Goodbye Sup Forums I'm going out...

Goodbye Sup Forums I'm going out. I never leave my apartment since the coup and i believe something gonna happen and i'll die.

Love, your roach friend

Careful while crawling through the sewers roach-kun


Please show me your window right now.

tell us what's going on in turkey now before you leave at least

Nothing i dont know whats OP talking about. But everyone says that in 14th august a lot of things gonna happen it might be a meme too

>a lot of things
you mean for better or for worse?

fuck to the traitor gulen

see you in hell user

long live the restored pan-turcic tengrist islamic restored ottoman empire and sultan-khan erdogan

Nothing gonna happen
Mark my words f.a.m

Not OP but right now, all supporters of Feto, the guy who allegedly is behind the coup, are being arrested. Several of our family's acquaintances have been arrested, but nobody from our immediate friend or family circle since we aren't retarded enough to join religious insanity groups or accept any leader but Atatürk.

There were 'democracy watch' things where crowds would wait somewhere central in the city for days, these people are usually Erdoğan supporters and are paid to join these protests or whatever you would call them.

Other than that, life is as usual. Except my perspective on life is much more grim now, as a person who would die for his country, I cannot even stand the sight of my people anymore. So many of them are brainless idiots who are blindly following an islamist demagogue. All the values Atatürk has instilled are being threatened. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm hopeless.

I must add that I also hate Feto with all my heart, he's no better than Erdoğan and might even be more dangerous. My cousin who was supposed to become a warplane pilot got abused mentally and physically by Feto supporters and was essentially forced to leave the military, never able to fulfill his dreams.

It's a stick with shit on both ends. There is no winning.

is the reason for the coup known now

Well if it is indeed true that it was Feto who did this, it's because Feto and Erdoğan hate each other and Feto's group's presence in Turkey is being threatened. His followers were spread all around the country, from education institutions to major businesses, and even though Feto and Erdogan got along back in the days, they fell apart and things got nasty. The coup was the final attempt of Feto to take Erdogan down but that failed.

This is the most accepted and only theory that i know of anyway.

>Several of our family's acquaintances have been arrested, but nobody from our immediate friend or family circle since we aren't retarded enough to join religious insanity groups or accept any leader but Atatürk.

can relate

bu arada ibneler avrupa'da da ayni boku yapiyorlar hukumete karsi herhangi elestiri yapani ihbar edip tr'ye gidince havalimaninda tutuklanmasini sagliyan bir kisim orospu cocuklari mevcut. avrupa'dan okuyan varsa tedbirli olun amk, herkesi fetocu ilan ediyorlar artik

I know we haven't treated you right, and I know that things look bad for us at the moment. But you can still join. It's never too late.

deme ya. Senin başına geldi mi böyle bişey

Nah i'm good. Fuck feto and his backwards primitive ideology.

>on my way to work
>in middle of crowd three policemen
interrogating a guy
such is the life in the police caliphate

Even if something happens, the chances of it affecting your house or your life directly are close to 0 unless you are some kind of politician or military person.

So enjoy the sunshine and let idiots kill each other

eksiye don hocam

That's not true though. The country adopting more and more conservative values will fuck us over eventually.

Was it really Gulenists though? From that TV statement it sounded like they were Republicans/Nationalists/Ataturkists sick of Islamisation. I think Erdogan is just using the putsch to purge Gulen's followers.

It's about 2:35 in your country, are you fucking mad or what?

benim basima gelmedi ama tanidigi ihbar etmisler haber almistim tr'den dönmeden önce, picler artik kudurmus. hazir bekliyorlar resmen. her ortamda var. artik avrupa'da bile tr siyasetine karismiyorum. alin saddam hussein rejiminizi amk

That is what it sounded like. I mean the public TV announcement of the coup made me think it was Atatürk supporters /nationalists too but so far there has been no such other proof. I really hope it wasn't Atatürk supporters cause this coup really fucked Turkey up.

he was involved
but he instrumentalized a lot of other dissidents, namely kemalist/other angry elements present in the army

my guess is the upper ranks knew who they were answering to while the lower ranks mostly didn't (not talking about the conscripts who had 0 clue what was going on)

3:30 actually

This is a fucking English thread, diasporafag. I don't go to /tr/ and fill it with gibberish.

Fuck. Off.

maybe I don't want you to understand. I am not a diaspora btw