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Holy fuck Africa is big

a little country made more than most of the world and What is the problem?

Yeah, it is. The most interesting thing is that even though they have all those natural resources, they've literally never made anything of importance.

Save a couple of North African nations, maybe.

France isn't where you think it is.


4 u

What website is this?



check it out

>Russia is bigger than Antarctica


Russia is also bigger than Pluto

South America is a big guy

this actually really made me think

while North America not so much

what is that?

the red country

The Congo kingdom was pretty big, also Zimbabwe and West African states like Mali and Ghana Kingdom. I don't want to defend the dindus, but they did more than most people believe. It's more that they basically never had any contact to other civilizations since there were literally thousands of kilometers full of desert between them.

When I was in Nevada, all the retards where happy.

Are you people even trying?

And what exactly did they invent?

Did they legalize weed?

Handless Congo


North European peoples and tribes didn't invent shit too before getting in contact with Romans and later Christendom, m8. The Zimbabwe niggers at least build stone houses before disappearing

>Australians thinking their island is big

I just realized ParanĂ¡ looks just like Romania.

North Europeans did invent North America though, that's pretty big.

The Gall-Peters projections exaggerate the land mass near the equator.

>Using the Mercator projection

You're right there, take this video as a sign of gratitude

Maybe they didn't make anything of importance because they had all those natural resources?

>Smallopean Poonion

That's my personal theory, actually. It makes sense too since necessity is a mother of invention, and nothing necessitates you if you can just walk around in warm weather, pluck fruit from a tree and not have to worry about a nearby nation coming and conquering your shit


but it was thousand years later after the fall of Rome

>yurosardines have to get permits to leave their houses because the streets are so crowded



It is the best map out there at getting accurate directions. That is why Google maps uses it.

That's bullshit though, civilization in warm tropical/subtropical regions were some of the first to form. What the real catalyst for advancement is is trade and communication. The most successful civilizations were those that were able to exchange things with other civilizations as well as being able to adapt it.

it means it took a while before our civilisation got developed enough to make it possible

The first and the worst.

But it's one of the worst maps for accurately representing the size of landmasses, which is what we are discussing.

But China, India, and the Middle East all have much longer and --overall-- more successful histories than Europe/ Just because European civilization is dominant in our time doesn't mean it was always that way, civilizations all have periods of peaks and declines in power and influence. You think you'd known that as a chink.

Europe has been dominant for the longest, though.

What is even the point of having separate countries in Europe, it's like if my neighbour one day decided he was another country

That's not even true. Europe didn't become truly globally dominant until the 19th century (Though it had been on the rise since the 15th/16th century). That is, at most maybe 500 years of prominence, which peaked 100 years ago. Egyptian Civilization lasted over 3000 years. Dynastic Imperial China (In its various dynasties) lasted 2000 years. Arab/Muslim Civilization dominated for almost 600 years. In the new world, Maya Civilization lasted 1000 years. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Were the Chinese, Egyptian, Maya or Muslim civilizations globally dominant?

Well of fucking course China is going to be dominant in the Chinese region, until they come into contact with something more powerful (the Europeans)

Only western europe became globally dominant

What is your definition of contact? Also, the Mongols.

Are you implying Europe had always been stronger than China? Because that's 47 different flavors of mental retardation.

Mongols did a couple of skirmishes on the European border, but their empire lasted barely a century, which is not very long in the grand scheme of things.

Why don't you define dominance then since you said that Europe wasn't dominant the longest, because Chinese, Egyptians, Mayans and Arabs exist/have existed, which implies that THEY were the dominant force of the time.

borders allow to keep the wild animals away from you

Africa is fucking massive, man.

Literally 16 times the size of Greenland, but it looks relatively small on maps.

Dominance = empire

>couple of skirmishes on the European border

They launched full-scale invasions of Hungary and the Russian Principalities you drooling retard. Also, the empire broke up but they broke up into 5 huge regional empires that each lasted centuries, the mongol's effect on Eurasia is huge.

That's not an apples to apples comparison. China was simply more unified than Europe, which was in more or less a constant state of war. And the Chinese did have numerous different dynasties, which could be counted as different empires.

So nothing.

>They launched full-scale invasions of Hungary and the Russian Principalities you drooling retard
Which is fucking nothing.



>Chinese did have numerous different dynasties, which could be counted as different empires.

I don't know about that, that's very debatable. I'd say each dynasty is in between being classified as their own empires and being classified as a direct continuation of the same Chinese state. It's hard to make such absolute assertions on a civilization so old.

>Which is fucking nothing.

How is that nothing!? They subjugated almost of Russia and warred with central Europe for decades. How dense are you?

>Nowa Szkocja


Really makes you think

They did though, it's just that most people don't care. But they would have done so much more out of these resources if Africa hadn't been so big and so sparsely populated

almost all of*

Because almost doesn't count it, and they were eventually repelled.

Mongols were dominant, but they were dominant for a really short while in the grand scheme of things.


>Because almost doesn't count it and they were eventually repelled.

So, does that make every empire in existence that fell irrelevant, too? European colonies in Africa lasted only 80 years before they left, does that make them insignifigant?

>Mongols were dominant, but they were dominant for a really short while in the grand scheme of things.

They and there direct successor states dominated the high/late medieval period for the majority of Eurasia. What the fuck does it take for you to state they were signifigant.

Would you say that Europeans have been globally dominate for 200-300 years?

Sounds about right.

Check this website to compare the real size of countries. Google maps and other mapping services don't show the right scale. Anyways, it is well explained on this website : thetruesize.com/

>Nowa Fundlandia I Labrador
>Nowy Jork

Polish is amazing



Basic math principles (earlier than 2700BC, storyofmathematics.com/egyptian.html)

Mining practices (as far back as tens of thousands of years in South Africa w/ some harder evidence found in 2600BC Egypt)

Medical procedures i.e use of antiseptics, autopsy, limb traction and broken bone setting, skin grafting, installation of false teeth. (Science in Ancient Egypt by Geraldine Woods)

Steel (100BC - 100AD, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haya_people#Archeological_discoveries)

Calendar systems (ancient Egyptians, Ethiopians, Kenyans, West African groups)

Writing systems (+1500 years ago, Hieroglyphics, Ge'ez, Tifinagh, etc)

Binary code systems (pre-12th century, ted.com/talks/ron_eglash_on_african_fractals/transcript?language=en @ 11:45)

Traffic lights

H2O pipe/Bong (1460 BC, dabsmagazine.com/420/the-worlds-oldest-bong-found-in-ethiopia/)

Digital laser (2013, bbc.com/news/science-environment-24331926)

I could probably find more but I got lazy, hope that satisfies you a bit Swedecuck.

>Digital laser (2013, bbc.com/news/science-environment-24331926)
>South Africa
Oh wow.


>doesn't bother reading the article

The man who created the digital laser is known as Sandile Ngcobo, a black South African with a Master of Laws from Harvard. Not a white man fyi.

How is it an African achievement if he got his education in fucking Harvard?

Because you don't need a Master of Laws from Harvard Law School to create a digital laser dumbfuck, did that ever cross your mind? He made it during his PhD studies in a South Africa university.

Holy shit

This is blowing my mind

And South Africa uni is African, just like MIT is native american, amirite?

Just sod off.

The world outside Europe is so big and so empty


It seems there are a lot of big guys itt

This thread made me realize how densely populated Europe is

Africa has a huge population because it's geographically massive, not because it's dense

Innovators are not binding by such strict rules, I'm pretty sure your """superior"""" European education would have taught you that. White and black people in Ngcobo's university both helped in making him the academic he now is, that's true. But if you're educated by a few white people in your life, does that taint you, does that make you think and behave like a 'white' man? Ngcobo has as much of a right to claim that the digital laser was a black innovation than anyone else. You can't take that away from him because you didn't have the skillset or personal qualities to have that claim. It was his hands, his mind, and his perseverance that led him to that accomplishment, not some make-belief British collective unconscious-guiding force-bullshit.

Enslaving people really isn't a virtue m8, it just requires the proper tools.
Besides I believe Africans are the ones who were capturing war ennemies/criminals to sell them in the first place. From the moment you get captured, no matter how smart you are, escaping from that situation is quite hard. You wouldn't have.
Also if Sup Forums could leave this thread it'd be great.

So where do YOU draw the line between native american inventions and clapistanian ones?

There's a reason why South Africa is usually kept separate from other subsaharan nations.

>Be africa
>bigger than africa

>Be Black
>Live in tribal society
>Most means of income are farming the shitty land, or herding the animals, and hoping they don't die from malaria.
>Neighboring tribe decides to visit with spears
>Get locked up and sold off to Europeans.
>Other tribe was offered guns, and now rule our land, and have our women.
What would you do in the situation my froggy frog friend?

Yes, Yuropean countries are tiny, this is why we just can't accept any more foreigners.

They must go to nice, big open countries where they can have more Lebensraum.:3

Canada for example is still barely populated and we have many more settlers to offer.

Same way Europe has any achievements even though writing wasn't invented there, no crops or animals were domesticated there, no metallurgy, no wheel. They learned those things from west asians and central asians

I'm not certain I can define the line precisely, I feel like there will always be people who'd challenge it. Like the African Americans - in their early days of integration, they were already inventing stuff (intentionally and unintentionally). For sure the elevator and fire safe are considered American innovations, but the Negroes had only been in the US for 150 years were under harsh segregation most of the time. Don't those innovators have the power to say they are as much African as they are American inventions? What if the Negroes were moved to Britain, Russia, or France? They're still inventions of the African peoples that happened to be exposed to those different communities.

That's why I find it difficult to portray Ngcobo's accomplishment as an Afrikaaner or British one. It doesn't do justice to the personal development of Ngcobo - the historical colonialists didn't put any work into making the digital laser. He was surrounded by the right resources, I get that, but he made it himself and that's what counts.

And personally, I've never heard of a South Africa/Subsaharan distinction before, and I'm Eritrean (Horn of Africa).

>no crops
I do agree with the rest but this one's hard to believe, what about the beetroot?

Roma people sound very great

They are the best. :^)

Rogue Poo In Loos heh. That's pretty cool

>Holy fuck Africa is big
things your daughter says for 500