way out of Vim

>the real test would be if they can code their way out of Vim
:wq or :x newfag. Go back to Java in Notepad++ on Windows Vista, Pajeet.