Why isn't smoking illegal in countries with socialized healthcare?

Seriously, why not? You are going to have to pay more in taxes when they inevitably get lung damage or cancer just so these assholes can continue to get their nicotine fix - not to mention they harm others with second hand smoke.

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Because we like freedom

Why do Americans hate freedom?

By that logic we should ban ALL unhealthy things.

That freedom is infringing on the freedom of others though, for no good reason. Every single smoker is a huge tax liability of their own volition and a danger to others around them.

Because Tobacco lobbies are powerful pretty much.

Here in Australia they are literally trying to ban fucking E-cigarettes, yet no ban would ever be proposed on cigarettes themselves.

Because it would only create a black market.

They are however trying their best to reduce smoking by taxes etc. It's also illegal to advertise tobacoo, or have it visible in stores (tobacco-only stores are exempt of this) in Finland.

Also, just next week a law will take place, forbidding the sale of flavoured tobacco, gradually. All flavoured tobacco will be banned in the future.

The state earns more on them massive tobacco tax than it looses off a few old fucks dying of cancer.

>Why isn't being fat illegal in countries with socialized healthcare?
>Why isn't being paki and thereby having a higher risk of diabeetus illegal in countries with socialized healthcare?
>Why isn't being old illegal in countries with socialized healthcare?
OP, are you retarded?

That freedom is infringing on the freedom of others though, for no good reason. Every single gun owner is a huge tax liability of their own volition and a danger to others around them.


But they ban everything in Australia

You can't help being old or arguably having diabetes (though you can lose weight to reduce your chance). You -can- help being a smoker.

False analogy and you know it. Smoking by definition harms the user and others around them. You can own a gun and only use it at shooting ranges and it will never harm anyone.

>others around them

Even when I smoke alone? Really makes you think...

Yes. Your unhealthy habit will lead to you being a burden on other people when you inevitably fuck yourself up by it.

Because the government actually makes a profit on addicts, taxes in my country are hitting the 200% mark and the yearly revenue alone covers the government's payroll... Here's the thing, we've also got a socialized pension system, smokers dying a full decade before the general population does more than offset the cost of healthcare... Same thing with booze, morality taxes are exploitative as fuck, but no one advocates for drinkers/smokers. So they lock in heavy drinkers/smokers into a poverty circle that hardly contributes to their kicking their habit and screw the guy making minimum wage out of a drink or cigarrette after a hard day's work...

Only self righteous sick fucks could be proud of this state of affairs....

I get to pay for shit that I don't need nor want and it works both ways.

Besides, I'll be dead and off this earth years earlier than the other cunts.

Don't want to inhale the smoke, back off, jackass.


They pay a lot more in taxes and die younger. Them and fat people tend to be net positive. Old people cost things like the NHS the most because of how expensive keeping them alive is.

I'm pretty sure that the cash flow the State earn through the monopoly on tobacco is less than the cash flow the State would earn if tobacco was illegal (cancer is not the only disease and there's a loss in work hours; the money spent on cigs is not spent on goods)
But then again, fuck me if I'll ever find a source for that. The best I can find is this
(in Italian)
it says that the State gets 13.7 billions of euro per year. The direct sanitary cost is 4.5 billions of euro, loss in productivity is ~1 billion of euro and the "value of premature death" on the economic system is 24.5 billions euro.
As a matter of fact, tabagism seems a cost NOT THAT MUCH on the healthcare BUT on the State's productivity as a whole.
To add on that, there's the "indirect" damages (if I have to pay 30€ a week for cigs, I'm dining out one time less - for example)

I'm pretty sure you don't realize just how much tax there is on ciggies here.

One pack is around 40 kr. 78% of that is tax that goes to the state.

Tax nicotine like they already do to improve healthcare, problem solved.

It's the same here and more or less in all Europe.

btw, same of the prices here
>marlboro 5.20 €
40 danish kr should be more or less the same


actually, marlboro is currently at 5.40 (I'm not a smoker myself)
here a more updated list

there is a fuckload of taxes, they are litterally paying for our healthcare


The idea that smokers and others with unhealthy habits tend to cost healthcare systems more is completely wrong. The fact is that they tend to die much younger, so they do not spend several years on constant life support, which is where the real monetary leaching happens. Picture the smoker dying of emphysema aged 65, vs the non-smoker spiraling the drain for 5 years as the alzheimers turns them into bedridden pooinloos.

Smokers pay shitload of taxes and die younger so that means less pension spending.

You should thank smokers for their huge contributions.

the estimated loss in productivity and deaths in work age is way bigger than the loss due to pension system or other old-age diseases.

>Why isn't getting ill illegal in countries with socialized healthcare?

One pack of cigarettes costs about 100kr and 90% of that goes to the state. If you smoke a pack a day for lets say 40 years that's 1,3 million in taxes. That's 157 thousand USD. Some googeling says that lung cancer treatment in the US is 60k for the first year and then 7,5k for each following year. So yeah, even if you don't count smokers dieing earlier and you assume that everyone who smokes their whole life gets cancer the state still ends up making money from this shit.


>Seriously, why not? You are going to have to pay more in taxes when they inevitably get lung damage or cancer just so these assholes can continue to get their nicotine fix - not to mention they harm others with second hand smoke.

Because people who die young from cancer actually cost less than healthy people dealing with their advancing age.

Americans really hate freedom.

it virtually is

>loss in productivity
they literally want you to be a slave for 8 hours a day, you can't even take a break ffs. can you talk, can you drink or that would be a "loss in productivity" too?
>value of premature death
come on

if you die before your retirement age, the State has invested 20+ years in growing you with some competences (education is granted with public money) and you haven't been able to PAY back (a working citizen increases the domestic product AND will grant a HUGE AMOUNT of cash flow for the State, if we consider that in Italy if a worker is paid 1250 € the employeer will have to pay 2800€ total, taxes included)
So yeah, even if you die at 55 it's a big loss. Much more than you could even contribute with the taxes on the cigarettes.
no, pauses are considered (and to have some breaks and holiday is only beneficial to productivity). What's considered is ill days and extra-pauses just for cigs from what I remember

Prohibitionism is SJW tier bullshit

Because tobacco is overtaxed to the point of it paying for all the people who do get fucked up by smoking.