Certain combinations of cp are illegal

>certain combinations of cp are illegal

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oh wait I meant 1's and 0's



Stop samefagging and using a proxy. We can tell by the post times and your first "i meany 0 and 1" is marked as a different IP reply. Your joke isn't funny and you are just an unfunny retard.

The only 0s and 1s you're getting from me is 0/10.

>Stop samefagging and using a proxy. We can tell by the post times and your first "i meany 0 and 1" is marked as a different IP reply
no it isn't

i'd imagine all combinations of cp are illegal



how do you get that? doesnt show up for me

Sup Forums-x.net/

It's even more absurd that that. You can have newer atoms, yet its STILL illegal just because the older atoms were arranged into a particular shape more recently.

What does "inside" even mean? You'd make a molecule if you were to combine them correctly.

Also, what constitutes the boundaries of "your atoms"?

Fusion, obviously.

atoms never touch, so technically...

That's not true, I've seen them touch. They're just really shy.

you just have to groom them first?

Don't ask me, I just made a screenshot of this genius post. :^)
It was posted on Sup Forums. I hope one day OP will answer to this with more explanation. :^)

cp command is very powerful, you can't expect to be very flexible with it


Normie fags and redditors love to poke fun at this argument but in truth CP laws are really the most blatant example of first amendment infringement available. The original justification is paltry at best but they know attacking this particular area to get their foot in the door for further laws results in no backlash.

If you defend CP laws you're probably a newfag and a retard.

>certain combunations of 1s and 0s are arousing

>shit like Daisy's Destruction should be legal
Please kill yourself you fucking pedoshit.

>Watching it is raping someone all over again!
>Directly going to one of the worst examples possible
>Actually knowing what that is

Please kill yourself fucking feminist loon

>fucking feminist loon

>Defending shit when you have no idea how it got started, the foundations of the idiocy and delusion or anything at all

I almost envy your stupidity. Must be joyous to go through life as a complete fuckwit

>watching it is raping all over again
No, but when people buy that sort of shit, it makes people like Peter Scully more likely to abuse and murder more children, because they know that they'll get paid for it
>going to one of the worst examples possible
It's a pretty good way of making my point
>knowing what that is
Where the fuck do you think we are?


Do you even have any idea how rare people paying for that shit is? I don't think you actually know much of anything about that which you speak.

Hardly justification for blatantly violating the first amendment.

>If I call it bait I always win!


Aren't all atoms all 13 billion years old though

Most of the people who produce that kind of content never get paid for it, they do it as a labor of love if you can say that.

I'm starting to suspect that you don't actually know jack shit about how pedo communities work. Go look around some of the big sites, there's terabytes of content freely available and people who upload new stuff don't ask for anything in return. Sharing is caring

And also, shit like the daisy films are a very extreme example. Real rape and torture are actually pretty rare. I agree that its a good example of the disgusting shit that should get purged from earth though, I agree with you on that.

Now fuck off

>atoms inside atoms
What did he mean by this

Certain combinations of genetics need to be illegal.