Removing apps that can remove ads from other apps

>removing apps that can remove ads from other apps
>removing and alerting for removal most of apps that uses accessibility services, like LastPass
>implementing a system that cockblocks every person from installing and using certain apps for using a rooted phone or with a custom rom

Why is Android getting as bad as iOS? I thought the benefit of Android was being able to use your phone as you please with little to no repercutions, aka freedom.

if you want a mobile os that respects your freedom, Replicant is the only correct answer. Android is just Google bloat

Or just ditch every single Google services and go full FOSS

>I thought the benefit of Android was being able to use your phone as you please with little to no repercutions, aka freedom.
That's why you remove Botnet Services from your ROM.

Nobody is forcing you to use that crap/stay with play store. You have the fucking choice, unlike in iOS.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, because shit has become easier with newer versions:
You can install system-wide adblock without root now
You can capture screen without root since 5.0+
You can still install cracked apps from outside
You have more control over every app permission without root
So, what's your problem, do you live on the past with an ancient 4.4 phone or something?

New play store rules google is actually enforcing now

That's not very specific, what app you used for x thing doesn't work now?

Because Android is essentially Abandonware which is now maintained exclusively by Chinese rip-off artists.

you have absolutely no idea what abandonware means

It's hyperbole, numbnuts. The point is that the actual, well-intentioned, experienced developers that made it no longer care about it and only a sparse team on Google is left to keep it modern, leaving all the gaps to be filled by a clusterfuck of ad hoc patchwork.

Maybe he is referring to play protect? I think you can disable it though

Yeah, patchwork like Project Treble. And ART improvements every year. And sdcardfs. And EAS. And...

But everything I listed works with play protect

>Project Treble
Because it's totally not patchwork if someone has to come in with a staple gun to technically prevent the patches from tearing at the seems.
>ART "improvements"
Real fucking specific.
Nearly a decade later and you're STILL struggling to mount memory? Christ.
So I'm guessing you just plain don't know the difference between legwork and actual development.


> Replicant is the only correct answer.

But isn't it only limited to a handful of phones, and not any current gen ones, user?

first time here?

>I thought the benefit of Android was being able to use your phone as you please with little to no repercutions, aka freedom.
It is, but that isn't the benefit of the Play Store.

>Project Treble
Holy shit, they finally fucking did it! They fixed android updating!
>Because it's totally not patchwork if someone has to come in with a staple gun to technically prevent the patches from tearing at the seems.
Nigga, this is replacing the whole thing with brand new fabric

This. We're dealing with software that wants to be a walled garden existing on a platform that's by nature, open. The mess is mostly these two things conflicting
>Can't use android pay on my bootloader unlocked phone
>Can't be fucked reflashing it closed, only using this till my new phone shows up
>New phone has no NFC anyway, so life will be suffering again

Have you considered not using a botnet to make your financial transactions?

Can’t wait until all phones are sold bootloader locked aside from chinkshit.

Andloos will still claim they’re superior even then.

Face it, google is trying to be Apple. Your days are numbered.

>removing apps that can remove ads from other apps
there is your answer, google is an advertisement company.

Good, it's a botnet anyway. Use keepass2android
>blocks apps on foot detection
That's why you use Magisk systemless. Works on my machine™

google is getting bad, not android
fuck google, just flash an aosp rom without gapps

Just buy Librem 5. Android was always shit. It will never be as bad as iOS or windows mobile, but it will always be bad.


I like being able to have full control.
Gappless cause google is a battery stealing info jacking adware company.

Keepass2android uses accessibility too.
It's not a solution, as it's not out yet, and won't be for a whole another year.

lineageOS + microg + fdroid

Serious question why microg other than unified NLP?

Full Open Operating System. It's a System made by Gentoo the creator of GNU/Stallman

>Full Open Operating System
who's the autist here? i can't tell