Will we ever see another card as good as the hd7970...

Will we ever see another card as good as the hd7970? Its price to performance ratio as well as reliability is was insane. Then it was also a mining god, rendered well and had drivers that just got better and better. Its a shame it doesn't have better opencl support (ie dropped by most rendering software).

Poo Poo is gone so Navi should be good

What did he actually to to make Vega bad?

Ingest all of the money and shit outside HQ

The 670

The 290 is in similar position.

>XFX 7970
>good card

Fuck you faggot, mine's fans stopped working a month after use, and even when they worked they were noisy as fuck and the idle temp was 60+ degrees. And don't get me started on the power bill raping even when idle. Shit was so bad I rather use my old GT 210, at least it just werks.

My gpu-fu will always be the 9800 GTX.
Good times.

I still run mine to this day, albeit a bit dusty

Goddamit retard, poojeet being gone means AMD will be nuking the roadmaps just like during Reed times.

idle power was the same as every other card at the time. Nobody cares about power efficiency back then.

How did AMD managed to fuck up so bad? They were ahead since the 5xxx series , novidia fucking up the fermi series , and then suddently , NOVIDIa Started pulling out low wattage and low temp cards , while AMD started to pull housefires

>Just upgraded from a Gigabyte 7970 to an EVGA 1080
Gonna keep my 7970 around as a spare because it's served me well and can't bare to let it go

How were the drivers?

>Its price to performance ratio was insane

>How did AMD managed to fuck up so bad?
Little shits were still buying nVidia for whatever reason.
Reed saw no money and nuked the GPU division.

>as well as reliability is was insane

World Class Wreckin Cru

how dare you bring facts to OP's feels thread

That seems like a launch price before two pricecuts.

Yes. When nvidia first released GTX 680 for $500 that outperformed the $550 7970, they were forced to cut the price. And again when nvidia released GTX 670 for $400 which performed similarly to 7970.

If you want to talk about a good AMD card, talk about 5850.

>Nobody cares about power efficiency back then.
>Nobody cared about power efficiency when Nvidia wasn't efficient.

Well, yes.
Maxwell marketing was stronk.

>How did AMD managed to fuck up so bad?
The "It's okay when Nvidia does it" meme became a reality.

>Nvidia is a housefire
>W-well you know, if you want power you have to pay for it! And the price is high temperatures!

>AMD is a housefire
>haha ayymd once again delivers a poorly performing card that's hot to boot! Can't believe these AMDrones keep buying their furnaces!

>Nvidia Blower card is loud as fuck (GTX 980Ti was the loudest blower card)
>Well you know, if you really cared about performance you wouldn't worry about a little bit of noise!
>AMD has loud blower card (Vega, 290)
>Once again Ayymd delivering a LOUD card that can't even beat Nvidia! Ayymd btfo.

>Nvidia cards die from literal fire and exploding VRMs
It's the way it's meant to be played.

The difference is the Nvidia cards perform well.

7950, the three fan Gigabytes model
Best for your bucks

290x performed well, not an argument.

How the Fuck is that amds fault? It was XFX and msi that used shitty fans on the 280x / 7970

MSI even downgraded the PCB afaik.

Is everything from that site just useless shit?

Nothing gave you such good performance at that price level. Even at launch.

AMD's fault for attracting cheapskates that won't pay for quality hardware.

I had 250 msi 280x and 70 Asus cards.

Half the msi cards fans stopped or started making noises and didn't work properly.

None of the Asus fans failed. No idea on the PCb issue tho.

>owning this card
>bought almost randomly
>4-5 years still kicking good

>amd revisionist history

It was not only the 7970.
290/390 was a god tier card too, both x and non x.
Novidia never had a card like that, maybe the 8800 gtsomething but that was rebranded 3 times.

>Buy a shit-tier product without any research
>I-It's [company]'s fault

>Buying reference cards

Fuck yeah my boy 6870 at 209%. What a God tier card, you got ultra in every game at 60FPS for $180 CAD in 2011.
Can anything these days compare?

>not x850xt

>not 9700pro

>9700 pro
>not 9800 pro

>Can anything these days compare?
No, since ATi is dead.

Vega is as good as it could be with AMD's R&D

It's not since it was launched in unfinished state to fellate shareholders.

Legends never die!
3dfx Voodoo 3 2000 ftw! (Own two)
Radeon (original card) (Still own)
Geforce 6800GT (Still own)
Radeon 9600XT (Still own)
Geforce 8800GT (Owned, died 2014 rip)
Geforce 740GT (Current card)

Runners up tweener card:
ATI Xpert 98 8mb pci - Card allowed me to experience RE/Tomb Raider 1/2/other games before I got the Voodoo 3 in 1999. Still own it.

x850xt was an overpriced piece of shit.
Now the x800pro pencil modded to xt on the other hand was where it was at. It's normally the cut down cards that are great value for amd/ati; x1950pro, 5850, 7950, r9-290/390, rx470 etc

>x850xt was an overpriced piece of shit.
your mother was an overpriced piece of shit.

Yes. It's called the RX580 8GB. It's got enough vram to last quite a while, has full DX12 and a-sync capabilities, and is around $300 these days new. Plus the drivers are mature enough to be actually useful compared to current Vega because the RX580 is just a more power efficient R9-290X essentially.

>It's normally the cut down cards that are great value for amd/ati; x1950pro, 5850, 7950, r9-290/390, rx470 etc
That's also the case for nVidia when niggernan is not jewing.
8800gt says hello.

8800GT was a newer chip on a new process no? the 8800GTX cut down was the 8800GTS I thought.