/fglt/ Friendly GNU/Linux Thread:

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


First post for hooktube.

Fuck hooktube. Just use mpv youtube.com/video

mpv, by which you mean mpv+youtube-dl now works with hooktube, so there's literally no harm in using hooktube links.

Should I install Gentoo?

Why would I bother changing a youtube url to hooktube just to put it in mpv? That sounds stupid.

I'm sorry for derailing this thread, everyone. For a second I forgot I wasn't posting in /lounge/.

First for freedom.

So I installed Gentoo... what do I do now?

Install Gentoo again.

Install Source Mage GNU/Linux

Guys. I just asked my new boss if I can set up GNU/Linux on my machine, and he said that it would compromise the security of our network

Wtf guys. I thought you said GNU/Linux just werks. I didn't know it was so insecure. I looked like an idiot!

Security is a meme.

format and install a non-meme distro

install GuixSD

You get out of here, Stalker.

how do I keep windows from automatically switching focus when I hover over them?

Can someone help me with crontab? I'm using dcron, specifically, on Gentoo, and I've never done this before. My crontab looks like this:
user@gentoobox sudo crontab -u user -l
@reboot /usr/bin/mpd
As you can see, I'm trying to initialize mpd at startup under my own user account, but it doesn't seem to work. Am I doing this right? Is there a way to confirm what's happening?

>compromise the security of our network
What he means is that the shitty RAT that your IT department uses doesn't work on Linux.
But you are right that you are an idiot.


>"I don't know, maybe I'm autistic or something, borderline"

already love this video. torvalds' candidness is always nice.

How do I run Linux on an 8700k? What distro do I need to use? Can I use 16.04?

Do you have any idea how many different desktop environments and window managers there are for GNU/Linux?

Install programs you need and do what you usually do on your computer. Also if you are looking for a nice gtk and xfce theme greybird is good.

I made MPlayer work on the TTY, no X.

find the correct device with
aplay --list-devices
if it says "card 0........device 3", then its hw=0.3

add your user to the video group
usermod -a -G video

Edit ~/.mplayer/config
# framebuffer video ouput
# alsa device
# required to adjust screen without problem
# fill screen
zoom = 1
# scale up or down as needed to framebuffer's width; it'll scale the height automatically
xy = 1440
# buffers x amount of data before playback starts
# sync video and audio
# smooth video play
# optional acceleration
# avoid the lirc error message
# don't clutter the console with output

With videos now playing on the framebuffer I think I will start with a window manager on the TTY for the terminal environment.

Join the IT time and work your way up so that you get to choose the OS.

Please post more information. What DE or WM are you using?

i3-gaps Tumbleweed ya cunts

I don't think dcron supports the @reboot syntax. Also instead of using sudo you should add your user to the cron group (usermod -a -G cron user) then just run crontab -e as your regular user.

Could someone help a brainlet out, please?

I'm trying to use st (simple terminal) from suckless tools, but I'm having trouble applying patches.

This is my procedure:
git clone git clone git://git.suckless.org/st
sudo make clean install

Works well out of the box, unsurprisingly

git apply st-scrollback-20170329-149c0d3.diff
sudo make clean install

Works well with patch #1

git apply st-scrollback-mouse-20170427-5a10aca.diff
sudo make clean install

Compile error:

rm -f st st.o x.o st-0.7.tar.gz
c99 -I/usr/X11R6/include `pkg-config --cflags fontconfig` `pkg-config --cflags freetype2` -DVERSION=\"0.7\" -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -O -c st.c
In file included from st.c:37:0:
st.h:10:25: error: invalid application of ‘sizeof’ to incomplete type ‘MouseKey[] {aka struct []}’
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0])
st.c:240:19: note: in expansion of macro ‘LEN’
size_t mkeyslen = LEN(mkeys);
Makefile:22: recipe for target 'st.o' failed
make: *** [st.o] Error 1

And I'm still missing patch #3 to get the full functionality I want

Is it really the patch being wrong? or am I screwing something up? Is it that I have to hunt down the specific date of the repo this patch was made for? Any help would be appreciated

There's always this fellow who already did all the heavy work, but I'd like to try to be able to compile it in my computer. github.com/salcedo/st-bloated

fucked up the first codebox by doubling the git clone but you get the idea

What cron does do this, then?

So I have connected an Android device to Debian. It shows up in nautilus, but I'm trying to find its location for commandline work. What do? Pretty new to the business.

Doesn't jentoo have some kind of normal way of starting things at boot time?

cronie, fcron and bcron should all have that.


Looks like patch #2 has something wrong with it. I don't think you messed anything up.

Add focus_follows_mouse no to your i3 config.

Weird. You're right. I just read the article on that. Although I could have sworn I tried cronie before, and it didn't work. It works now, I guess, so I shouldn't worry, but It's so strange how cronie didn't work for me previously, prior to when I tried dcron. Maybe it was because I forgot to add a newline or something.

Why is my brand new install stuck after first boot? I have tried Ubuntu and Fedora, both of them get stuck, can't even login or switch terminal using Ctrl + alt + fn

Do you have an nvidia card? Because if you do try adding nomodeset to the kernel command line.

You mean by initializing at startup via openrc? Tried that. The issue is that mpd can't interact with userspace that way, so pulseaudio can't interact with mpd. The only way I can seem to get around this is by logging into my user account and starting mpd after the fact. In fact, I remember why cronie in didn't work: it was because, for some reason, despite starting mpd from my own crontab, pulseaudio couldn't interact with mpd. In fact, right now, I can't seem to get it to work. It's kind of ridiculous and also flabbergasting. How the hell does anyone get mpd to work? I tried running mpd globally under my user account, and it worked out in testing (e.g. service mpd start worked) but it didn't work on startup. Really strange and frustrating and more than a little bit confusing.

What is the Gentoo logo meant to be?

It just looks like a heart with a hole in it

>The official Gentoo logo is a stylized 'g' resembling a silver magatama.

Holy shit is that systemd eating Linux?

Start mpd as a service if run system wide or start it with your environment. Stop using cron for it.

Why do you say desktop environment and window manager? Every desktop environment has a window manager. Saying desktop environments again when you said window manager is redundant.

They get it to work by not being a pretentious retard.

>apparently advanced enough for gentoo
>doesn't know how to start programs together with his user session

Fucking retard.


Thanks for the advice. I actually fixed the issue.

I totally forgot for a second that birds regurgitate food to feed their young. Man, that's crazy.

So all of a sudden my power manager applet on Cinnamon DE isn't tracking my battery meter in real time anymore. I touched nothing and it just stopped working. How to fix?

Is using dd to write an ISO to a USB different when the main drive is set up with LVM?

I'm trying to write an ISO but it's completing very quickly and not actually writing it.

This is the command I used

sudo dd if=Fedora-KDE-Live-x86_64-27_Beta-1.5.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M && sync

Try writing it to the partition /dev/sdb1 rather than the device.

i am learning linux
i downloaded Fedora Server edition only to find out that it install without GUI
i managed to dl the necessary files for MATE desktop enviroment
but I dont know how to enable it to boot in to MATE?

Perhaps you should try learning GNU/Linux, too.

Using LVM on your main drive wouldn't affect that. You could try getting rid of bs=1M and see if that works.

Wayland has been talked about for years now, why isn't it in the mainstream distros yet? Has development slowed down?

But it is?

You enable a display manager in your init system.
This allows you to show the typical login screen at startup.
Check out the arch wiki, it is geared towards people who wants to learn without overloading you with information.

Tiling WMs. How are they supposed to work? Is it a replacement for a DE. Will this force me to become more proficient with CLI? Sup Forums enlighten me.

WM != DE
In fact, all DE's have WM's. DE's are a suite of applications and configurations including a WM that work together in order to enhance the desktop metaphor.

Thanks. Do you have any suggestions for WMs that work with Debian 9/Gnome? Would i3 be over my head?

Please help me fix screen tearing with default open source AMD driver!

>Tiling WMs. How are they supposed to work?
You mostly replace actions that you do with the mouse with actions that you do thorugh a keyboard.

> Is it a replacement for a DE.
Kinda, if you run a DE a wm comes with it.
But a DE is generally a lot more then a wm.

>Will this force me to become more proficient with CLI?
If you want to.

>Do you have any suggestions for WMs that work with Debian 9/Gnome?
Using a DE together with a different wm can often be hard, you will have to stop using gnome.
i3 is a good choice, but there are many others available.

>Would i3 be over my head?
i3 is quite easy to configure and quite easy to use. It is also in the debian repos, so you can easily install it.

Install Zandronum and play DOOM, obviously.

How do i download a file over ssh? Let's say i connect via ssh and then i want to download a file from the remote directory to my current directory
something like wget but for ssh

scp is exactly what you're looking for

Are there any drawbacks from making swap overly large? I'm setting up a new PC and plan on upgrading RAM soon and don't want to have to do any reformating.
(4gb memory, 16gb swap)

You won't be able to use that space for anime

No. Loonix actually can into memory management so you can even survive without a swap partition. Just create a 2-4GB one "just to be sure".

A while ago, I switched the caps lock and backspace keys on Windows and my typing speed shot up and my hands rarely ever get sore after typing for hours (highly recommend at least trying it)

However I have no clue how to achieve this on a linux system. Any ideas?

Is there an ide that can do c++ AND c#? I hate mononucleosisdevelop and wish I could just do c# in codeblocks.

Also am I missing out on any beneficial programming memes by using codeblocks for c++ instead of something else?

xmodmap or some settings junk depending on your DE.


You'd specifically do setxkbmap -option caps:swapbackspace

Unless you're using btrfs or some setup that doesn't allow for swap files, there's no reason to have an all-or-nothing mentality. Even with btrfs, you can get a swap file working with some tinkering.

How safe is it to store (remote share) credentials in a file like this?
chown root:root creds
chmod 600 creds

Is it somehow possible to read the file without su-rights?

Microsoft® Visual Studio™ 2017


ew gross no

Should I store git repos in var-www-html or ~/.git or...?

Encrypt that shit w/ gnupg senpai

>try to install Manjaro on MBP
>stuck on partition resizing

Fuck this shit, I don't want to spend my weekend on rescuing MacShitOS. Probably caused by Apple's shit file system too.

God I hate Apple

Also why do I get a connection error when I type /var-www-html with slashes? Does Sup Forums think I'm hacking?

what are nvidia drivers like? im using an old 7970 and it seems to have pretty bad overall support i was considering either a 1060 6gb or a 580 8gb

Use a live usb with gparted first and resize partition make some blank space for manjaro - at least 40gb

No drawbacks except wasted diskspace.

for noVidya the binary drivers are the way to go (sadly, because nVidia is not cooperative much with libre driver devs)

do actual work?
>i forget where i am posting

dear faglet thread:

is there a DM that's literally just a console that can open windows?

i basically never open a program by clicking on it, typing is just faster. so features such as a start menu or equivalent functionality strike me as bloat

It's mostly random.
The free driver (noveau) is unusable on 1000-series cards because Nvidia requires signed firmware that they don't want to provide to the volunteers.
The proprietary driver has very good performance but is horrible in every other way. Badly integrates with the rest of the system, may cause problem on new versions of kernel and/or Xorg, and has very bad wayland support because Nvidia uses a special snowflake API (EGLStreams) instead of the standard GBM that everyone else uses (for no real reason too since they are basically the same performance-wise).

On Linux I'd go with the RX580 because recent versions of their free driver (amdgpu) with Mesa 17.x have caught up with Nvidia's proprietary driver performance-wise and it JustWerks because distros have no problem integrating it with the rest of the system. Just make sure you are running a recent release of your favourite distro (Fedora 26 and Ubuntu 17.10 are both fine) so you get the newest version of the driver and Mesa.

>is there a DM that's literally just a console that can open windows?
You mean wm?

If yes, look at i3, or any other tiling wm.

i3 with dmenu is babby's first tiling wm and satisfies your use case

if you want something ridiculously configurable with a ridiculous learning curve try FVWM

>mfw have a radeon chip
>mfw don't have to deal with this shit
>mfw playing steam games with no lag
>mfw didn't have to do anything but disable acpi sleep and hibernate because after waking from sleep the radeon chip becomes unresponsive and eventually crashes the system forcing a hard acpi shutdown
>mfw e.z.st.4.lyfe

>>mfw didn't have to do anything but disable acpi sleep and hibernate because after waking from sleep the radeon chip becomes unresponsive and eventually crashes the system forcing a hard acpi shutdown
The absolute fucking state

Hibernating on Linux has always been a problem. It's mostly the fault of the garbage fire that is ACPI, but the blame is also on card vendors (yes, Nvidia has problems with hibernating too) and drivers. I mean, it works on Windows so I'd expect it to be possible on Linux too.

when i installed linux i set the swap partition to 5.9gb. now when i look at df -h there's 5 different folders/something taking up 5.9gb. my install is only taking 14gb but all these empty folders/files are taking up 30gb. did i fuck up using so much room for swap partition? should i go change them in the fstab shrinking them?

Can you post the output of df here?

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
dev 5.9G 0 5.9G 0% /dev
run 5.9G 852K 5.9G 1% /run
/dev/sda1 545G 14G 503G 3% /
tmpfs 5.9G 32M 5.9G 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5.9G 0 5.9G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 2.0G 16K 2.0G 1% /tmp
tmpfs 1.2G 12K 1.2G 1% /run/user/1000
i just googled tmpfs and tried shrinking the /tmp to see if it'd help, but the rest are still the same

>but all these empty folders/files are taking up 30gb
No, they aren't. They are taking 32M+16k+12k+852k space and from your MEMORY. That's the point of tmpfs, it's kind of a "ramdisk". When you mount tmpfs without a specified site, its max size is set to your actual free memory size (or something like that) hence the 5.9GB