Greatest genius of our time died before he was even in his prime because of luddite conservatives' homophobia

>greatest genius of our time died before he was even in his prime because of luddite conservatives' homophobia

well now extreme letists are using the internet to censor speech so i guess he won in the end?

They should have given him programmer socks to compliment the hormones.
That was a rookie mistake from the US army tbhon.

Get out faggot

He should have kept his sexual degeneracy under wraps.

Ahh, the #2 biggest buzzword from brain dead nazis, right after "cuck". This his how you know the person you're talking to isn't worth your time.

Maybe we will parley once you can form an argument. Care to try again? :)

This! If he was so smart he should have learned to be straight! The Germans or Soviets could have exploited his faggotry.

Name one (1) degenerate thing Turing did.

He wasn't sucking dicks in the basement of big Ben.

>greatest genius of our time
ummm, excuse me?

it's crazy what happened to him. it took place in the last century but it's like it was the 1400s or something. one could believe he would get a free pass because of his contributions, but no, better hunt the witch.

as bad as things are in our society nowadays, i'm glad we're mostly out of the dark ages if you don't live in some ultrapoor backwards country.

What happened to him?

It was only a matter of time. We saved him from that life.

They force fed him hormones until he had conetits and he was depressed about shit and said the girl pills made him dumb while at same time verbally abusing him at work until he killed himself.

Not even joking.

just google 'turing worthless faggot'

He should have been executed, avoiding faggotry is easy.

Had to either go to prison or chemically castrated because he broke the UK anti-homosexual law of the day. Chose the hormones and ended up an heroing


>died of AIDS
>somehow conservatives are to blame

>break the law
>be surprised you get punished

basketball american tier

>Nigga literally killed himself with a cyanide pill
Are you retarded? What country are you from? Please tell me you're from Morocco or something so at least it would make sense being this stupid.

>lying on the internet
how dare you

He killed himself like 40 years before GRID was even a thing.

>having respect for a legal system that doesn't have respect for you
no thanks

>following laws just because they're there
Why should homosexuality be illegal?

Sad. Why didn't he move to another country where conservative extremists don't run rampant?

>Victorian-era morals
Brits are cunts and they have a tendency to be dishonest hypocrites that say one thing and do another, as shown by the Victorian era and their stupid as fuck moral laws and the fact that nobles are degenerates 99% of the time. Don't blame everyone with slightly right-leaning views for (((Anglo))) lies that took a genius away from us.

trap website

His security clearance was removed and since he wasn't allowed to discuss his work during the war to anyone, he probably didn't have many options in other countries. He was also denied entry to America after his conviction.

Why does everyone forget about the guy who invented electronic computing with 1000s of vacuum tubes?

Shannon > Turing

Yeah, I said it.


Please leave this forum, forever.

probably wasn't that intelligent since he got caught

I wish obese people were caught instead
stallman should die already


The true fags are the right wing idiots. Never let them decide about technology.

He didn’t do shit you fucking fags, name one thing this fag did that made my life easier

You fail to forget most of us tech knowledge comes from Nazi Germany, if you never got the personal from Nazi Germany America wouldn't be what it is today .

Shoo shoo wehraboo

Illiterate babbling


All he did was exploit the stupidity of assholes ending a message with hail hitler. Excellent example of morons destroying a war machine.

>you can avoid spooks when they're sleeping outside of your house and tracking you 24/7
dumb fuck. he wasn't some nobody retard doing internet haxxor he was a person who had people spying on him constantly

actually he took advantage of weather forecast words.

I'm pretty sure Code Breakers were already doing that without his help. What he did was design an early logic machine which dramatically reduced the decryption time by automating the process. Not quite what you'd call a computer and probably not as successful as sensationalist portrayals want you to believe, but his post-war contributions to the field are as important as the ubiquity of his name would suggest.

Yeah, mass censorship NOW!

>based it off an older Polish machine
>actually died long after the hormone treatment ended

He just ripped off Von Neumann and Church.


well he should have chosen a different job then. Not like anyone forced him to do that

According to who? You? I laugh. It would be a badge of honor to have opinions that are diametrically opposed to yours, seeing as how you possess the least desirable traits a human being could have.

>not a mediocre afterthought next to Chopin and Schumann

>US army
What did he mean by this

Because it's gay.

this is true

edgy reddit = pol

Honestly even as a conservative this shit makes me sad.
Life is precious, to do something like that to another human being is horrible.

he wasn't that great though. you're only exhalting him because it's the current year and he was a homosexual who happened to be into math.

the way i see it though, he was a mathematician who happened to be gay.

>Life is precious
No, but life of a genius is precious, even Stalin moved the Soviet geniuses like Shostakovitch to safe places during ww2

Someone murdered him, he didnt an hero'd.

Philosophy professor Jack Copeland has questioned various aspects of the coroner's historical verdict. He suggests an alternative explanation for the cause of Turing's death, this being the accidental inhalation of cyanide fumes from an apparatus for electroplating gold onto spoons, which uses potassium cyanide to dissolve the gold. Turing had such an apparatus set up in his tiny spare room. Copeland notes that the autopsy findings were more consistent with inhalation than with ingestion of the poison. Turing also habitually ate an apple before bed, and it was not unusual for it to be discarded half-eaten.[132] In addition, Turing had reportedly borne his legal setbacks and hormone treatment (which had been discontinued a year previously) "with good humour" and had shown no sign of despondency prior to his death, even setting down a list of tasks he intended to complete upon return to his office after the holiday weekend.[132] Turing's mother believed that the ingestion was accidental, resulting from her son's careless storage of laboratory chemicals.[133] Biographer Andrew Hodges suggests Turing arranged the delivery of the equipment to deliberately allow his mother plausible deniability regarding any suicide claims.

>most of their discoveries were in the US or USSR, ie not under NutSac
damn, almost like intelligent people can be found anywhere and fascism had no bearing on their ability

he was also a pedo.


Because it does not belong in a civilized society. They should be executed.

>op is a fag



>lefties suck
Wow. Did you come up with that all by yourself?

stop crying

wtf I love turing now

>These genius men never had an offspring.
Humanity is a failure. Their sperm should have been saved

To be truthful 87% countries are ultra backward countries where homosexuality may be accepted if you are among top 1% of the country otherwise you will be hunted down and ridiculed the rest of your sad pathetic life.
For example consider Arab, Pajeets, Chinese,Jap and even white ex SJW , tough guy image Russian etc etc.Do you think a Normal person can be gay here?

> thinking neoliberal and extreme left are the same thing

are you a boy under the age of 16 and a necrophiliac?

Two people that probably 98% of the population of the first world doesn't even know made so much of their shit work.

but hey, steve jobs invented the iphone.

>Mr. Turing please fap and deposit your sperm into the axe wound. We will reward you with endless supply of men.
Imagine how far we would be without stupid moral inhibitions back then.

Daily reminder that Turing was prosecuted under laws that feminists lobbied for. In fact he was prosecuted under the same legislation that raised the Age of Consent.

Around roasties, never relax.

>created the first modern day computer and programming language
>never recognized for his achievements because he was on the wrong side of the war effort

Confirmed faggot

Yeah it's pathetic that these days fat ass like Kim are known all around the globe and the guys with genius are often ridiculed and made fun of and are only considered cool if they have millions and billion of $.
Reality is that people who did stuff that nobody could ever do like mathematician and scientists remained poor their entire lives and often remained unmarried and without offsprings.
>I guess they were intelligent enough to realise that bringing a offspring into this sad pathetic world wasn't of any use.

>be abused as a kid
>becomes confused and socially awkward
>this allowed him to be autistic enough to study mathematics more than the rest of people
>downside is that he became a sodomite

So why is that a problem for you homo cunt?
It's not like he is sucking you cock or asking you to fuck him?

even the nazis didn't give that much of a shit about gays, as long as they kept their degeneracy under wraps

Enjoy an average lifespan half that of a normal human being faggot. :^)

The nazis threw plenty of gays into camps. They just ignored degeneracy of their high ranks so that the leadership wouldn't fall apart. For people who weren't in hitler's inner circle they got a free trip to a camp to help them concentrate on being straight.

Daily reminder that Christianity killed off some of the greatest geniuses in the West for the last 500 years and now Asians surpass our average IQ. Daily reminder paganism is the only answer. Daily reminder not to listen to altright kikes

>>never recognized for his achievements because he was on the wrong side of the war effort
>never recognized
He and his machines are mentioned in every computer architecture class and textbook worth its salt.

We even wrote a Z3 emulator for an assignment when i took the class a few years ago.

actually he was well liked in a school and very popular. don't buy into the genius has to equal social retard idea user.

Here comes a post of a pajeet

This was a good post until you brought paganism into it

Because it would be so much better if it was atheism.

yes, I'm not saying they were innocent in that regard, but I don't think they would have gone down the same road in handling Turing's homosexuality as the British government did.

Not even that, stuff like daoism or Buddhism would be fine, goddamn neopaganism is just the same shit but with LARP

I find it very possible that some asshole would have reported him to the gestapo as a 'security risk' for being a homo, and then he'd be shipped off. The nazis sent a lot of good people to camps, and also a lot of jews.

Buddhism is Indian, Paganism is European. We already have a dominant foreign religion the whole point is going back to a greater native spirituality not another foreign one

Degenerate cuck

Isn't paganism just a blanket term for non-Christian religions

Yeah somewhat but its suppose to be interpreted as alternative (true) religions Europeans practiced during the Christian invasion so while derogatory its still the only good label that encompasses all of europes old religions

In all seriousness, he died in 1954 just a few years before the software industry took off with the invention of Fortran and Lisp in the late 50s. One wonders what could have happened if Alan moved to the US and worked at MIT at project MAC in 63 (which was the precursor to John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky's AI lab in 1970). I think his homosexuality would have been tolerated in the US back then.

Turing wasn't gay. Love this gay revisionism of history though hilarious!