If Uruguay is what to Argentina what Ecuador is to Colombia and Chile is to Argentina what Venezuela is to Colombia

If Uruguay is what to Argentina what Ecuador is to Colombia and Chile is to Argentina what Venezuela is to Colombia...
What is Peru?

the master race

>o peru cresceu vigorosamente
Too bad foreigners wouldn't get how funny this gets in portuguese

there's nothing to get
no one would think what you thought first because not everyone is always thinking about dicks

we have no connections with Chili

>If Uruguay is what to Argentina what Ecuador is to Colombia and Chile is to Argentina what Venezuela is to Colombia...
What the fuck did he try to say?

A fucking shithole

and this

Manuel please, you gave me a language with 10 thousands words for dick and other 10 thousands for whore. I have only you to blame.

that's a food in english, user


Peru is Chile's Mexico

Mexico is too good to be compared to Peru
Unless Chile is the Guatemala.

Chile and Argentina? :/ We're more connected to Uruguay t.b.h

we are isolated sempai


At last chile admits Peru's superiority, kinda...

San Martin and O'Higgins wanted Chile to join La Plata, it didn't happen because of Peru and Spain. We share no cultural ties at this point but we had the "Gran Colombia" thing going on during independence.

>What Panama is to Colombia
>What Venezuela is to Colombia
>What Ecuador is to Colombia
All my, all my, all my children
All of these countries are all my children

Perú is to no one, but Deutschland (über alles) is to Perú *spams swastikas*

Peru is to Bolivia what Venezuela is to Colombia.

got that backwards, what Colombia is to Venezuela.

Congrats m8, you just slaughtered the English language