Pay $2k for phone

>pay $2k for phone
>still have to pay $150/month to use it


Maybe if you’re a retard amerilard or canacuck
>buy device for €999/£999 unlocked
>pop in sim of choice
>enjoy up to 8GB data, ultd texts, 500-1000 minutes for as little as 15-20 €/£

How do you idiots survive with these stupid plans?

6 figure salaries help, user

Well, those burgers are stupid enough to actually pay this, so good for them, I guess.

In Europe these prices are about 60/month plus 120 for the device for a two year contract.

Still only the lower social class actually does this.

By buying an unlocked phone and popping in a sim from a prepaid carrier

Don't kid yourself. There are iphone users on welfare.

>iPhone owner

You're funny Jamal!

Oh boy, I look forward to your insult-free, meme-free, well sourced refutation to this chart.

If you can refute all this evidence successfully, I will personally send you 0.5BTC

You can get some shitty android for like $100 then, can’t you Pajeet?

Only iPhone users would desperately write up a magnum opus to reel in a fraction of a bitcoin so they can feed their family after their bi-yearly phone purchase.

Actually, you can get a decent Android device for $100. Android: 1, Apple: 0.

Oh sorry it appears you were unsuccessful

Better luck next time

nice projecting ranjit


The same "logic" has been used to prove such amazing things as:

"Black people are dumber than whites"
"White people are dumber than blacks"
"People who disagree with me are more likely to be pedophiles"

t. IQ within 130 points on proctored WAIS-IV, 140+ on tests for visual spatial skills alone. God damn all that verbal nonsense on the WAIS. Who thought that was a good idea? Talking good is for women and fags.

What they actually mean is that it's fashionable among somewhat wealthy white girls to use apple products so the average for apple products is somewhat wealthy white girls. So, clearly, if you, an ugly half-mexican neckbearded 30 year old man, use an iphone, you will become somewhat wealthy, white, and female.

>all studies and research are wrong because I said so

You misinterpret the results because I said so.

Across a group of 10 Sup Forums users who disagreed with me, 8 were pedophiles. Are you a pedophile? Don't answer. The odds are stacked against you, fucking pedo.

>Buy xcover3 200eur,
>Use unlimited 3mbs 4g internet.
>eat potatos.
Latvian Master race

>iPhone users are wealthier on average
>therefore there are no iPhone users on welfare
>therefore there are no wealthy android users
this is what iPhone users actually believe

>android phones range from $50 pay phones to $999+ flagships with thousands of models and hardware configurations in between
>iPhones are $999+ and come in 1 or 2 configurations per gen

wow it's almost like iPhone will cater to wealthier people automatically since they aren't even competing in the mid to low end market.

>implying any of that even matters anyway

I think ill buy and iPhone since that's what rich people do instead of comparing prices and features and making an educated purchase on my own

it's like you're not even trying

Kek nice fallacious post dude.

You lose again.
140iq my fucking ass lmao

You're fucking nuts. Might as way say that global warming isn't real, the Earth is flat, the Earth is 6000 years old, science is fake, etc.

Confirmation bias in action.

>spend $600 on bezelless meme phone
>use $25/mo phone plan with 500mb 3G data per month