Tfw snorting aderall and chain-smoking while coding at 2 am

>tfw snorting aderall and chain-smoking while coding at 2 am

literally why

because I am addicted

Why aren't you jacking off

stop being addicted selfish cunt

Have you tried upgrading from socks to HRT?

>Smoking near your computer
absolutely degenerate

I bet you're a lard ass you who also pees in an empty coke bottle while only getting up off of your jizz encrusted razor chair to go to the fridge for tendies and hot pockets.

Sucks man, I used to be also. I have been thinking about going back on it for school but it used to make me so nervous. I'd be driving and constantly pulling over because I was convinced CIA or drug cartel was following me.

nah I lift and do steroids so I am hot as fuck (adonis lines)

that sounds a little more intense than being nervous

You know snorting it doesn't make it any stronger than just taking it regularly right? 20mg's is 20mg's whether it goes up your nose or down your throat.

>addicted to aderall

Quit your job and go to sleep faggot

Amphetamine psychosis. Im a pharmafag and I just so happen to have also been through this. You probably have very bad hygiene, never sleep, eat way less than you should and are depressed. Throw the shit away, deal with the awful withdraw for awhile. You'll thank me later. Seriously, the shit is poison and it ruins lives.

It doesn't make it stronger, but it takes effect quicker.
"Delivering a drug as quickly, and therefore as directly, to the brain as possible causes it to experience endorphin levels many hundreds, or even thousands, of times higher than it has evolved to produce or experience on its own.

Snorting it gets it there faster than eating it.

Smoking it even faster than snorting it.

Injecting it is on par with smoking in terms of quickness, but it's even more efficacious because nothing is wasted."

are you me?


find yourself a 12 step program or something. anything can be addicting, and it wont get better. you could be addicted to gambling or stealing or cumming on tile flooring. whatever it is, you can get help

t. me, who was addicted to weed and alcohol

>extreme programming, the later years

>pair codeining

what's wrong with addiction? if someone likes to do stuff just let them

>what's wrong with drug addiction?

welcome to Sup Forums, the biggest collection of fuckwits on this planet

But the clock says 5:13AM also
>renaming images with shitty but simple names
Kill yourself, should've just got a unix timestamp.

>Nice ad hominem faggot

But seriously, each person has the freedom to do whatever they want with their own life. But i agree, that person should at least admit to themselves the downsides of doing said drug, prior to actually doing it. If you just deny its bad all together, you are a fuckwit.

meanwhile addiction free people looking at bright vibrating screens for 12h+ daily, checking their phones every 5 mins and rationalize about how leaving facebook would ruin their social lives

who cares if one is a socially encouraged addiction? If people can support their lifestyle without harming others just let them bee themselves.

replace smoking with vaping and coding with footnoting a thesis (though i am using some bash-fu to help sort citations) and i am you

what will happen if i snort or smoke viagra?

like i said before, welcome to Sup Forums, the biggest collection of fuckwits on this planet

Oral bioavailability of adderall (and most ionic amphetamines) is shit like 60%, snorting it is much more efficient upwards of 75-80%
Rectal is a solid 99%, only beaten by IV injection but infinitely safer
Like you think amphetamine is safe from your stomach acid?

None of the 4 adderall salts vaporize at a reasonable temperature, and their flash point is dangerously close to that vaporization point, smoking adderall without freebasing the salt is retarded

>HRT makes you a better programmer
Silly tranny. Women aren't good at programming.

But let's say you did freebase it, you did get it to the right temperature, and you did smoke it, a huge amount of it (up to like 30% or even way more if you suck at drugs) goes up into the air or gets exhaled. The fact that it uses a massive amount of surface area (your lungs) to absorb quickly and efficiently into your bloodstream doesn't mean shit if you lose most of the vapors one way or another
Vaporizing drugs in general is just a wasteful junkie practice used to get "dat rush bruh"