/mena/ middle east and north africa and "france"

What we muslims on Sup Forums should embrace is the stereotypes that Sup Forums has about us. Don't be apologetic, don't be pathetic with #notallmuslims campaign.

Embrace it. Yes we are terrorists. Yes we will terrorize you. Yes we will invade your land with refugees. InshaAllah Europe will be muslim in the near future.

Neckbeard neets can only complain on Sup Forums. The leftist media is on our side. Edgy 4channers only dare to spout their hatred here on the internet, for they are pussies in real life while we muslims, we prepare to die for our deen.

Remember, convert their families, marry their daughters, put hijab on them and make sharia the law of the land in the whole of Europe.

Takbir ya ikhwan. edition

Other urls found in this thread:


first for /balk/

Oh wow this is gonna be a great thread i can already tell



La illaha ila Allah

not if you're posting in it you autistic fuck

he's semi alright
for a socialist anyway


Ce que nous musulmans devrions embrasser sont les stéréotypes que Sup Forums a sur à propos de nous. Ne soyez pas apologétique, ne soyez pas pathétique avec des #notallmuslims campagnes.

Adoptez les. Oui nous sommes des terroristes, oui nous allons vous terroriser. Oui nous allons envahir vos pays avec des réfugiés, Insh'Allah l'europe sera musulmane dans un future proche.

Les babtous fragiles sont uniquement capable de se plaindre sur Sup Forums. Les médias gauchistes sont dans notre camp. Les 4channeur edgy osent seulement cracher leur haine ici, sur internet, car ils sont de véritables tafioles. Dans la vraie vie nous musulmans, sommes prêt à mourrir pour notre deen.

Rappelez vous. convertissez leurs familles, mariez leur filles, placez le hijab sur elles, et faîtes de la Shariah la loi sur toute l'europe.

Takbir ya ikhwan.


What is /mena/'s favourite pasta?

What we jews on Sup Forums should embrace is the stereotypes that Sup Forums has about us. Don't be apologetic, don't be pathetic with #notallisraelis campaign.

Embrace it. Yes we are zionists. Yes we will colonize you. Yes we will invade your land with settlements. B'ezrat HaShem the world will be jewish in the near future.

Neckbeard neets can only complain on Sup Forums. The media is on our side. Edgy 4channers only dare to spout their hatred here on the internet, for they are pussies in real life while we israelis, we prepare to die for our medinat.

Remember, convert their families, marry their daughters, put tichel on them and make halakha the law of the land in the whole of Olam.

Elohim Gadol achim

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t. Djézon Dupont

Are you the kill all gaza children Algerian guy ?
The quality of your posts are pretty much the same but i'm still asking

>Still butthurt over Pan-Arabism talk


he didnt join warsaw pact, takes some courage

Tito was the best of the commie dictators tbqh

What hell is this Nonsense?

i like his economic system
not soviet communism
a certain establishment staff own that establishment
much more fair and productive
well to socialism standards anyway

magic runes

Alien Runes

ar*bs's bane

wew congrats you managed to use your entire hebrew vocabulary

>i don't mind you riding my ass and defeat me but i won't shake your hand afterwards


wait I think he didnt want to fight and retreated

Shame to the judoka community t b h

Nosotros los musulmanes deberíamos abrazar los estereotipos que Sup Forums nos ha puesto. No pidáis perdón, no seáis patéticos con campañas de #notallmuslims.

Aceptadlo. Si somos terroristas. Si os aterrorizaremos. Si invadiremos vuestras tierras con refugiados. Inshallah Europa sera musulmana en un futuro próximo.

Los neets solo se pueden quejar en Sup Forums. Los medios izquierdistas estan de nuestro lado. Los 4chaneros edgys solo se atreven a vomitar su odio aqui, ya que son maricones flojos en la vida real mientras que los musulmanes nos preparamos para morir por nuestra causa.

Recordad, convertid a sus familias, casaos con sus hijas, ponedles un hijab y haced de la Sharia la ley de Europa.

Takbir ya ikhwan.

Allahu akbar.


wtf I support Saudi women now!!!

can't see any qts though (._. )

top lel

solid bantz

>tuck tail and run
even worst
those feet are ew
fucking egypt
can't imagine what she smells like with all those layers of clothes

That was really low of him desu

>can't see any qts though (._. )
Maybe not at this hour

Gracias Boabdil El-Ándalus


>no face tats

this language is a meme
fucking muslims

>qts with aviators
Now you've got my attention

found the vid lads

This language is a meme

Todo sea por la gloria de Allah.

what do you mean?

This language is a meme

Why mix this shit with politics ffs

Can you post the girl in the pic alone?

obvious Israeli cheating
nothing, carry on dumping your meme folder

This language is a meme

Here you go senpai, original is very low res

Holy shit, God sent MEMRI

I married a Muslim woman. Took her hijab off, she become pagan, had 5 kids with me, renounced Islam completely. Muslims woman will do anything for white dick because Muslim men are all closet homosexuals. The only time they have sex is when it's rape or man love Thursday, faggot.

ahhhhh this

got a link for that?

He didn't even bow
Wow, take the black belt away from him

treasure channel

Don't take the bait.


>mfw no minor muslim wife to slaughter kuffirs with

why even live.

>free will exists

Hey she added a nice melody to the nasheed at least desu

Just stuffing my white cock inside that Muslim poun. She begs for it every night in fact. Loves the taste of European semen. All her Muslim friends leave their housed dressed in Niqbas and hijabs and wind up at white boys houses. Lemme tell you how fast those rags come off just to get a taste of that white dick. The greatest things Muslims ever did was bring their woman to the west to become slaves for the white man, I thank you Akbed! Don't be mad bro.

Wonder what go the old one taken down, big surprise since it was pretty old too


please continue

the jews, oh wait

What is your opinion on western converts?

they're okay, but chinese ones are cheaper and look the same

i'm confused so i'll go with aliens

this one is gold


>tfw really want to get a paid account on MEMRI to get access to all those vids
>But don't want to help Jews spread propaganda

>assyrian aliens
I knew it
>wasting money for anything online
I bet you have a brazzers acc or sth

what are the chances that she tells daddy to fuck off and he lets her travel alone to italy with me and becomes my turkish qt gf?
she's 19 ffs

>what are the chances that she tells daddy to fuck off and he lets her travel alone to italy with me and becomes my turkish qt gf?
she probably doesnt even have the money

these would do it for free

am I being friendzoned?

>I bet you have a brazzers acc or sth
delet this

>I just feel so lonely like none cares
If you took the goggles off you'd notice, then again she lives in Turkey so it might be genuine but who knows

>cucked by geographical distance

sadly, no



look for sb in switerland, france, austria, germany or italy

I looked for swiss qts
it's all garbage
my best bet is beurettes in france, an almanci or an italian girl

what does that actually mean
then just try

this language is a meme

her bok-olog

her bok is like all shit and olog is ology as in the study of. The studier of all kinds of shit. just sounded funny.

>swiss girls don't deserve me, they all look like garbage, it's the only reason i'm on interpal lusting over turkish girls that i'll never meet

This Bilel is rude

it's not a looks thing faggot it's that they're white

Why are Muslims so retarded?

because خرية امة اخرجت للناس

is this a rhetorical question?

Don't stop now, I already have my dick in my hand

Why aren't you on the bandwagon for the Sahrawi Republic team yet?

Ew how dare they.
I understand you now.


>dating a white woman in 2016
you're gonna have a bad time

Do you think they are baiting or just bored?

really makes you think

the people that came up with the "facts" were probably just meming, but the one that made and print this flyer must be dead serious

haha trggerd
delet this xddd

same xdd
